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ELKTON ELTON ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp44422Pearl 44422Pearl Song 7 123 545 46562 War Song 6 120 550 55046172Edna 46172Edna Bennett 4 118 557 4551 Graceful 5 118 540 4620 Tattlesome Tattles 5 116 530 4388 Strathmac Stratum 3 107 548 4599 Checkers 3 104 554 55445992Qalloper 45992Qalloper 3 104 560 4620 May Behman Bemoan 3 102 540 5404497LaGitana 4497LaGitana 3 102 530 530Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4537 Mirage II 6 115 525 4447 Joe Hayman Hyman 4 112 528 4406 Blue Banner 10 112 530 4226 Leporello Explore 6 112 534 5344406King 4406King Hero 4 112 540 4620 Spirit Level 4 112 525 52545553Arundel 45553Arundel 7 112 535 53542643Scoggan 42643Scoggan 5 112 533 4620 Bettie Betties Hill 6 110 525 52546203Isolde I 46203Isolde 3 110 537 537Third Third Race G 13 Furlongs 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4635 Corn Cob 6 123 56C 4534 Candelabra 9 123 563 4639 Full Speed 4 123 56C 56C46212Jewsharp 46212Jewsharp 6 120 555 I 4601 Earn 5 115 562 4635 Cashier II 5 115 565 5654461Finnwater 4461Finnwater 6 113 57C 4635 Little Moss 4 104 54C 4636 Renaud Read 5 100 54C 4499 Dr Jim 4 96 55J 55JFourth Fourth Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4519 Mario Marino 5 113 4514 Laurelton Laurel 5 110 4555Humming Bird 6 110 4639 Dr Jones 7 110 4601 Vent 6 110 4618 Claurece Clarence 6 108 46162Beau Brummel Brume 4 106 45683Prince Potomac 4106 4498Kassala 4 104 46343Cuba 4 104 Fifth Race 4 13 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4654 Harry Bennett 5 122 4013Flaxie B7 6 113 4634Dorian 4 Ill 4636 Merritt Merit 3 109 3741 Forest 7 108 4267 Bona Verax Vera 6 106 4634 Mascot 9 100 4212 Dot 7 98 4554 Belmont 4 96 4408 Jingle Bells 3 92 Sixth Race 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4618 Le Grande 10 109 4482 Rob Roy 9 109 3634 Windgale Ingle 6 107 4617Gracie 4 107 4424 Equity 6 107 4602 Maud Adams 4 107 46213Belle of Killarney Killer 4 107 45702Lida Woodlands y 5 107 44963Govinda 4 107 4618 Gold Spec r 6 107