Devonshire Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-05-18

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DEVONSHIRE PARK FORM CHART. WINDSOR. ONT.. THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1917. Devonshire Park. Fifth dav. Western Racing Association. First Meeting of 7 days. Weather cloudy. Stewards. Martin Nathaaaoa ami W. -I. Morrison. Presiding Judge, Sheridan Clark. Starter, Ed-ward lube. Racing Secretary. Martin Natha nson. Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time 1 :30 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. 30 0QQ FIRST BACK— 1-2 Mile. May 11. 1917— 49.-. 2 111. Purse 1917.sh00. 2 year olds. - aaOIyQ Allowances. Net value to winner 848S; second. jMSj third. 1. Index Horses AWtlISt , M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kguiv. Odds St rj. 32809 WALD MASTER w 115 s s V V » T Nolan .1 .1 Quinlan MS-MI .52809 XLW MODEL WMSU 1 1= 1" m K Tapliri W J Lambert Sfifi-MS 3J830-STAU BABY VMM 9 23 V% V G MolesthA R Walker 7C0-MI A-. *BOi BLUE w 115 4 3 fit 1- 4- A Claver G H Browne to-KMI 12741 HASKKN w MJ :» 5 4 $ Sl A Carroll W H Fixer M9MM 32*51 LAKESHORE w Ml 1 2 J ;,.. u- J Howard G W J Bissell MSfi-MS .. -ARACDKR VM I 0 V 7 7- A Johnson C K Micklewuit SIM 100 33809 ,o„.. COMMIGAN w MJ i I ti1 t« S- F HophtaaB M Hall I— Ml 32809 LADY GAYETT w Ml 7 7 •« P : W Young G W Scott MfiS-MS CRACOW w 111 :: 10 10 M 10 C Gilbert H Duttner MX lot Time. 24, 49 new track record. Track fast. -S2 mutuels paid. Wald Master, 0.80 straight. .50 place, .40 show; New Model. .20 place, ,911 show: Star Baby. S3. 70 show. Equivalent I king odds -Wald Master. 940 to 100 straight. 275 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; New Model, 200 to loo place, 95 to khi show: star Bahy, S5 to khi show. Winner--B. c. by Waldo Mrs. Nugent trained by .1. J. Qadahu; bred by Mr. P. Higel. WCBt to post at 2:42. At post 2 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. WALD MASTER, clear of early interference, closed up steadily in the stretch and. under hard riding, managed to get up to win in the Baal strides. NEW MODEL showed the most early speed and only rarraaihlll right at the end. STAR BABY raced well and hung on gamely. P.OY Bl.l E was crowded back soon after the start, came wide on the stretch turn and finished fast on the extreme outside. LAKESHORE was knocked bach to the rear division and ran well. Overweights New Model. Z% pounds; Cracow. 2. 3 9Qnfl SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Oct. 1. MM— 1:00— 8— 101. Purse 00. 3-year-olds £i *J JVJ and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 25: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPStj i,j :i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 32058 JOSEF. ZARATE vn 5~105 ii 1 1- V 1- V c. Scherrer.I S Hayes 75 loll S1M2 NELLIE B. wit 4 in.". 4 7 "- V 2- 2s T Henry il ; Bedwell MM-1M ::287! MAKTR10 w 8 107 12 2 ;!■ :!. 4 V W Do lo R p Dodaoa 1475-100 SSSSSPR. OF LISMREwaM 1S7U I fil .. :: 4 W Taylor B Lewfai MM 1M SSSfiSKING K. waSMI I I 4 V fil fi" M MthewsYV J Press 740-1M 1K131 KEY MAR w I MS ■, II • S- V S* A Johnson W C W.ant f 101 100 32833»T1A.IA.N w 1 115 1 5 7 71 71 7 fi* Baker A Davies HSfi-MI 32832 FRISKY VI 4 Ml 5 12 V 4 0 X". G Mob-sthC V Barnes fifiM-MS SSS7S JAY THITMMEL waSlttlO 9 W IS" » : - F HophtnaE M Hall v »2814*HAWTHORN wit T MS I I 91 : in- W t; AlezdraG A Alexandra BM-MS KS14S PREMO VERA wa :: MS 7 M 11 It 11 11 E Smith H J Kelley 11IM MS 3i71» T. R. HUNLKY WS 4 Ml I I Fell. O Martin M C Moore f J Mutuel field. Time. 2i2: , 49, l:01i. Track fast. mataehi paid. Jeeefiaa Karate, .50 straight, .30 place, .iH show; Nellie B., ST.2S place, .9! show: Martre. .50 show. Equivalent I king edda .los.fina Karate, 75 MISS straight, S3 to 100 place, 50 to KHI show; Nellie P... 200 to 100 place, MS to KHI show : Martre. 125 to KHI show. Winner Ch. m. by Abe Frank Minyon trained by fit, T. Kessirmer; bred by Mr. II. S. Newman. Went to | ost at 3:11. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. JOSEFINA /.ABATE set a gaod pace from the start ami was only caaterfaaj at Me cad. NELLIE B. was a forward contender ia oloseM pursuit all the way. MARTRE ran well and le Id the •then safe. HAWTHORN quit early. THOMAS R. HINI.EY wis in close quarters while going t the fir.-t turn ami fell. Scratched 31322 Fonroek, K»7; 2X032 Private. 99; 32681 Lady Worthington, 105. Overweights Martre. L.. pounds: Promo Vera. 5. QfhQ/~~l THIRD RACE -5 1-2 Furlongs. Oct. 0. 1910— IMS**— 5— 112. Purse SSSS. Q jQ t/U 1 olds ami u pward. Claiming. Net rajac to winner 50: second. SKHl: third. S5Q. Index Horses AWtlISt j V-. •"•« Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt. •2SlS*CORKEY w. a 1 MS* :: 2 v. i1 Q i* A JohaooaJ L Braaawa -4r, mo 32310 SPRING VALLEY y fi 107 2 12 41 3| V 2- I AlexaJiG Alexandra fHlS-MI StS2S*EJ MOND ADAMS a : IK Ml 11 1* 4«1 8 31 W GargmaJ B Goodman 585-Mfl 32742 COLLM wltMH 3 C il «l 4 W A CarllE P OMeara 5:.»-Kki S2398*1.10Z wb 5 102 6 7 ft1 I1 Q 5- F Baker C A Davies HSVM 32415 OAKLAND w I MS 1 1 2""- 2 3" H" W Taylor R Ripley Ufif-MI 32832 LADY MILDRED w 4 KlO 12 S • 71 S1 7"k F HopkinsH J Sargeant t 32714 LAURA w 6 107 I 6 101 W V V G Moles thH G Bedwull 510-100 32811 BERMTTDIAN w I 10!.. 5 fi 5 V 4l !- N Taylor V Kling : lo 10 1 BSS11 McCLLNTOCK wit 8 107 TM ll; lll 10- in- H HaamerB Kelly t 31871 Til. CALLAWAY W I 107 8 9 12 12 IP ll5 A Pickens K L Fitzgerald Htt-MS 2 1185 -TOBACCO BOX w 4 MSJ 4 4 31 BUJ 12 ■ Taplin J H Mead KS-M3 f.MutiKl field. Time, 24%. 49?i, 1:02. l:082j. Track fast. mataehi paid. Darkey W.. straight, .70 place, .10 show; Spring Valley, field, .70 place, .30 show: Edmond Adams, .40 show. Equivalent looking edda — Corkev W.. 245 to 100 straight. SB to 100 peace, 70 to KM show; Spring Valley, field, 2S5 to 100 place. 115 to 100 show: Edmond Adams, 120 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g, by Barnsdale — Nellie Mier trailed by J. L. Brannon; head by Mr. W. C. Watkins. Went to post at 3:45. At post 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won driving; second and third tie-same. CORK El W. set a good pace, raced OAKLAND into defeat and in a game finish, outstayed SIRINO VALLEY. The latter, away slowly, closed a big gap on the outside and finished with a rush. EDMOND ADAMS came through on the inside aud mole a fast finish. COLLE aiso finished fast. OAKLAND ran well to the last eighth. Scratched 32407Clumsy Kate, 108; 32791!Tantivy, MS; 32221 Mi-Adams. 108. Overweights —Edmond Adams. 1j pounds: Berminlian. 2... : Tobacco Box. 1 .A. QfQ/"|f FOIRTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Oct. 31. MM- 1:12— 2 -90. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. O dS MU eg Claiming: Net value to winner 00; second. 25; third. 5. Index Horses AWtlISt j ij "j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 8ttlS*SLEBPY SAM wit 109 4 S and 5?. 1* E Taplin V C Weant 17i-KM 3J810 DOMINION* PARKwn 100 2 3 1J ll l1 22 G Alexa.TrG Alexandra 865-100 32854 SYBIL w 115 fi t El fil 41 3 G MolesthW McLemore 250-100 32831 -SIR OLIVER w 104 1 7 Sj ■ 2l 4* W Young G W Scott tl510-lHi 32852 HAZELNUT w 108 7 4 4 41 3i 5- W GourleyT F Bornman MM-M 32810 WALL STREET wn 107 I 1 il 71 71 6 A Pickens H G Bedwell SOS-MS 32810-MICO GIRL wb 100 10 6 7l P 6l 71 G ScherrerR L Frazier SM 100 32617 AL HUDSON w 107 8 9 21 3l 8l 81 A Johnson P R Miller 2L»5-100 327893WAT w 109 ! 10 9! 9= 92 95 W A CarllW H Fizer t 32854 THIRST wb 111 « 11 101 10= 104 10* J Howard H W Wallhauser f 32529 LADY WARD w 105 11 2 ll1 11= 11" 11s P HopkinsW J Foley 2:4."-100 32532 STAR SAPPHIRE w 106 12 12 12 12 12 12 W Taylor R Brooks 10S15-100 tMutuel field. Time, 23%, 49. l:13*i. Track fast. mutuels paid. Sleepy Sam, .40 straight, .00 place, .00 show: Dominion Park, place, .00 show: Sybil, .10 show. Equivalent booking odds — Sleepv Sam, 170 to 100 straight, SO to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Dominion Park, 215 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Sybil, 55 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Tony Bonero — Tres Joli trained by fit. Lester: bred by Mr. F. J. Pons. Went to post at 4:16. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SLEEPY SAM was sharply cut off on the far turn and was forced to race on the outside, but finished fast and drew ont at the end. DOMINION PARK showed the most early speed and made the pace fast, but tired. SYBIL ran well and finished gamely. SIR OLIVER was a forward contender all the way. HAZELNUT showed speed, but tired in the stretch. Scratched — 32852 Dr. Prather, 102; 32878 Useful. 100. Overweights — Wat. 2 pounds. rlOOHQ FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. Oct. 4, 1916—1:42—8—109. Motor City Handi-OalUvO «an. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50; second, 75; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 32833 ADALID w 7 108 3 3 l1 1» 1« 1« 1= E Smith F W Forsting 1900-100 32855 SKY PILOT wb 4 97 2 5 3» 3» 3» 31 2= A Johnson E K Bryson 730-100 32855 sGORD. RUSSELL wb 7 112 1 1 2J 2- 21 2 ik 3b W Ormes H W Plant 335-100 32855 HANOVIA w 5 122 5 2 41 4i 5 4i 41 A Mott E T Colton 120-100 32855 SASIN wb 4 115 4 4 5 5 41 5 5 A Pickens C Buxton 275-100 Time. 23«i, 48«i, 1:14%. 1:41%, 1:43%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Adalid, 0.00 straight, 2.00 place. .30 show; Sky Pilot. .90 place. .90 show; Gordon Russell. .50 show. Equivalent booking odds— Adalid, 1900 to 100 straight. 500 to 100 place, 213 to 100 show; Sky Pilot, 245 to 100 place. »5 to 100 show; Gordon Russell, 75 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. h, by Aniigo — Lady Diamond trained by F. W. Forsting; bred by Mr. A. B. Mc-Cluughry. Went to post at 4:47. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won pulled up; second and third driving. ADALID, running in suddenly improved form, dashed into a long lead at once and was eased up through the final eighth. SKY PILOT ran a good race and outstaved GORDON RUSSELL at the end. The latter ran well, but tired in the stretch. HANOVIA ran a dull race and can do much better. SASIX ran poorly. QOQOzl. SIXTH RACK— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Oct. 28, 1916—1:43- 4—109. Turse 00. tJ andXjJb. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner §500; second, 25; , third. 5. .Index Horses AWtlISt U 5 "* Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 32882 HIGH HORSE wr 4 110 9 5 1= 1= li l1! l5 L Gaugel H G Bedwell 175-100 32537 BABY SISTER w 6 111 7 9 9 85 31 31 2l A Pickens P R Miller 870-100 32490 ACTS w 6 113 11 7 3 3» 2" 2- 3= G MolesthC J Brockmiller 475-100 32778FLECRON II. w 7 111 IttU M» !• 6 4-1 V A CarIIW H Fto :« 0-100 32856 I,. VAN ZANDT Wl 7 llo I S 7* 5« 43 41 V AV «ar?anA Castin tl«50-100 32856 REQCIRAM wr I Ml 1 3 4i 41 fi V 1 T Henrv .1 Lowonstein 2195-100 32527 TACTLJ0S8 w 7 111 I 4 V 71 71 8l 71 F HopkinsG Peterson 1300-100 32382 MILT. CAMPBELL v 4 110 I 2 2= 2= X- 7 8 H HanmerF Murphy t 32328 VIBjGIEDOT WS C til I 1 ft* fi2 5" 9- 93 A Johnson W M Cain 73S5-1O0 31852 BE v,K | 1]] io e * 91 10:- IO* 10° G Corey L V Maves 1775-100 32620 RUSTLING BRASS W 113 4 1110-11 11 11 11 W llrmcs P L Short 31110-100 tMutuel ri.1.1. Time. 24. 4923. 1:15. 1:45=5. 1:47%. Track fast. niutucls p;lid. High Horse. .50 straight. .20 place. .10 show; 15al v Sister, .50 place, .10 show; Acta, .20 show. Equivalent booking adds- High Horse. 175 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Baby Sister. 275 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show: Acis. 110 to 100 show. Winner ltr. c. by Hastings- Hautesse II. trained by .1. Tigue-: bred by Mr. August Belmont. Wont to post at 5:21. At post 2 minutes. Start good unci slow. Won easily: second and third driving. HIGH HOUSE took the had quickly, raced HILTON CAMPBELL into earlv defeat and drew awav through the liual eighth. BABY SISTER began slowly, but worked her way up steadily and finished fast. ACIS ran well mid li.-id no mishaps. FLECKON II. dosed a big gap. Scratched :12530 Kneelet. 1 11: 323! S Visible. 113; 32S13 London _ ; i rK_ 1 06: 32725 If Coming. 1QH. -i9Un SEVENTH RACE -1 Mile. Nov. 3. 1916-1:39-— 3— 102. Purse 00. 4 year-olds O d3 *J Jt J and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 1917.sh00: second. 25; third. 5. _L"lex Horses AWtPP8t ft % %8trFla Jockeys ~Q~w tiers EguivTodds Strt 32857 -EARLYMoRN wit «~MI 7 I 41 41 V l1 1- AVOrm.-.s H AV plant 555-100 32527 SEMPSILLA WS 3 M 1 1 11 1" U 2- 2- H HanmerF Murphy S540-loo 30493 FINALEE wtMKl 4 2- V 41 41 ►* E Smith E G Vivell 4:.:A 100 32528 BOOT JOHNSON w 5 111 all I :tl 7*131 41 A Pickens A C M.-Cafr.-rty 1S5-KK 32854 TOM EDWARD W 4 1*7 2 10 :»h 71 l« 3 V T Henry H 1 Bedwell 2925-100 32527 SMn-,lLHU w .". U 4 2 W I"1 f 7 •. A JohnsotC Martin 8MS-M1 32857 ll.VYDEN WB • 113 I I V 2- 2" 51 7i F HonklnrJ M Booker 215-100 32746 BROWN VELVET w 4 lot I 7 11 Gi 8 81 81 G Moles thAV II Fizer 1395 100 302303TARLHTON 1. w i: 5 103 12 12 51 5 5j 9 91 F Baker C W Parks f33M-MI 32383 -* RALPH S. vi: I Ml I I TJ 8* M* M* M* G Alcxa.IrJ Griffin 885-100 32516 ELECTRIC Wit 99 10 I V IV 11- 11= 11- AV Yount; W M Mikel I 28880 JIBED wu 7 1"7 11 I 12 12 12 12 12 G Corev H G Gorin f t.Mntuel field. Time. 24, 48%, 1:43%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Ear lyniorn. 3.10 straight. .30 place. show; Sempsilla. 5.00 place, 5.70 show: Finalee. SB, so itisir Equivalent 1 king odds Earlymorn. 555 to 100 straight. 315 to 100 place, 225 to 100 show; Sempsilla. MM to 10O place. 1685 to KHI show: Finalee. M0 to 1O0 show. Winner Ch. h. by Peep aDaj Performance trained by II. W. Plant: bred by Air. J. E. AVidener. Went to post at 5:.-.3. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. EAREYMOKN was saved for the trst three .matters, but moved up with a rush in the stretch and was going away at the end. SI.M PSII.LA showed the most early speed, but gave way when challenged. FINALEE ran well. BOGY JOHNSON and TOM El. WARD were in a jam on the first turn and made up much gr id. HAYDEN quit. Scratched 32483 Nannie Mc Dec-. 101; t28M Iolite, 107: 12853 P.iik.t, 102. Overweights — Finalee-. I_. pounds; Ouoeel. 3.

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Local Identifier: drf1917051801_2_10
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