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Long Branch Results Monday June 21 1948 1948WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK FAST SEVENTH DAY OF 10DAY MEETING MEETINGJUNE JUNE 14 TO JUNE 24 24UNPLACED UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FIRST RACE 5165258 Mile Purse 1350 Two yearolds Maidens Foaled in Canada Claiming Sabusan 114 Snyder 535 340 275 1 Robert Craig 117 Cowley 585 350 350Star Star Fair 114 Dougherty 310 310Time Time 101 Off at 306 J Eastern Daylight Time Winner Br f by Khorasan Sabula by Macaw Also ran Koo Shot Graydon Tina King Gordon Big and Breezy Marianne J S tEl Alamein Foxy Rythm Bedevil tHemyork tMutuel field fieldSECOND SECOND RACE 51663 34 Mile Purse 1350 Three yearolds and upward Claiming El Golfo 114 Drewery 1185 520 430 430Always Always Broke 107 Bailey 360 290 290Betsyhem Betsyhem 104 Kerr 690 690Time Time 114 Off at 336 Eastern Daylight Time TimeWinner Winner B g 4 by Maetall Thamna by Chicaro ChicaroAlso Also ran Berlove Baby Emalee Hemdoll tWild Bull Grand Flash Wannadoit tBIanca Rogerette tWheat Sheaf SheaftMutuel tMutuel field fieldDaily Daily Double on First and Second Races Paid S4185 THIRD RACE 51664 34 Mile Purse 1350 Three Threeirolds irolds and upward Claiming ClaimingSunday Sunday Knight 121 Kelly 655 475 410 410Bunty Bunty Gaiety 111 Dewhurst 760 580 580Loango Loango 113 Fisher 465 465Time Time 112 Off at 406 Eastern Daylight Time TimeWinner Winner Ch g 5 by Purple Knight Grace Bunting by Bunting BuntingAlso Also ran Danger Mark tRue Royal tRum Runner Single Bliss Vigoroso Bill C Sweep Lad tStand Fast Goldie Wonder WondertMutuel tMutuel field fieldFOURTH FOURTH RACE 5166534 Mile Purse 1400 Three yearolds and upward Claiming Snappy Verse 106 Bailey 1935 900 500 500Our Our Boss 120 Snyder 450 310 310dBold dBold Pat 117 Cowley 355 355Time Time 122 Off at 436J Eastern Daylight Time TimeWinner Winner Ch g 7 by Universe Miss Snappy by A M White WhiteAlso Also ran Port Mars Hemseth tFlak Cariad Van Du Midi tFace Off Pies Pat Cwac tMacPlin tMacPlindWon dWon but was disqualified and placed third thirdtMutuel tMutuel field For late results see tomorrows issue