United Press News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1957-05-06


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UNITED PRESS NEWS BRIEFS NATIONAL Production at Chrysler Virtually Halted HaltedDETROIT DETROIT Mich May 4 Production at Chrysler Corp was virtually halted yester ¬ day by a twoday walkout of interplant truck drivers The wildcat strike if contin ¬ ued could idle 130000 hourly employees here in Los Angeles Evansville and New ¬ ark Chrysler said More than 40000 em ¬ ployees were idled by the dispute which began over transfer of some stamping op ¬ erations to the new Chrysler plant in Twinsburg Ohio The walkout was touched off after two truck drivers refused to move equipment between two Detroit plants Thursday and both were fired firedDemo Demo Advisory Committee on Firm Ground WASHINGTON D C May 4 The Democratic Advisory Committee appeared firmly established today as a voice of the Democratic Party Alter surviving the re ¬ buff of Democratic congressional leaders who refused to accept membership on it last winter it survived another challenge yesterday from Southern members of the Democratic National Committee CommitteeMoscow Moscow May Reveal High Command Status WASHINGTON D C May 4 Ameri ¬ can officials said today Moscow may reveal next week whether the Soviet Unions high command is undergoing an important shakeup The Supreme Soviet Parliament Tuesday will meet to consider Russias economic problems and other affairs of state stateHOPKINS HOPKINS Dies of Cancer at 63 WASHINGTON D C May 4 John Jay Hopkins builder of the worlds first atomic submarine died yesterday of cancer at the age of 63 Hopkins an outspoken advocate of applying nuclear energy to peaceful uses throughout the world became critically ill at his home here last Friday and entered Georgetown Hospital Saturday SaturdayRayburn Rayburn EverybodyWASHINGTON Predicts Tax Cuts for Everybody WASHINGTON D C May 4 Speaker Sam Rayburn told Democratic leaders to ¬ day that Congress will trim the budget enough to give a tax cut to help every ¬ body The Texan spoke at a breakfast honoring Democratic governors and con ¬ gressional leaders attending a threeday series of party conferences here Rayburn drew applause when he said President Eisenhowers budget of almost 72 billion dollars can be cut by three to five billion without hurting the country FOREIGN FOREIGNWestern Western Allies Protest Demonstration DemonstrationBERLIN BERLIN Germany May 4 The three Western Allies issued a joint statement yesterday protesting the military demon ¬ stration of East Germanys armed forces during Wednesdays May Day parade in East Berlin The Communists paraded units of their 120000man army in defi ¬ ance of agreements among the four powers occupying Berlin BerlinCommunist Communist China Stations 960 Planes PlanesTAIPEI TAIPEI Formosa May 4 A National ¬ ist Chinese military spokesman said today that Communist China has some 960 t planes stationed along its first line on the mainland coast He also reported the Red Chinese Air Force has Sovietmade allweather jet fighters which can operate at night nightNorstad Norstad May Pare Military Demand DemandBONN BONN Germany May 4 The North Atlantic Alliances Supreme Commander Gen Lauris Norstad may pare his demand for a minimum of 30 divisions ready to de ¬ fend Western Europe a highly authorita ¬ tive source said today The source said Norstads estimate that 30 divisions are an absolute necessity is not irrevocable irrevocableBelieve Believe King Saud Uncovered Assassins AssassinsBEIRUT BEIRUT Lebanon May 4 Informed sources and some diplomats here expressed full belief today in accuracy of Lebanese press reports that King Saud of Arabia had uncovered underground assassin gangs op ¬ erating under Egyptian control in his countryCourts country Courts to Try Recalcitrant Cases CasesAMMAN AMMAN Jordan May 4 Military courts are expected to takeup next week the cases against recalcitrant elements mainly Communists and fellow travelers accused of causing Jordans recent crisis a government spokesman indicated today The number to be tried is secret but is not expected to exceed 100 100Rough Rough Up American Newsman NewsmanDAMASCUS DAMASCUS Syria May 4 Angry crowds today roughed up an American newsman trying to record their shouts against the Eisenhower Doctrine A youth tried to grab a taperecorder away from Welles Hangen of NBC

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1957050601/drf1957050601_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1957050601_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800