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1 116 MILES Jeep June 24 1947 1435 115 Purse 53500 4yearolds and 6th Mth upward Allowances Starters for a claiming price of 510000 or less in 1948 Weight 122 Ibs Nonwinners since May 5 of three races allowed 3 Ibs two races 6 Ibs one race 9 Ibs Twenty Knots KnotsOwner i WarI fA Blk m 5 by Trace Call Thirty Knots by Man o War I Breeder S D Riddle H B Scolt 1948 14 3 2 1 54756 AshMay29487GS Owner W E Ferrell Trainer E Ash 1947 21 042 52742 52742M4 May29487GS 1ft145ft 26 105 105May22488GS M4 12 14 1U WillmsRS 700087StJock119 Chancegain 106 Adelphia 10 May22488GS 1ft147ft 20 1071 1071May1148GS 57131035 65 TurnerJ9 7500720keetee115 Colinova113 BoweryHall 10 May1148GS 1ft 146ft 32 114 114May 42 69 781 881 DelanyRi2 7500 75 RustleBroom 112 Archer 114 Cyper 12 May 1488GS 1ft146ft 9 115 115Apr26486GS 4143132 44 DelaneyR2 750080 Fst Frht120 Briarcliff115 Chncegain 8 Apr26486GS 34112ft 13 116 116Apr17487GS 651 651 6 1 632 WillsWBS 7000 80 Grd Acts 15 PiltesMiss109 CountDid 9 Apr17487GS 34 113ft 73 116 116Feb29485Mex 84 843 981 541 DelaneyRi 700075SoleParte117 PlaneShw112 TreeLd 12 Feb29485Mex 71 f 133ft 51 114 114Feb22486Mex 45 52132 221 RichrdsDa Alw SieteLegs117 Tgedienne114 RoseStm 8 Feb22486Mex 1ft 144ft 26 109 15 71 817 822 WilsnEES HcpS PluckyFg112 Trstion118 Tupinamba 8 May 21 GS 12 ft 50b 50bBahrameter April 28 GS 12 ft 50b Bahrameter 1 1 Br c 4 by Bahrain Flying Comet by Peter Pan BahrameterOwner 1 O Breeder Mrs George L Harrison 1948 6110 53425 53425A Owner Pentagon Stable Trainer F FJun10487Del A Bonsai 1947 22 2 3 3 57425 Jun10487Del 170144ft 95 115 115Jun 33 14 14 14 McAwD2 Alw86NighlCnl115 Travancore118 SBuckle 5 Jun 5485Del 1ft148sl 21e 114 114May15485Pim 21 57 7 726 MAnwD3 HcpO 47 Incline 122 Pilaster 119 TacaroBriar 9 94U May15485Pim 1ft 150hy 65eA109 65eA109May12487pim 4U 41 4 416 WahlerC3 Alw49 Pilaster121 GlenHather111 PeteeDee 6 May12487pim 1ft 146 ft 7 109 109May 2421 2h 2K WahlerC3 Alw 88 FlashBn121 NightCnt109 DpSeaTale 6 21116Apr21485HdG May 3488Pim 1ft152m 21116 4132423 491 KirkC2 10000 47 Laurania104 NhtCount116 MrPleat 7 Apr21485HdG 34 1121sft 18 117 117Nov29474Bow 52142 425 551 KirkCi 1500080 BPkGang 19 GlenHther114 PhoneMe 7 Nov29474Bow 1ft 147 ft 61 115 115Nov2Q47Bow 3 471 551 6io BreenJ3 Alw 76 Laurania114 HaroldHter113 Legndra 11 Nov2Q47Bow 1ft1475ft 21e 111 111Nov13474Pim 8 22 33 351 StrgeB3 Alw 80 Laran 115 Balu Mike 114 Pebalong 8 Nov13474Pim 1 18 156sgd SSeMIO SSeMIOOct31475pim 2 4iJ 431 471 CombstNS Alw 57 Pilaster 107 Pebalong 109 Laran 8 Oct31475pim 1ft 147sl 61e 110 110Oct21476Lrl 6 11 431 56 CombtNi Alw 75 HighTrend114 Pilaster114l GldenBull 9 Oct21476Lrl 34111ft 31 107 9 65 67 66J CombtNS Alw 81 Nathanl 119 Offlslder102 WithHnor 12 12June June 15 Del 38 si 36b June 9 Del 38 ft 3615b June 4 Del 38 m 37b Grepn vjreen uowier Bowlpr k i 1 1 j 3 B 9 4 by Danger Point La Conga fay Hilltown 510450Owner 8reeder Janles Norris 1948 12 4 2 2 510450 59625Jim1248Del Owner Grandview Stable Trainer E E Russell 1947 20 4 3 1 59625 Jim1248Del 118152ft 81 107 11 33 43 451 HsmanLi HcpO 76 Pilaster 119 Incline 124 Petrol Point 6 May29488Del 1ft146ft 61 122 4421 21 221 LaytnJRi 1000080 NightCotl 14 OldSchl 114 EverMge 7 May13487GS 1ft 147 sy 32 11754 53133 34 TurnerJ2 1000077 MrPleaU 13 BestEffortl 15 Chancegn 8 May 3485GS 1ft 147 sy 31 1073 39 33144 FurnerJi Alw 77 JupiterLight107 Bellwether115 Arctos 5 Apr21487GS 1ft 145ft 71 1193 3421 23 TurnerJ3 15000 86 End ofStrife121 Darlet118 JgleJgle 6 Apr 2485TrP 1ft 145ysft 21 A112 43 44 6i 631 CookWM c9500 79 AmernFlyrllO FreeasAir118 Oldlron 8 Mar17484TrP 1 ft 2001sft 95 A109 5 523 1h 12 CookWM 10000 74 RleBroom111 Townhse115 Compsion 8 Mar 8485Trp 1ft 146sy 33 112 24 2 ir 1h CookWM4 950079 Iownhse113 SantaClaus117 Medalist 6 June 21 Mlh 34 gd 115hg June 6 Del 12 gd 52b May 26 GS 34 gd 11715h 11715hComnnscion vumpubbiun Comnnscion 1 fiR Cn 4 bv Flying Scot Humane by Broadside 55850Owner UO Breeder Lucas B Combs 194814 2 1 1 55850 54750Jun16483Bel Owner C A ONeil Jr Trainer J J Swisher 1947 14 1 3 2 54750 Jun16483Bel 78126 ft 91 116 8421173109195 AtksonT6 750074 Okeetee113 SwtTaters114 ComePeak 13 May1348GS 1ft 147 sy 28 11268 72 B 692 MtensCS 1000071 MrPleat113 BestEfft115 GrnBowler 8 May 7486GS 1ft147sy 91 113 6235105 510 McCoyJs Alw 69 Romcer118 Crowflt105 MrMcGrgor 6 Apr2948GS 1 18 1525ft 17 106J 34 54 43159 PowleyD2 1200074 End ofStfe124 BrdGift119 Attendnt 6 Apr1648TrP 1ft 146 ft 16 108 1411 14 H2 McCoyJi Alw82Gaemel 109 RedPompon 113 Arilou 6 Apr1048TrP 1ft146ft 10 103 714 712 711 613 CookWM9 Alw 667rilou 118 Andantino 120 Hip Hooray 9 Uar17484TrP 1200sft 91 111 69 553 632 432 WatsonRS 10000 70 Grn Bowler 09 RleBrmlll Townhse 8 June 22 Mlh 38 gd 37b June 12 Bel trt 38 ft 39b June 2 GS 12 gd 50h 50hTownhouse Townhouse iuwmiuuse 113 Br 9 5J bv Sun Beau Floranada by The Porter 56125Owner J Breeder Christopher T Chenery 1948 15 2 1 3 56125 510125Jun10488Bel Owner C T Chenery Trainer J H Hayes 1947 25 3 2 5 510125 Jun10488Bel 1ft1465ft 9 114 414 21 34 WrtWD2 10000 79 Spicebush120 Leander116 Catana 8 May24488Bel 118153 ft 14 119 35 331 2 3 WrtWDio 750075 PicdyBellellO MtyMaster120 LkyHit 11 May 1487Jam 1ft 149 ft 81 120 751 891 91 912 LeBlancC 750059 PtyVley113 ShingDeed123 JarvisBay 10 Apr2648Jam 1ft1473sft 41 12 321 883 814 321 AtksonTS 850057 Jacopoly 114 Bimont115 Ringthebell 8 Apr1048TrP 1ft146ft 10 118 21 2h 321 441 StoutJ Alw 4 Arilcu 118 Andantino 120 Hip Hooray 9 Apr 2485TrP 1ft145ysft 9 119 14 2h 42 52 StoutJ3 1000081 AmernFlyrllO Free asA5r118 Oldlron 8 Mar2948TrP 1ft145ft 91 110 61 51 61 581 CafllaM HcpO 74 BalancdllS HrthMse113 Leavnwth 7 Mar17484TrP 1ft2005ft 81 115 441 41 522 322 RogersC4 10000 71 GrnBowler109 RleBrmlll Compsn 8 June 9 Bel trt 38 ft 37h June 5 Bel 1m ft 14325h June 4 Bel trt 38 ft 37h vaiuy Grov Wnrrior YYurriur Gr 9 b Halcyon War Party by Man o War 56900Owner Breeder J B Hwst 1948 13 1 4 1 56900 Owner Fertile Acres Farm Trainer 0 C Rasch 1947 17 52 1 513100 May29487Bel 513100May29487Bel 78125 ft 35 113 8811Q311012 912 RoIkE HcpC72Shivaree114 Heliotrope108 Prefect 10 May21487Bel 78124ft 18 112 1161114J1Q10 911 p0kE4 HcpC75 BlueBorder122 Skylighter113 Shivaree 12 May1248 GS 170 142ft 6 116 45 32132 21 PolkEi Alw 95 Britishlsles116 Bellwether118 Oberod 7 May 4485GS 1 139gd 6 112 43J 42 4U 1h polk 4 Alw 80 End ofStrife110 Rinaldo114 Anecdote 6 Apr28485GS 1139 ft 10 119 33 32132 221 Polk 2 Alw 80 Bellwether 116 Daralet114 Balanced 6 Apr24487GS 170142ft 7 112 57 54 521 42 PoIkE Alw 93 HighTrend 113 BroadGift112 Senoril 7 Apr20485GS 1V145V4ft 11 114 2h 11 2h 22 PolkE Alw 88 Arctos 105 KayGibson 111 RoyalLver 5 Apr15487GS 1A146gd 12 118 43 34134158 PolkES Alw77SctchSect109 EastLit109 EvengSty 9 Mar 848Trp 1V147sy 52 110 31 23 22 331 PoIkE Alw 71 Love Sonnet 111 Beauchef 113 Eb 5 Feb18483Hia 78 124ft 8 11454142121 2 CkWMi c1000087Sophocles126 Whose113 ShiningDeed 11 June 21 Mth 34 gd 120b June 19 Mth 58 sy 107b June 16 Mth 12 gd 49h