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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 1 18 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 7221 Jack of Hearts 4 117 610 7281 The Parrot Mouthed 4 117 615 7305 Gomez 4 117 605 7190 Rowland Duete Duet 4 117 600 7085 Schedule 4 117 590 6738 Koscio Osco 5 119 585 7060 Fasig Fasting 5 116 625 7218 King Elkwood Elmwood 5 116 650 7190 CCRumrill Cacuminal 5 116 610 7060 Jack Bradley 7060 Practitioner Second Race 34 Mile MileSelling Misspelling 3yearolds Selling 6945 White Leaf 107 6848 Gracia Gracie Qui Vive 107 6940 Ennomia Encomia 107 7242 DoraG DraG 107 6112 Lucky Star II 107 6995 Lady Chance 107 6995 Myrtie Myrtle 107 6848 Sister Josephiue Josephine 107 6995 Bertha Utiger Tiger 107 7242 Attainment 107 7030 Chiffon 107 6965 Solution 107 6412 Princess Beatrice 107 6848 Coreel Creel 107 6910 Flora G 107 7061 Allie Sallie B 107 Third Race 6 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 7278 Cochina Cochin 5 108 6998 Briarwood 4 106 7173 Swifty Swiftly 6 103 7030 Clara Bauer 7 103 7241 JollySon Jolly 4 103 Hazel Harlan Hartland 4 101 7047 RayB Ray 4 101 7211 Harrie Harriet Floyd 4 101 72423Prompto 3 101 7245 Scott Newman 3 94 972 Almante Palmate 3 94 7280 AlbertC Albert 3 99 7221 RebelJack Rebel 3 97 7242 Reefer 3 92 Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling 7243 Loving Cup 117 7244Mystery 112 7217Lady of the West 105 72812King Oscar 103 7217 UpsandDowns Pushdowns 103 7245 Benvidero Envier 103 70202Skink 103 7242 Moch Mooch 103 7217 R B Sack 100 7220 Glenower Gender 100 72442Bequeath 102 7220 Laverna Laver 98 72173Miss Lizzie Tizzies 98 7221 Empress Josephine 98 98Fifth Fifth Race 6 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 7241 King Gold 6 108 7281 High Test 7 107 72433 Carf Scarf Galop Gallop 4 105 7280 Count Fonso Fonts 4 103 7221 Amber Glints 5 103 7220 Lady Callahan 4 103 72412Minnie Weldon 5 103 7245Verify 3 98 72452Fourth Ward 3 94 7047 Frank Wagner 3 9t Sixth Race 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt WtMaud Maud Mead 103 6885 Ulm Lm 102 6900 BortDavis Ordains 102 6846 Henry Wolfer Wolfe 102 7102 Red Pirate 102 Sam Lazarus ch c by Glenelg Genteel Tecalote Escalate 102 My Last Hope ch f by Sun SunDial Dial Sister to Speedwestl01 7174 Iris 72402Qur Nellie 6651 Sydney Fox 7195 Eugenia S 7276 W CDay Day 7240 Four Leaf C