Grimm Thinks Braves Can Win Pennant Three Straight Years: Revises Earlier Prediction Of Fifth Place Finish; Says Dittmer Is Main Difference, Daily Racing Form, 1953-06-12


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Grimm Thinks Braves Can Win Pennant Three Straight Years Revises Earlier Prediction Of Fifth Place Finish Says Dittmer Is Main Difference DifferenceBy By MILTON RICHMAN RICHMANUnited United Press Sports Writer WriterNEW NEW YORK N Y June 11 Charlie Grimm the man who picked his Milwaukee Braves to finish fifth this spring revised his prediction today not only for 1953 but for 1954 and 1955 as well wellI I guess I underestimated the club when I picked it to finish fifth this spring ad ¬ mitted the Milwaukee manager Now I feel we have a chance to go all the way although our chief ambition still is to fin ¬ ish in the first division divisionThe The thing I like about our ball club he added is that it is not one of those oneyear flashes you know what I mean a team thatll surprise the league one year and then fall way back and stay there thereWe We have a club that can win the pen ¬ nant for two three and maybe even four years Its a young club x x x A club that isnt even close to its peak yet yetIn In the midst of a fivegame winning streak the Braves not only are leading the National league but are playing better ball than any other team in the circuit circuitWeve Weve just caught fire smiled Grimm and were not crossing any bridges before we come to them The kids on the club are just trying to win one game at a time and they dont think about tomorrows ball game until after they play todays todaysYoungsters Youngsters Coming Through ThroughA A lot of people thought we had too much youth on the club to go anywhere this year but its the youngsters who are winning the ball games for us Theyll be even better as they get some experience under their belts Thats why I say theyll I give the rest of the league plenty to think I about the next four or five years i Grimm said every player on the club has been doing so wel that he was reluctant to single any one out as the key man manBut But if I was pinned down he declared Id have to name our second baseman Jack Dittmer as the fellow who has made the big difference Everyone knew he could field well enough to stay in the big leagues but they doubted he would hit enough Hes already showed them that he can canDittmers Dittmers midway partner shortstop Johnny Logan has been another important cog in the Braves spectacular climb to the top topLike Like Dittmer Logan once was regarded as a strictly goodfield nohit proposi ¬ tion but his consistent hitting is winning over his severest critics critics9s 9s soon as Grimm succeeded Tommy Holmes as manager of the Braves last sum ¬ mer he recalled Logan from the American Association AssociationI I reported to the Braves in St Louis Logan recalls and when I saw Charlie in the hotel lobby he said to me I want you to go up and get some rest We have a night game with the Cardinals tonight and youre going to be my shortstop Dont you worry about a thing now son Im going to give you every chance in the world to make good Grimm kept his word even when Logan went through a dismal stretch of 25 times at bat without a hit and 111 never forget him for it Grimm has faith in all his boys And it looks like that faith will keep paying off for several years

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