Fort Erie Racing Statistics, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-13

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FOHT ERIE RACING STATISTICS. I .p b The Beeoad meeting of t ii«- Niagara Racing Abbb- 6 6 « iatiou. which opened August 4 and came to I dan August 11. terminating its season for 1915, cin-braced seven racing davs. tartan which tune lorty- ■j 7 l ine races were decided and 838,325 was distributed in stakes and purses. Of the seventy three owners, j who shared in this distribution. II. P. Whitney, j ahaae haraea arc racing under the name of I-. s. 1 Thompson, was the leading money-winning owner, j l with 88.500 to his credit, and the follow inn thirty eight were winners of 00 or more: 1 1 Owner. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. i Thompson. L. S 1 «» 1 * --?l 1 1 llciulrie. G. M 3 a 0 2,720 1 1 1 Bedwell. 11. G 4 •" ■* -•i . I ] 1 Weber A Ward 2 « « 2.275 Watkins. It. B 1 1 « J425 ArtliVir, Mr-. J 3 o 1 1.300 Miliar, c - " " 1.000 [ Alexandra, G. A - 1 * l,522 Oots. H 2 t 8TO l.,,uis S 2 0 » 898 , Thorneliffe Stable 1 I 1 900 Kecne. J. 0 2 O 0 8M llendrle. .1. S I 1 I .30 Oliver. W. I. 1 • - 850 Kevstone Stable 1 1 • *-° earth. 1,. W 1 1 2 880 Sheridan. P 1 1 1 f* 1 Crmine, II. i l i • ■ •_ i Ryan. .1. .1 1 I • H* Campbell. . B. t 1 8 g0 row. C. A 1 1 • g0 . Tiuiinermati. J. .T I -jj "J ourtnev. W. C 1 • 1 -m Pesforges. I I » 1 •"° ! llenze. t; 1 • 1 •"0, Loweaatein. J 1 • 1 •»"" Ma.farlanc. X 1 1 ■ •" ,° Stevens. 1 D. 1 1 » B?J Coleman. 1-. J » 1 1 4T5 Klktoa, E R 1 » 0 45ft Henderson. J. A. I 0 0 4. o Tons. 0. K 1 « • 4i 0 Kcspess. J. R 1 • • 488 Roaenthal, R .-. l o • 4r.i Seagram. J. E i 8 I 450 sherman. G. P I • • 4" Moore. ■ W 1 0 » 40° Turney, A 0 1 2 400 Rorrows victory in the Dominion Handicap placed him at the head of money-winning horses of the ; meeting and f the 120 horses that placed, the follow ing forty-six were winners i f 00 or more: Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. A nit Borrow 1 " • $ ■■■ Dodge 2 0 o 2.275 Rancher 2 o 0 2.100 Ramegat 1 1 0 1.425 Busby Head 2 O O 89ft Water I.ilv 2 0 I M0 GoMea List 1 1 8 -- llitawav 1 1 • gj Keweaaa I • 0 -l M iss Gayle 1 1 8 Sand Recoil 1 » 0 g2 Slipper Day 1 • • SS The Widow Moon 1 • 0 5TO Yorkville 1 1 • •_• Cotninensia 1 " 1 l1 fellow man 1 ° 1 5*5 l..rt Light 1 0 1 Jfi Tartarean 1 0 0 Baft •I a. ti,s o i i ; • Beaa Pare i o o 4..0 Rob Henslcv 1 • ■ *22 Rricklev 1 • • 4,° Col. Gutelius 1 » • 4. 0 Cynosure 1 0 ft I"11 Picks Pet 1 «» 8 t! Dignity 1 " " *H Cm-ore I 0 • 459 Carish Sun 1 O 450 Kathleen H 1 » " fj0 Marjorie A 1 • 8 *f*2 Raincoat i • • 4-° Red Fire 1 0 0 -t ■«» Stanlev S 1 0 •■" V.netia 1 0 0 l|0 Zodiac 1 0 0 4-rfi l.adv Mexican 1 4 •" Illuniinator 1 0 O 450 GnMe Poat 1 0 ° 4mi Mascowa 1 • 0 S8 Rabv Sister 1 f88 liff Stream 1 • « 4°» Mancery -.1 • • *gg Prohibition 1 • • f"° Wadswortha Last 1 » " 4,, Yermak 1 0 0 400 Late Hours 1 0 0 -JO0 F Cooper was bv far tlie most successful of the jiM-kovs rMtac at the aauUaa;, with ten winning nionnts to his credit. The record of the jockeys ft who piloteil one or more winners, is as follows: J.M-kev. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Dap. 1.. toper, r 45 lo o 6 20 .22 McDennott. B 2 i ,"■ li 3 • .-• Smvth. J IS 4 I ." i 22 Keojrh. F 11 4 1 o 0 .:: ; 1 Lowder. P 14 :; S S 8 .21 Matt. A 10 I 2 2 12 .!•! 1 Van Daaea, C L" ■ 1 1 10 .20 1 Claver. A 14 2 : 1 B .14 Stearns. H 15 2 2 I B .13 bddstein. I 3 2 0 1 0 . SehuttiuKer. A 14 1 4 O !» . »7 , 1 laves. T 18 1 2 I I ."7 Metcalf. .1. 4 1 2 1 0 .2.. Hirst. C 1 1 1 3 .1. Kelsay. W 4 1 1 1 1 M Morvs. J 1« 1 1 14 .HI Widstenliolin. S 11 1 1 4 "» .Oil ! Oetltrv. 1 • 1 0 1 4 .17 Johnson. B 1 1 • • l *■• i ,,tter. J 1 1 • «► 1 K1 I Russell. J. 1 1 0 0 0 100 i The following placed, but failed to win: Joekev. Mts. 1st. 2d. ha.Ua*. Acton. J 12 » 2 2 8 • lt J 1 • • 1 • » Andress. W I • " 1 2 : Callahan. J M » 2 1 11 •uiiiininjis. T .". 0 1 0 4 I Forehand. ■ 4 0 0 1 Havnes. ■ 4 1 :: t f 1MB- 0 3 l 1 • 2 ■ Murphv. F 4 0 l» I obert. W : 8 1 7 Rire T 1 0 t 1 • Shilling. R "• 0 ft 1 2 ; Ural, w • • J 4 I Warrtnstoa, W I ft 1 Brooks. N 1 » ° 1 Williams. F 1 0 1 ft ft * The following had mounts to the number sliou n 1 and failed to place: jockev. Mts. Jockey. Mts. Rrown. S 4 Martin. 0 1 I lancv. J 3 McKenzie, W 2 Crawford. II 1 Miller. J 1 Donaldson. II 1 Xergei-. A 1 Gaddy. D l Pulley. P 1 Matter. J 1 II. O. Bedwell was the leadfag trainer, saddling E lour winners dating the seven days of racing. The * record of the trainers who saddled one or more winners, is as follows: Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins. Arthur. J :: Lackey. T. 1 Austin. A. 1 1 McDaniel. H 1 Bailer. A 1 Moore. K. W 1 Bedwell. 11. 0 4 Nixon. I I Brewster. B 1 Oliver. W. L 1 BurttacheU. W. A.... 2 Oots. H Burton. M 1 Tons. ». L 1 Calm. .1. C 1 Respess. 4. B 1 loster. F. W 2 Rogers. H 1 l„x ]•- 1 Sheridan, P 1 Carth. L. W 1 Sherman, G. P 1 Gray, I. B. 1 Simons. A 2 Henderson. S. M 1 Stevens. J. D 1 II ,dge. T 1 Walters. J 2 Keeue. G. II - Ward, J. S 2 Littlefield. B. T 1 Watkins. K. B 1 Laweaateta, M l Whyte. K 2 The following stakes were decided: Stake. Date. Winner. Value. Dominion Handicap, August 4: Borrow S::.4".» I Iroqaola Hotel Handicap. August 7: Dodge.... 1.823 Canadian Sportsman Handicap. August 11: Ram her l.tSft ii The pareeataxe of winning ravarltea araa ahare e noiuial. a- ahaara in the subjoined tabulation: Naaaher of days • Number ot rarea J" Winning lirst choicea -- 2 Wtrinitic second choices | ■ Winning ontaidera 1* Winning at •dds-on • !; - itefeatpd at odds on • Percentage of winning favorites 4o 5 W.-ather raadltiaaa Mitigated aejafctai any ehaaav e in the track records and 1 1 1 ■ are as follows: Disr Horse. A.Wt. Dale. Time. i •• Gray DaBy..2 100 Juno 12. 19 M» — 40 DUM Queen. 2 »7 .1 til v S. 1001 :40 1 Coram er.. 2 IIS Aug. 2.!, 1901 :0ft 4 12 f Mar. Moore.. 2 03 Aug. 31, 1007 :54 j.s Hallack ....1 1014 Beat. :;. 1«0» l:0ft% Oliver Lodge.2 lOOl June 20, 1012 1:00 % I .p b 6 6 ■j 7 j j 1 j l 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 I ] 1 [ , Dist Bana A.Wt. Dale. Time. 1 2 t Sewell 5 10 Aug. 20, 1009 1:05% 34 Le«K-hares -.4 102 Aug. r . 1! 14 1:11% 12 f Clorita 4 114 July 10. 1002 LlOW, 7-8 La Ix nde...4 109 Aug. 17. 1906. .. .1:2."»% S. Preston... 3 !»: Aug. 81, 1007 1:2.-|% 1-2 f Cbappaqua .5 H« Aug. 3, 1001 1:33% 1 Cliff Edge ..5 100 July 3. 1011 ....l::t7% lm20v Spindle 3 106 July 5. 1010 1:41% lm.-iOy Our Johnny. 3 116 July 3, 1S97 1:43% lm70v Lovetie 8 118 July 4, 1012 1:42 l lo Oret. Oreea..8 loo Aug. 28, i!K»9 l:t3% Trap Rock. .3 112 July 3, 1911 1:43% 1-8 Watervale ..8 112 July 5. 1011 1:50% 13-16 Olambala ...5 12Q Aug. 2, 1911 ....1:57% 114 S. Charter... 4 110 July 27, 1012 2:0.1% 8-8 Our Bessie..." 102 Aug. ft 1005 2:21 1-2 Doubt 8MB Aug. 2S, 1909 2:32% 1 5 8 L. Kraft.. 4 Mft Aug. :il, 1905 2:50% 2 Attila 7 113 July 25, 1906 3:35y6 Steeplechases. Sh.Cse Manzano ...6 142 Aug. 14. 1900 3:44 *F."se Lulu Young. S 143 Aug. 14, 1000. . ..4:28% *Tratk slow.

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