Sixth Race [6th New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1915-01-16

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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards 4yearolds and upward Selling issi 1 40 r 110 TOM HANCOCK b g 4 101 By Pink Coat Lady Godiva W V Casey 18937 NOrlns Im20y l13good 113 1031 4 1 41 E Pool 8 HighCIass Northerner FordMai 18914 NOrlns Im20y l41fast 6 101 5 4 3 = 2 AV Lilley I II Hutchison FordMai IVtHus 18879 NOtTns Im20y l46mud 21 1031 4 1 2l 21 E Pool 8 I legate Consider Cassowary ISS29 Charlen 1 145 good A 334 ° 44J F Robinsn I Kmndv MiltonB Benediclina IS812 Charlen 1 116 152 slow 21 301 301IfSOl 9 5 43 4S J Smyth 10 Mr Mack C McFerran KIBiod IfSOl Charlen Im20y l47hvy 3 107 107ELECTRIC 7 7 55 2nk J Dreyer S LidaFarl YorkLad Font FontBy ELECTRIC b m 6 107 By Martinet Perdition AV M Mikel 1891 1 NOMns 1m20y l4lfast 5 10S 10S18S66 6 5 r = 3 E McGwn ti HIIchison THnniMick F Mai 18S66 NOrlns Im70y 143 fast 10 HS 2 3 7 6 2 B McGwn ft Myceuie Broom edge OM Jee 17621 Helena ImOy 145 fast 104 104175S1 1 1 2 = 1 21 R Booker Barsac GMchinont FtSuinter 175S1 Helena 1 1S 1521 fast 109 3 1 2ii M Mthews 7 Ft Snmter Tony Kocli Barsac 17464 Helena Im70y l43slov 6 107 1 2 2s 11 M Mthews 4 Ft Snmter Kelsta LitMchmnt 17339 DLodge 78 129 fast 7 106 5 5 41 2 D AVeber 7 Lew Hill AVild Bear FItzgerad 1730 DLodge 6 f l23good 7 110 1 i D Weber 7 Ssllill Fitzgerald Transparent 17118 DLodge Im20yl45 fast 3J 112 112170IS i o 6 33i R Squires fi Kelsetta Ft Snmter Lew Hill 170IS DLodge lni20yl44V5fast 3 106 10616S97 2 2 22 M Mthews Lew Hil Kelsetta Transnarent 16S97 DLodge Im20yl14fast 65 113 3 3 34 3 1 G AVillis 4 Kelsetta JJfchmt FtSumtr 16604 Anacda 1 l42fast 3 110 110SURPASSING 1 1 11 11 D Bauer r Kelsetta FtSumter SamConnor SURPASSING b c 4 109 By SamConnorBy Ul timus Dancing Water fj C Hansen 18945 NOrlns ImlOy l47islow 6 109 109188S7 1 1 1 = 3l E Ambrose 8 Garneail Mycenae Frog 188S7 NOrTiis 5J f llSigood 7 9 9187C8 4 3 3 3 = J McTagrt S Birka TNiglitmare Ilthstono 187C8 ChiUlen 34 117 slop C 103 888 S3 E Pool 8 Petelns Brandywine Galaxv 18745 Chnrlen I l421 good 10 102 4 5 5 65JE Pool 7 BaybvCandle iianJIm Balfroti 18707 Charlen 34 l16hvy 12 10 1 1RAKE 343 Il E Pool S Sonny Boy Archery Gallant Boy RAKE blk g 7 lOo lOo18U3 By BoyBy Wild Mint Lady Gay C Hooks 18U3 XOrlns linJOy l43hvy 20 111 111I8W7 I HooksI I 6 iJ R Hartiui Miltslum BeauPere CFGrnger I8W7 NOrlns Im70y l45fcfast 10 104 104IWI7 9 U 9 Si ill BreHch ft Callautloy BeauPere Marsliou IWI7 Dallas 78 127 fast 1U9 5 S S 71 R Pauley S T Cliamnu SConnor AiitoMaid 18218 Dallas 1 142 good 109 5 u 5 51 J Robbins r John Graham Brando BI Pit 17436 Helena 78 1281 fast 13 110 11017Xi7 4 3 1 = 1s T Nolan Xoyrter Golf Bl LadvAdelaidf 17Xi7 D Lodge 7S 130 fast 10 114 6 C J Robbins SiimConnor MarieCogliil 17301 DLfldge Im20yl46good 41 110 110PLAIN 6 5 4h a3 w Leeds fi Wild Bear Decency Coos CoosBy Snnerl PLAIN ANN blk m T 107 1071RS2S By Orison Orchid W D Wright 1RS2S Charlen 1 145 good 12 110 1101K7M 4 4 5 59i T TCoIan fi Kmndv MlltonP BenediiMina 1K7M ChJirlen tl insfslop i5 lox lox1S771 r 65 6T Dnyer s Trovato Slcalawav Criseo 1S771 ClKirlen I Itislop 20 103 103IS7HO S SI 8l W Htnphy ft Diiiiu siit Husky Lad Sleiitor IS7HO Charlen 14 17sIoW 25 W 3 3 = 3 = 1 V Hinphy 11 Ajax Wolfs Baths Cooster 18646 CharJen 34117 hvy 25 105 10517SS9 11 11 11 11 J Dreyer 14 Americus Priwer Pat Gannon 17SS9 Hillcrest 78 131 fast 4 115 8 6 rh 4 = 1 J McCthr ft Ban Dance Yanker Lei 17600 Hillcrest Ab5S 100iffast 2 114 o a 5 T Dfavpt 7 Delightful Travel Light 16211 Dufferin Ab5S l01fast 15 112 3 9 OJ Deavpt J WBaths Jolmnyllarris Bodkin Stare EARLY LIGHT b g 5 By Peep oDay Wantage H G Bedwell JS31U N Orlns I li hvy 20 lofi 10 9l S13 V Moore 12 The Gander Priwer Tim Judge 1S29S Pimliro 9 9 = ° 1C IVgame 9 Itnlfrini Aiitiimn Flatbush 18141 laurel 1 1 Hi l7 fist I 9 D Steward 1 Soldier PattyUegan QutckSliirt 1S06S Laurel 1 lllrist 45 108 45 Ill Steward U Mordccal 15 Quince UeanBclJe 17970 Laurel 1 116 148 fast 9 7 G5J G Byrne 10 Harry Lander Napier L Lanicr 17S96 Laurel 1 141 fast 2S5 103 S 9s S M Buxton 11 Sof Valley PeKaMack OttoFloto 17851 Laurel 1 141 fast 13 100 S 6 45J H Neander S Astrologer JHIlliton It Lloyd 17330 HdeGce Im70yl451 fast 15 107 4 51 5 J E Taplin 0 King Box Sepulveda Battery 17440 HdeGce Ni70yl47sIow 40 105 4 4BERVICENCE 4J 43i B Taplin 9 Camellia RMeteor HHcblson HHcblsonBy BERVICENCE ch h 9 112 112I By Service Innocence J V McGue I M3 XOrlns linlOy MVhvy 10 H4 4 4l 3 51 W W Tlor 9 Marshon BcanPere CFGrnger l ra X Orlns 1 1iG mud 3 109 4 44 II Brescli 7 Garnean Alan Mack Benedictina 188G7 X Orlns Iin70y 45fast 30 112 S 4 = 1 McTagrt II Gallant Hov HcanlVre Marshon 18174 Latonia 1 11C 47 = ffast rid 114 U U17SS5 71 712 Tcahan 1 Jim Jill JoeDeiboId BonEloise 17SS5 Howie 1 1IG 50fast 1 112 1 117J 4 5 R Watts l Kliiiiiiindy Frontier Tin Monk 17J 63 Bowie Im2fly 45fast 15 in 4 4177SO 5s 5 J H Watts S CHollowy FdMai HHntcIiIsn 177SO Bowie 78 30 fast 15 115 3 3BILLY 2s 21 K Watts 10 Aware Netmaker Ilenpcck IlenpcckBy BILLY STUART br e 4 IOC IOC1SG1S By Out of Reacb Consuello II F Brown Brown10l 1SG1S Charlen 34 117 slow 15 9 10 101SGS7 101SGS7 10l 10TJ A NicklauslS Kins Uadford Ortyx SirFretful 1SGS7 Charlen 34 113 fast 30 100 14 14 1315 A XicUlausl4 Cannock Itndondu Gallant Hoy 16151 DuUerln CJ f 125 fast 7 107 C 5 57iJ J McGinn 5 Mother Little Jake 1rince Chap 15682 KlngEd 64 f 123 fast 15 107 10 9 G1UJJ McGinn 10 Toronto Marty Lon Delia Mack 15575 KlngEd 6J f l23fast S 107 7 7153SO 7 712VW Kelsay 7 Al Court Drawn Harvest Queen Queen2s 153SO Delmier Ab5S 110 hvy 5 100 9 2s I1 McGinn 10 Stonumati Jolly Tar LMEcUert 15350 Delmier 6J f l31hvy S 107 C 4 Z McGinn 7 A Sturtevant Fasces Ben Stone 15279 Delmier C f l27mud C 109 5 5152CS C 4 = 4 C Knight 7 Lou Lanier Ben Stone Fan Hall 152CS Delmier CJ f l27mud 7 107 2 5 u4 N Fodeii 7 Irish Kid Tom Holland Mother 15203 Delmier Ab5S l02 fast 7 101 2 2 3i X Foden 11 Cloak Bine Jay Smirk 14530 Delmier AbuS 103 fast 4 107 G GFRANK 3 25 T McCughlO Arrowshaft Lit Jake Stanleyll FRANK FLESKER cli s 11 104 1041SSU SingletonS By Marius II Bohemian Lass J M Singleton 1SSU XOiTns lir20y 141 good CO Nd1 4 41SS53 S S3 C Hunt S Great Friar Marsliou Ford Mni 1SS53 N orlns i iifi i45fast so in 5 53 C Hunt i Armor Copptrtoxvn Stick IMn 17 U 11 tliorne 1 1S lVl slop 3 111 11117SG7 3E 15 Wood fi ELa Crane Inck Barn Dance 17SG7 IPthorne 1 142fast 4 10 101IKI42 4J J Sinsrton 7 Thus Hare StickPin EllaGranc 1IKI42 Tulsa Al 7S 133 hvy 2 IOS 4 4119C1 21 1 Collins 0 Zinkaiil T nn Murphy Farraud 119C1 OUCity 1 11C l49igood 12 107 107HMOkCity 4s Maddox 7 II Lad Kaqtiette M Tiljrhman HMOkCity linJOy l54shvy 111 111117S5 35 VOSK Scliiiri Ioilro Pretend Pretend2s 117S5 GklaOity 34 124 hvy 111 111GOLD 2s Pengast n Caromlolet Jltiwr Lad Valletta GOLD DUST b e 9 104 104IStir By Goldcrest Lulu M C C Culver IStir N OiTns inrjoy l47 slow 30 UK 7 7l Ol 1sjO Hunt S GariuMii Myreiiao Surpassing l Stn XOrlns lni7 y 1 Mlfefast M 111 2 21S 71 S11 IVn ast l Gallantloy Beanlere Marshon 1S 17 Dallas 7S 127 fast 10t 7 71S20S 5S 4 J McLhlin S TCIiaimn SConnor AutoMaid 1S20S Dallas 31 113 fast 91 C McLhlin IS Flor Kripp Arrowshaft Janid ISJH4 Dallas 84 1175 slow SJ C = i McLhlin 1 U V Kemion GlFrhir A Maid MaidBy OLD JORDAN b B 4 IOC By Transvaal Lady Eon N B Davis IS172 XOrlns 4 l147rast 20 KiG 5 7 713 W Spain Hildas Rrotlur Crisco Hognrt 1S9I2 N Orlns 4 l15hvy 40 101 1 Gl Clu II Sumter li Tll Gamier Prlwor Tim Judge lMl XOrlns 4 l14fast 20 103 7 S Ssl W Spain S I Knijrlit Monlecai L George 1SS76 X Orlns 4 110 mud 20 lOfi 5 G1 4C2 W Spain S Pnla Welsh Kl Pa to Ueimiram 1SS24 XOrlns 4 li fast 30 104 8 9U 9 AV Spain 1U Blue Jay Kiltie Dane Master

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Local Identifier: drf1915011601_3_5
Library of Congress Record: