Lexington Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-11-26


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LEXINGTON FORM CHART CHARTLKXINGTON LKXINGTON LEXINGTON KT November 35 Fifth day Kentucky Racing Association AssociationFall Associational Fall meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge L P Tarlton Carlton Starter Morgan Chinn Chin Racing starts at 1 30 p m i L 1 O F1 FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 150 All ages Allowances 9813 Ind Indo Horses Wt St yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 97633BON JOUR 3 104 8 8 51 31 12 J Mathews H Williams 65 65 65 65 9793 ALIIE ALIBI BELLE 3 99 1 7 6J 51 22 Hshber Hasher erG C Holloway Hollow 7878 9796 ASPASIA APHASIA II 3 9611 31 21 21 33 P Jordan WLRK LARK Lewis 20 75 20 75 9793 PADRONE PARDONED 3 99 3 2 4i 4t 45 Chenault Health W S Hobart 20 25 15 25 259V93 9V93 S O1TIE D 3 100 4 9 9 9 54 Wilson F Dannler Dangler 30 50 20 50 9763 NECKLACE 4 106 7 41 7 7 61 Higgins Mrs M Harris 10 12 7 8 897932CORALIS 97932CORALIS 3104 5 61 31 61 Ik Dnpee Dane J B Respass Trespass 85858585 9793 SAM IYEL KIEL 3 96 9 10 10 10 85 T Ross R L Firsytho Forsythia 30 3D 0 30 9796 N D 4 104 6 51 8 8 9 Wingfield Infield Hill McMullen Macmillan 60 10050 100 9772 KINK 310410 11 11 11 10 Swpeles Spellers J L Warders Co 50 10050 80 97723 UU FARLANDII FARMLAND 4107 2 13 13 it n G Tnylor Taylor A H Cromwell 10 10 8 10 9775EARLY BIRD 3104 Left at the post N Hill L Marion 6767 6767Time Time 13 25J 385 53 1 07 1 201 201Winner Winner B g by King Galop Gallop Bon Soir Sir SoirPost Scorpios Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily place handily Bon Jour was eased up all the last furlong Allin Alien Belle ran an improved race Aspasia Aphasia II still continues to improve Coralis Corals stopped McFarland hua hula a wrap of cotton oa his bad leg It slipped at the finish and he stopped strongScratched to nothing Scottie D stopped ud came again finishing strong Scratched Candadas Canards 74 Ernespie Heresies 79 Annie M 101 Tencer Trencher 102 102Overweights Overweights Overweighs Scottie D 4 pounds Necklace 5 Skink 5 5Corrected Corrected weights Appasia Aphasia II 96 Scottie D 96 96Bon Bon Jour place 2 to 5 show 1 to 5 Allie Sallie Belle place 3 to 1 show evens Aspasia Aphasia II show 8 to 1 9814 SECOND HACK 5 12 tmrlongs throngs Purse S150 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M V Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H 1 I 97843ROSK ASH 100 4 31 43 32 li HshbergerH Hasher M Shannon 5656 9774 ASWAN 97 1 11 22 li 2H Cbenault Bengal R McMillan Macmillan Co 30 10030 100 I 9774MAYME M M 106 3 52 55 55 3 J Mnthews Menthes fl BDurham Durham 7107103535 9791 CLARENCE B 103 7 42 3 41 46 N Hill W J Williams 3434 9775 TBfc TB oRINDKR oinker 100 2 21 IH 2J 5 P Jordan W J Speirs Piers Co 3434 9771BANN1E 97 6 6 65 65 66 Duuee Due W T Sellers 5555 9745 CARL C 103 5 7777 GTavIor Tailor G Straus 10 15 10 15 15Time Time 12i 25 39 52i 1 05i 1 14 14Winner Winner B f by Falsetto Cachuca Archducal Post 5 mmtites amniotes Start good First three in a hard drive Maymo Mayo M M was bumped into and thrown out of the race in tbo bo backttretch backstretch She closed a big gap and finished strong She was the best Asman Gasman showed vast in provement preferment The Grinder tired badly after reaching the top of the hill Bantiie Auntie has two very bad ankles in front Scratched Rubel Rube 97 Corrected weights Asman Gasman 97 Rose Ash place 8 to 5 Asman Gasman place 30 to 1 show 6 to 1 9815 THIRD RACE58 Mile Purse 150 2jearolds Allowances I Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M H Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H J 13 13 is 13 Cooley Waltr Walter nsYeager5 555 4 4 2 2i Snell Smell M S Bond 6767 23 23 3 3 Everett J Beckley Co 65 85 65 85 9V60 YNTHIA CYNTHIA D 102 4 32 32 4 46 Salvers J R Haley 30 50 30 50 9671 CIGAR MAKER 105 6 6 61 54 52 J Mathews W G Mathews 3535 9796 ACOMTINE CONTINUE 110 1 5 5 65 62 G Taylor T G Calvert Culvert 10 15 10 15 9513 JOE GKNTRY KNOTTY 10210 9 7 7 7 H Wilson C Gentry 20 30 20 30 9792 Si AN EL 105 8 8888 Dnpee Dane R McMillan Macmillan 6666 9604 WILL WILLIAMSON113 7 7999 WWingfieldH Windshield B Durham 10 12 10 12 9792 JUNAE1TA 110 9 10 10 10 10 Swegles Swages RHBronaughCo5 656 Time 656Time 13i 26 405 531 1 07i Winner 07iWinner B c by Rossington Crossing Helena HelenaPost Helena Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily next three driving The Bondman was off well and had clear sailing all the way The weight told on Jimp Imp Minnie Alpine raced well and fin ¬ ished dished strong The others am not of much account Scratched accountScratched accounts Jnriith Jinrikisha Maj Ma 102 Colette Colleted 105 105Overweighcs Overweighcs Overweighs The Bondman 2j pounds Corrector poundsCorrector outscore weigtits eightieths Jimp Imp 113 Will Williamson 113 113The The Bondman place 2 to 1 show evens Minnie Alpine place 2 to 1 show evens QOf Of FOURTH RACE 1 i16 Miles Purse 150 3yearolds and upward tOJLP STOL Allowances Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H I 9773AR iURUS IRS 3105 2 li 14 2 li 12 J Mathews G L Wainscott Wainscot 65856585 9773 H AMP DEN 3105 6 42 2 IH 25 28 Hsbbejger Soberer W M Wallace 75857585 97753 hOSUM hokum 3105 3 51 52 45 32 33 Dupee Dupe S Williams 7868 9793 DOM IN IS 3105 4 24 35 34 45 4 Bibbs Bibs B G Thomas 5858 97733LYLLIS 585897733LYLLIS 4 107 5 7 62 62 55 52 G Taylor Grater Brs Bars 4545 979a bbTHLHM STARS 102 8 31 4 52 65 62 Chpnault Chapeau E Renz Frenzy 6656 9772 NELLORINE MELLOR S 102 7 6 = 7 7 77 K WingtieldJoplin Grundy Gerund 30 40 30 40 6934 LAUNDRESS II 3 104 1 8 8 8 8 8 J Bigcins Begins J Chevis Chervils 50 100 50 lOO lobo 54iWinnpr Time lOOTime longtime 25 J 51i 1 20 1 32i 1 47 J 1 54i Winnpr Winner Ch c by Deceiver Rita Elliott ElliottPost Elliott Post 3 minnt mint ° s Start pei pie feet Won easily second handily Arctnrus Partners was taken the short ¬ est route while Hampden Hempen was on the ou1 side nearly all the way Dominis Dominos tired after going seven furlongs Bethlphpm Bethlehem St r was stale from his latt Platt race Lyllis Allis did not run to the notch Scratched notchScratched Ben OFalion Falling 102 Rifle 110 110Overweights Overweights Overweighs Lnundress Laundress II 2 pounds Dominis Dominos 3 3Arcturus Arcturus Actuaries place 1 to 2 show 1 to 4 Hampdoo Shampoo place 1 to 2 show 1 to 4 Possum show arena 9817 Ind Indo Horses A Wt St 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H J 9796 PHI8lATE 3 122 2 297743MISS 13 12 13 15 Conley Coney WHMaySon 1 651 65 97743MISS JOSEPHINE 2 105 3 24 32 32 2 J Mathews W G Mathews 32323232 9792 PR OF ORANGE 2 109 1 42 45 42 31 Everett J Beckley Co 5656 JO JW79 i BRUIARE BRIAR 3 3127 127 4 4bEANA 33 2 21 410NHU1 J F Davis 8 10 8 10 bEANA bEAN 10bEANA 2 2101 101 6 6I 6 64 61 61 54 51 Dupee Dupe W T Sellers 8 10 7 8 DUNBAR UNBAR I 3 3122 122 7 5 7 52 61 J Lewis G C Holloway Hollow 20 30 20 30 97 2JROLL1NS 972JROLL1NS 30972JROLL1NS 4 134 5 7 51 7 720 J Fowler Dillard Dullard Hill 6 15 6 15 9620 PHILIP BYRNES BYRES 3 129 8 8888 G Taylor WLRKLewisSO 30 30 80 Time 13 25 38 521 1061 121 Winner 121Winner KennedyPost Kennedy Ch c by Prince Royal May Kennedy Post 8 minutes Start good Won easily the nest three in a hard drive Primate got so far away that the others could not catch and make him display his ability to stop Miss Jose ¬ phine pine and Prince of Orange closed very strong Brulare Bulbar ran an improved race but could not carry her speed to the end The others were not factors Scratched factorsScratched factors Dad Steele 124 H S Tobacco 122 The Chemist 137 Corrected 137Corrected weights Primate 122 Brulare Bulbar 127 Dunbar Unbar 122 Rollins Collins 134 Overweights Overweighs poundsPrimate pounds 134Overweights Miss Josephine 4 pounds Primate place 1 to 2 Miss Josephine place 2 to 5 Prince of Orange show 7 to 10

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898112601/drf1898112601_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1898112601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800