Hamilton Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1914-06-25


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, 1 , 1 . ! 1 . I HAMILTON ENTRIES. o — — . o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I I entries below show th« best time of each horse I j at. the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter I I where it finished. In cases where record was I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- I I viations show track conditions. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Lacing starts at 2:13 p. m. Chicago time. 1:13. Bans well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. *Apprentico allowance. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 2-year olds. Allowances. Track record: 3308 50 -. -2 — 100. Ind. Horse. Wl. Dec. A.Wt.IIan. I4i;.:i- lai Cramp 118 i:oo .:, in; 72"i 14471 Cryatal 115 1:01ft 113. .720 14900 Ethan Allen Ill 1 :OH-. 113.. 720 ISB41* Ida Claire 112 1:112 108X713 14591 Tokay 110 1:02% ins. .713 I41M Sam McMeekln ...118 1:02% 111.. 710 14900 Bedhmd Mi 105 1:02% loo. .71 llsll Cello 1111:112/, Ins. .703 Shrovetide, b. e. by Stanhope II. —Scotch Mist .. 90 P.alko. eh. g. by T r a n s v aal — Foundling lo.i Okemiis. b. c, by It n t t ordain — Alice Mantell .. 101 Second Race — 1 1-16 Miles, "years old and upward. Canadian Foaled. Selling. Cf rack record: S3 113 1:45% I 104. 14002 Boekspring Kis l : is 5108X725 14::24- Crystlawoga Bl:lrt 4 110x729 IPisiii Diamond Cluster .. :: 101 71B 14050 Onilramida 120 1:31"-, 4 103X695 14171 »ld Koliable 3 100X099 1 MM Lpona Oh C. lOl . Csn Third Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances Track record: 90375 1:11 0 113. 14835 Great Britain 110 1:1141 1 107. .740 14984 Pan Zareta Ho 1:10--. 1 Km; • 7:;r. iiissii Southern Miid ...lis 1 : 1 1 - :; 90x735 HI703 Nightstick Hi3 1:1l 1104X739 15014 Marjorie A Hmi1:12 0 107 730 13011 Carlton G 100 1:12% 7 10825 14430 Klebiirne 108 1:12% 4 107x720 14030 I Steppa 111 1:13% 4 107x713 Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year obis and upward. Selling. Track record: PP7S 1 :ii.3 ,— 0 -107. iiv:7" Lille Brigade 07 1:07% I 108X725 14840 Yrceland 107 1:07% 7 112X720 14759 Toy Boy 100 1:05 10 112.. 715 14409 Miss Cayle 103 1:05% ■• 99X715 llslL Sim Om.u 108 1:08% 5 105X715 15013 Bight easy 120 110 s Ilnx71 15043 Joe Knight 112 l:ur.;- 5 112 710 Ills:, Birdie Williams ..103 1:003 :: 90X7O5 IP.isi Mordeeai ln.3 1:08% :: 101X705 14985 Captain Elliott ...1071:1171-. 1100X700 I pis.-. Liberty Hall 121 1:08% 4 100X700 I 1810 Pal Cannon | |ih; , r.pii AI 0 eliiribl" to st:ivt in order named should any of abov, be scratched: 14840 Anavri 1IOl:il71-. 7 112X715 14983 Kayilen se.os 991:00 I HI Tl" Fifth Rice— 1 1-4 Miles. Hamilton Derby. Value S4.ooo. .". v .mi ..ids. Allowances. Track record: 4.!!3 2:H :: 110. 1 149001 LUKE MeLUKE. . .Inn 2:02 . 125. .750 148151 David Craig 121 2 ox i:, 7b. 14983 Waterbass 124 2:09% 122X73." I I v 1 .-, Black Broom 119 2tl0 111x713 LI. W. Bcborr entry. Sixth Race — 5 1-2 Furlong-*. 3-year-olds aad upward Selling. Track record: .i.iTs 1:05% I 107. 1 HM1 -" Mama Johnson DO 148% I 184X715 15011 Harebell |o2 I :is ■, 94X710 » lllln Husky Lad 91 1:08 0 112X710 i 14793 Vesl.,1 Rights .. in- 1 or, ■ . 4 186 f05 13870 Balpli I.lovil :i7 1:98% 4 1«!X7o5| • 14783 Hill Stream 184 1:87 :: 18X7851 i I , Ind. Horaa. wr. Bee. AuWt.fUn. 14s|S King Stalwart ....100 1:07% 4 lll©700 11092 Kamchatka 104 1:08% illi ISemlel. ch. e, by ln I — Bremen :: 88. .000 1282S Tiktok 112 1:08% 3 00X085 8231 Galar 3 88. .880 14784* Gen. Ben Ladl MU4 1:14% 4 103..0S0 Also eligible to start in order named should any ol above In scratched: 113:;.-,- Lofty Hevwood 118 148% 7 112X723 Yin Lit. ih. h, by Chuctanunda — Molly Brant o no Seventh Race — 1 Mile on Turf. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Trail; record: .i7M2 -1:38% I 100. # 11711 Irish Gentleman... 0 119x715 15013 The Ramp 181 1:13. h 5 118X720 1 1738 El oro , ipi 7~i UMHl* Sipie.br :• 08.. 715 14817* Ben tno.is 0 111x715 1 lir. i« Tovvlon ii. Id i; in 713 1 IfiSl Colquitt 1 113. .710 14350* Sepnlveda 7 111 .710 14830 Runway ! 108. .700 14771" Netmaker ■! 102. 095 14784* King McDowell .T 90. .690 .•732:: Star Emblem P 11" 800 Also eligible to start in order named should anv of above be scratched: 14X17 Roy 5 1180715 14838** Lily Paxtan o 189 T 3

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914062501/drf1914062501_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1914062501_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800