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BOWIE FORM CHART BOWIE MD WEDNESDAY APRIL 7 1915 Prince Georges Park Fifth day Southern Maryland Agricultural Association Spring Meeting of 11 davs 1S books on Weather clear Racing starts at iiO p m Chicago time 10 p in Indicates apprentice allowance FIKST HACi 12 Mile l r If 2 10 Purse 400 2yearolds Maidens Special Weights Xet value to winner 00 second 70 third 0 Index Horses AWtPPStVi V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 1 835SIRKAWADDY 10 73 1i 11 1 T McTagtF Hennessy tT 21 11515 13 108U3 MUSTARD 112 5 G 23 2J 2 = J Butwell ilrsJ Mclaughlin 10 12 7 21 G5 iaG703ATAKA iaG703ATAKAPROHIBITION 109 G 5 ut c1 3i J Metcalf A B Sprockets 3i 4 A I 12 PROHIBITION 112 a 1 31 31 4 AV Lilley G iA Cocbran 3 1S53J 75 7l 112 3 2 4 4rl I3 AV AVartonJ C Milam G 10 10 4 2 19132 JERRY JR v 111J 1 7 CJ rJ G5 R Troxler J H Loucbeim 29 40 30 12 G CAXDLE v 10 103 44 7 7 7 E Ambroses Ross 10 12 12 5 2 2Time fastWinner Time 23 361s 50 Track fast Winner llemiessyWent Ch f by Hilarious Drnid trained by G P llemiessy Went to post at 4 At jxist 1 mil nte Start ge id and slow Won driving secon 1 and third the same IHKAWADDY from a rapid bcgini ing dashed into a safe lead and held on gamely vhen challenged in the stretch but tired and just lasted 1 mg elicmgh to win MUSTARD saved ground 01 the turns and in a fast finish would have won in a few neire strides ATA 1C A closeel a big gap ami linisl eel with a rush PROHIBITION tlredScratched was off well but ran greei and will improve LKWIS OPPKIl shoved spec I but tlred Scratched IDS Active 10 TS5 Kllen Smyth 109 19SKi Semper Stalwart llli Plelone Kr Overweights KrOverweights Jerry Jr 2J pounds 1 OOOQ SKCONI RACK G 12 Furlongs 1771 121 V 10a Purso 400 iycarolds JL J J O a l upward Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 00 second 70 70third third SJO s Owners O II C P S 19895 PIED PIPER vn 3 102 t 11 1 4 4CHASER 41 31 Il 1 I4 E Haynes T TJ Williams 75 32 G5 12 out 18826 CHASER vu 4 10 72 1 = = 1 2 21 2s A XicklausE J T Woods S 12 12 4 2 2J 18092 XORUS vn 3 105 5 2 2JACK 2J J 2 21 3 3 3k u W Lilley K Utterback 4 lS5 3f 19857 SfI987 JACK HAXOVER v 8 102 4 G GSURJECT C C5 5 rs 4s 1 McTagtA Dunlop S 12 10 4 Sf I987 SURJECT V S i 102 3 4 5 5IRISH rl 1 4 41 511 D Steward AV II Frey 10 12 12 5 2 IRISH GENERAL vu 3 102 2 3 31 31MISS u r C fi S WolstmMrs J Maloney 4 Si XO SO 10 MISS McGlGGLE v 3 105 5 7 7 7Time 7 7 7 M Buxton V P Presgravo 4 G 4 83 45 Time 24 48 115 122 Track fast PIk g by Locohatchcc Phyllis A Aent t mined bv W Hurke HurkeStart ent to post at 0l At Mist li iiiinutcs Start good and slow for all but MISS McGIGGLK Won second and third driving PIKI PIPKll was saved under restraint in the early running and having grcrinel on the stretch turn finished fast and was geiiug away at the end CHASICH showed the most speeel anel set a fast pace but was tiring at the end XOIMS raced well up throughout and tinished y MISS McGIGGLK swerved when the theMiss barrier went up JACK HAXOVKR ran well and tinlslivd Miss McGiggle 5 pounds 19929 TIIIIM HACK 6 12 Furlonsrs 17il 121 r H Purse 4M vearods and JL t7 t7 upward Maiebns Maiebnsthird Special Weights Net value to winner JftOO second third SHO s AWtPPSt 19857CLIFF II A VEX v 3 10 5 1 11U857 1 1 1 Uuxton Crown stabb 1U857 PRIMARY 3102 7 4 4Ij 4 41 = 2j Ij an4 DAiXCG MASTERurlU S 3 31985fi 1985fi EARLY RISER 3105 G 2 21 J ij 2J 41 A SchuterPahice Stnlile 18851 TAMERLAX E 3 105 3 5 fil 4nk S k 13 Ambrose M Walker 19899 LADY RUTERFLY 3100 4 G 7s C G = G E Haynes JJ Dorspy 18992 BALDER G 111 2 7 719850IXGOMAR S S 7i 1 Metcalf A B Spreckels 19850IXGOMAR 3102 1 S G1 7A S 8 H Bresch J Bloomer lastWinner Time 23 48 115 122 Track last WostonWent Winner Ch e by Clifford Aldermans Daughter trained by A G Woston Went to post at s4 At post 1 minute Start good anel slow Won pulled up second and tlii ing CLIFF ilAVFX was off forwardly and dashing into a long lead quickly kept it and vls ease the end PRIMARY ran well and coming fast through the stretch disposed of DAXCIXG MASTK1 final sixteenth for second place DAXCIXG MASTKK raced forwardly all the way anel finished EARLY eighthOverweight RISKIl showed speed and raced in closest pursuit eif the winner to the last eighth Overweight Karlv Riser iKinnds Tamerlane 1VkOY FOURTH RACK 78 Mile lfSS 127 i 105 Purse 400 4yearolds and np t tiVf iVf f V ward Selling Xet value to winner iOO second 70 third 0 index Horses AvtPPStit Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 18314 RUSTLIXG BRASS v 4 110 7 2 Si 3 = 3 31 P C Turner A Turnoy 15 15 8 3 32 19839PHARAOII 3219839PHARAOII v 7 115 3 3 2 2 = 1 I 2i AV Doyle AV T Ryan 2 2J 2 4525 19405FITXGKHALD 452519405FITXGKHALD v o 107 2 4 I1 l 22 21 3 P Louder J Booker 7 S 5 2 1 1S 19I04MISS B HARBOR v 4 10 5 G 4h h 5J J 5 f ft D StevarclJ C Ellis EllisS S 10 S 3 G5 19858 ROLLING STOXE w 7 115 1 S S 8 7J 4J 5 = W AVartonC C Smithson 32 321151151525 ll5UTl5 25 19897 STEXTOR v C 112 G I 7 71 G CJ ti11 G1 fi1 G Corey R V Haymaker Haymakernt 7 10 3 5 18831 FREE TRADE vn 4 110 S 7 Vk nt 4 = 4U 72 72 H Bresch R G Harbourt Harbourtfil 40 GO W 20 10 19837 CHILi SQtAW VI 7 110 4 5 fil i 7 S S S M Buxton J J Fahey 30 50 CO 20 7 fastWinner Time 24 48 115 129 Track fast Winner MartinWent Ch c bv Russell Sounding Brass trained by W M Martin Went to post at 400 At post minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing KlSTLlXG I5HASS dropped in bohlnd the early pacemaker then moved up on the stretch turn 01 the viitsidu and drew away at the end to win casing up PIIAltAOH forced a fast pace from the start and look the lead but tircel near the end FITXGKUALD a rapid beginner ran into the lead quickly but tired ir the stretch drive HOLLIXG STONK closed a big gap MISS HARX HARBOIL ran wall The winner entered for HOO was bid up te 700 and sold to S Louis LouisScratched Scratched 10St7Xortlieriier 105 1S405 Cynosure 112 FIFTH HACK 78 Mile 10838 127 C 105 Pnrso 400 4yearolds and up 1rO1 f J f JL ward Selling Xet value to winner 0 second 70 third 0 index Horses AWtPPSt 14 u Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 18511 YODELIXG 4110 7 1 I1 1 1 = I4 1 E Ambrose II J Morris 0101 71025 out 18785 CAXTO 4 113 S 3J 31 3 2 C Turner T SimDPon SimDPonA n 4 S 45 19858 CASTARA A 4 10S 2 2s SJ 2 3 J MeTagtG C Brenton 19898 DUQUKSNB S 115 G G1987MOL G 7 = 6 41 1i I3 R Harton M aiowe aioweBfl05 40 100 100 R 1987MOL RICHARDS Bfl05 4 7 6t f 5 G2 AV Lilley Mrs J I Paul 30 40 49 10 4 4lf 19837 DEDUCTION G 112 1 119858Br 5 41 T 5i GJ C Jackson 3 T Harris lf 20 20 7 3 3G 19858Br ACKFORD 0 107 2 8 8 S S 7J 7s P Louder R E Watkins G 15 12 5 21 13931 TH ELMA J 4 10S 3 4 on 4i 5 S S T McTaptJ M Black 10 12 10 4 2 fastWinner Time 24 48 l15 5 12814 Track fast Winner Ch g by Rocliaiupton Yodler trained by F A Harold Went to post at 429 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing YODKLIXG took the lead from the start and easily holding his opponents safe throughexit was eas ing up at the end CAXTO raced well np throughout and easily passed CASTAHA in the stretch Th latter raced In closest pursuit to the stretch but was tiring baelly ami just lasted long enough to outstav IilQUKSNB The latter closed a big gap aild finished gamely The others were always baelly outpaced The winner was entered for 400 no bid bidScratched Scratched 10S40 Towton Field 110 10S ° 7 Golden Castle 112 T UACEJL O Q Q O SIX UACE JL y O ward Selling Xet value to winiierflOO second 70 third p Index Horses AWtPPSt V4 = 198983EL ORO 0115 3 2 1 1 1J 1i 1 T McTastN 1C Beal 65 S3 SC 35 13 1319898ABBOTSFORD 19898ABBOTSFORD v 5 107 3 3 2v 21 21 2nk H HammerMiss M Oliver In 10 7 21 G5 19841 AVEYAXOKE vn 5 115 4 1 l t 31 31 3 3 = M Matt Its V Smith li 21 933514 933514198GOBEX 198GOBEX TTIXCAS wit 7 107 5 5 fn k 4 4i 5 4i AV Lilley J M Stowe S 12 10 4 2 19899 BILLIE BAKER w 112 7 4 6s G 1 G = r E Ambrose J U Strode C 3 75 7519K40MARG 19K40MARG MEISE v 4 103 1 G 21 5J Sh 6 C5 AV Ural JIrs T Francis 20 fiO 50 15 7 19811 AFTERGLOW wn 5 112 277 7 7 77 G Corey P M Walker G S 7 l i C5 Time C5Time 26 52 118 145 152 Track fast fastWinner Winner K h by Kthelbcrt Dorotheo trained by X 1C Heal HealWent Went to jxist at40 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving IJL OHO took the lead quickly and being rated along under a direful ride saved ground on the stretch turn and drew awav easilv at the iid AlPOTSFOKD was a close contender throughout but had to be hard riddpii at tho eud to outstay WKYAXOKK The laticr was in a jam on the tirst turn and made a fast and game nnish 11KN FXCASand HILLIK HAKKU ran fairly well The winner was enterel for S400 no bid