Randall Park Course Now Open for Training: Valenti Stable, Eleven Strong, Arrives From Washington Park, Daily Racing Form, 1948-06-26


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Randall Park Course Now Open for Training TrainingValenti Valenti Stable Eleven Strong Arrives From Washington Park ParkRANDAIi RANDAIi PARK North Randall Ohio June 25 Barely discernible the beginning of this week the crescendo of training ac ¬ tivities here and at Thistle Down is steadily increasing The racing strip at Randall Park was opened to training for the first time yesterday morning although horses were restrained to slow gallops Track superintendent Matt Nelson stated that the course is being worked steadily and the new topsoil placed on the strip should be settled by the latter part of this week after the moisture of recent rains is evaporated In the interim trainers desirous to test the speed of their charges in more stren ¬ uous morning trials are working their racers over the adjacent Thistle Down track trackSeveral Several shipments of thoroughbreds have arrived at Randall the last two days and add credence to the optimism of rac ¬ ing secretary L H Van Zandt who pre ¬ dicts the presence during this meeting of the best quality horses ever campaigned here hereThe The largest and most impressive arrival was the Valenti Stable trained by the New Orleans horseman Steve Valenti In this establishment are 11 capable racers headed by the handicap mare Mrs Valenti Also Included is the honest performer Joe Valenti and the promising twoyearolds Lilly Valenti Lena Valenti and Mella Valenti Mrs Valenti was a winner during the spring meetings at Sportsmans Park and also gave a good account of herself during the Lincoln FieldsatWashingtoxr Park session from whence point the stable was shipped here hereOf Of the several other horsemen bringing their charges from the Lincoln Fields meeting in Chicago and already stabled on the grounds are Felix P Aime with six head F J Marvin five Walter Gher four Tom Swigert four Bud Ray three C J Martin four R C Baker two George Baker three and Ralph Hughes four Trainer W L Young was also an arrival this morning from Toronto Ont with two horses horsesFrom From the opposite comer of the con ¬ tinent Down East comes word that An ¬ thony Graff agnini will ship here from Nar ragansett with his sevenhorse stable headed by the handicap performers Rip Away and Biltrite Trainer A J Tusa also contacted Van Zandt that he would arflte from that point the end of this week with 10 head owned by Felix J Rando as did H H Brown who will ship a carload C his publicowned thoroughbreds withia toe next few days

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948062601/drf1948062601_33_2
Local Identifier: drf1948062601_33_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800