First Race [1st Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-13

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PIRST EACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 28 1916 105 15 3 118 118Index Index Course DIst TImeTckOdds Wt St U H Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of FInlsli ANNABELLE ch f 4 104 104Trainer By Aeronaut Sweet Flowers by Pleasant Day Trainer S Polk Owner J Price 52169 Tijuana 5S l01 ° ifast 2110 10S 52 E Futor 11 Sad Sam Ed Le Van Hilly Joe 52081 Tijuana 5S l01fist 3i 10G 631 E Fator 12 Triilane Duly Fashion Yukon 51984 Tijuana 58 101 fast 27 104 6i N Fator 7 Nejr Riposta Little Jake 61S04 Tijuana 41 f 55 = fast 10S = 21 3 i E Fator 11 Milda La Hete Noire Emily M 34 l15 = fast 77 102 3 12 5 9 F Hunt 11 Cobalt Lass Kirah Deckhand SEA BEACH b g 8 115 115Trainer By Marta Santa Sea Spray by Star Shoot Shoot2i Trainer J Reese Owner F Sully 030 Tijuana 5S 105 mud 2110 105 4 2 252S2C 2i 2J O Willis 0 TDuncan WCPoolv ValLadv 52S2C Tijuana 51 f 308 fast 1710 107 2 2 21 2 O Willis 1 Shoacres Ituseilis KofPytliias 52545 Tijuana 51 f l12mud 135 310 4 = 1 R Dority Id Nasledovati Review Ooma 52335 Tijuana 5S l03hvy 5 111 53 R Dority 9 KTranter Nasledovati ValliV 621 Ca Tijuana 5S l01fast 53 113 4 2 R Dority 11 Sad Suui Ed Le Van Hilly Joe B1958 Tijuana 68 l02fast 99 113 Gi R Dority 12 CHolters T Duncan LPcess 40501 Havana 34 l22hvy 6 107 Left at the post H Boyrt Sherry R Lester Vain Chick EMMA WELLER b f 4 109 By Boots and Saddle Marty Lou by Marta Santa Trainer E Moore Owner J Green 52859 Tijuana 4 l14 ffast 12f 302 4 C C 11 11 J Clementsll 01 Wood TJMimloek 52333 Tijuana 5S l03hvy 41 10 54i E Taylor 11 DaisyN Little Jake J SisPolly D Sugg 52237 Tijuana 5S l01fast 4 305 4 J B Mariellil2 IlttieMcCarty Chrome Lantern 5189G Tijuana 5S 58102 102 fast 275 103 Gl W Perry 31 Ne J I Sugg Daisy N i C17G5 Tijuapa 51 f lOSfast Gl 104 3i E Taylor 30 OurLeader CtheWay EWeller 536S4 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast nG 101 101 J Clements 12 Neg Mineral Jim Stelcliff r 51600 Tijuana 58 102 fast 29 302 42 W Perry 10 Riposta Cal Curn Neg 1539 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 6 106 101S G Yeargin 12 W Whitaker Neg Merry Las BROWN BEE br m 5 115 115Trainer By Toddington Adelaide Hoyer by Sain Trainer F Walhauser Owner C L Smith 2929 Tijuana 58 l04mud lf 303 S 45 1 Gl il SlKhterl2 Eng Lady Hiimma II Iriiicess s 52805 Tijuana 1 IMS fast 11 105 10552G1 5J E Taylor 9 Pt to lr WMHaker Helinan 52G1 Tijuana 1145 slow Sl10 110 110E2G2G 2h E Taylor 11 llniit Har Shilling M Lever r E2G2G Tijuana 51 f l095islow G 10S 432 G Tmpsonl2 Iositano Haby Faust lied Man 11 2558 Tijuana 1 150 mud 75 103 103B2524 Slz M Slghter 10 Canute LJosephine BleFIower B2524 Tijuana Im70y l532islop 22 103 21 JI SlBhterll FranUSlinon Humma DanVau 52422 Tijuana 1 142 fast 14 104 104BABY 87J E Taylor 10 Cobrita THreckridge Mistake e BABY FAUST br m 5 M 110 By Tony Faust Baby Young by Gov Foraker Trainer J W Hunter Owner W E Hunter Hunterr29S7 r29S7 Tijuana 34 3 14fast 29 307 S 04 41 4T W Hinphy 10 Velvet Palsy Mack Uosellis 52969 Tijuana Im70y l4 Jifust 101 104 n 4 4 G Gnt 4ei D Powell 12 VonLady ChConrt Ostentatus 52900 Tijuana 1 l40fast 316 107 2 3 G S CV 3 P Martinez 8 Hardora Maud M Miss Manage s 52873 Tijuana 51 f l07fast G 109 2 2 2 3s 4 W Hinphy 11 Gold Rose HanTopaz CCourt e t 52730 Tijuana 5S l01Mifast 24 307 3 W Hinphy 11 Perch Ennitana L Gentry 526GS Tijuana 5S l04hvy S4 110 G C WhittonlO CamflagelL DFshn LitJake 52626 Tijuana 51 f l09V slow 11 108 2h P Martinezll Positano Ited Man Hron Bee e e 52514 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud IS 111 410 P Martinezll J Hoshor Lavaga Perfect Day MISS DayMISS DUNBAR b f 3 88 By Von Tromp Arcadia Belle by Emperor of Nor Trainer NorTrainer W Leeds Owner W H Moore folk 52681 Tijuana 1 145 slow 24 86 = 9 H B Ewerll Horynut Itrnwn Hee I Slling 52438 Tijuana 1 l411 fast 47 79 Fell P Hurn 10 John Jr Pink Tenny Yukon 5 52313 Tijuana 1 l42fast 32 SG 9 P Hum 9 TFMcMahon EIRey JimWinn 22GO JimWinn22GO Tijuana 51 f l07ffast 0 92 7 1 P Hurn 11 Miss Meelick H Hird FMoon n 52002 Tijuana 58101 fast S9 112 S1 P Martinez 9 Crack o Dawn Shifty Nebulous 51S77 Nebulous51S77 Tijuana 5S l02fast 21 109 4T P Martinez 12 JacULee VeraWood AuutAnnie 51C97 AuutAnnie51C97 Tijuana Ci f l09V5fast E3f 110 9IT R Carter 10 Shifty Full Moon Helle Flower 47966 Tijuana 41 f 54fast 28 106 715 G Archbt 9 EthelBrown Kirkwood LettyRes By Brigade Amelia B by Sain Trainer E E Buchanan Owner E E Buchanan 52647 Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 50 110 GJ R Dority 7 Dots Maud Hacon MightyLcver 52544 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 147 108 gi N Foden 11 J lloshor Lavaea Perfect Day 51917 Tijuana 5S l02Tsfast 2G 114 C J R Dority 12 DoAdmit AliceCarr ValenLady 51653 Tijuana 34 l1753fast 7f 109 11 L Mills 12 THFavorite CJunia OEvans 4423G Reno 58 104 slow 17 109 Z J McBride 0 Volima Multnomah Tambian TambianBy HYNDLA b m 10 106 106Trainer By Solitaire II Oratossa by Ormonde Trainer T H Wells Owner W A Wellit 52683 Tijuana 1 l44slow iGf 105 10552C46 9 J Htamer 10 Audrey A Tours Rifle Shooter 52C46 Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 90 104 S1 ShooterS1 D Powell 12 Gertrude H Ann S Viva 52258 Tijuana 1 l42fast S 111 1013 U Carter 12 Gila T F McMahon Blazer G214S Tijuana 1 142 fast 90 331 9 ° R Carter 12 Plunger Hof thcKit RWillm 52083 Tijuana 1 l41fast 75f 111 11 R Carter 11 PerLady PteDrapeau MnGirl 51980 Tijuana 1 l41fast 306 109 4 ° R Carter 7 Little Gink Dots Sir Oliver 61S7G Tijuana 5S l02fast 183 111 112 R Carter 12 Josenia Minal Jim GertrudeB DIENERO b g 8 M 112 112Trainer By Albula Broomball by Hignlander Trainer T R White Owner C Busker 529SS Tijuana 4 115 fast 35 307 5 2 3 31 23 J Murray 30 AnntAiinle MabelRule JulyFly f2S27 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast3t10f 109 30 55 41 55i H Rettig 12 Oldllomestead ElSabio I interii 52262 Tijuana 51 f 3OS igood 38f 305 53 T Kindle 11 Hlanchita I Iidy idy Small Riposta C2237 Tijuana 5S l01lifast 15f 311 10il W Varlcy 12 HticMcCarty Chrome lantern 61938 Tijuana 1 l45mud llf 107 107C3S5S S L Mills S Gen Hyng Cobrita Art Rick C3S5S Tijuana 34 115 fast 79 115 7TJ E Burns 9 Delancey OeadourlL JJMock E17C2 Tijuana 5S l02fast 36 109 54i W Hinphy 11 Herder Gertrude 11 Tambiau SHARP SQUIRREL b f 3 M 92 92Trainer Py Flying Squirrel Sharp by The Sharper Trainer J E Lewis Owner J E Lowlal r29CS Tijuana 34 l15fast 9 308 1 22 II Paladin 7 Taeklcdi TohnLakc Joelaldwin 52846 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 19 303 5 48 7 = 4 = 1 E Taylor rl Wiseluige Croupier The Vamp 62721 Tijuana 5S 302fast 31 SS 11 B Bwerll Joe Tag English Lady JulyFly 52503 Tijuana 5S l0ihvy 15 105 Gi JulyFlyGi E Taylor 12 Sisterlolly Wnodrose Frivolous 52400 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 35 S7 25 H B Bwerl2 Limerick Haby Faust Lavaga 52259 Tijuana 51 f lOS4fost 75 95 9 J Clementsl2 the Way P Direct Rosellis 51918 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast lJ IOC S RosellisS i W Perry 1L Rasola Helle Flower Jack Ledl 51877 Tijuana 5S l02fast 30 30G 7 3 L Mills 12 JackLec VeraWood AuutAnnip AuutAnnipBy SATSUMA BELLE br m 7 101 101Trainer By Marta Santa Miss Lactitia by G W Johnson Trainer H Thomas Owner M H Mornsun 52C47 Tijuana 51 f 112 mud Cf 108 4 C Taylor 7 Dots Maud Hacon MightyLever 6223S Tijuana 1 142 fast 53f 103 95 E Taylor 11 OnrMaid KedWilliam Maud M 51998 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 327f 112 7J2 C MeCkle 10 Cancion QiiidNunc ChoirMaster 61762 Tijuana 58 l02fast 19f 109 9 O Willis It Herder Gertrude B Tambian 1599 Tijuana 58 I02fast2910f 112 12 J Glass 12 Cover JTp DrKendall JDSugg 42045 Oaklwn 58 l02fast 25 104 8 7 7 6 = 3 II Hamfnl2 Itobt Mantell Okla Irish Nog 41785 Oaklwn 51 f l08fast 30 108 10 69 10 9 D ConnIlyll BandStars Langhome SQueeu SQUASH ch f 4 105 105Trainer By Deutschlaiid Island Queen by Dick Welles Trainer T Martin Owner F McKenzia McKenzia52G1G 52G1G Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 9 106 106B2581 7 t X Foden 12 Gertrude I Ann S Viva B2581 Tijuana 5S l051 slow 2S 105 G9 N Foden 9 MissParnell MasFranklin Mcx 62526 Tijuana 51 f l15V slpp 51 110 110D24S5 5 S Smith 11 Our Leader Lewis H Velvet D24S5 Tijuana 5S l03iriml 12 103 1034ioGG Ci M Slghter S Cicely Kay AVelga Ringleader 4ioGG Reno 5S l01Jffa t S3 105 1054S910 5 S Smith 7 Gila T Chandler Duly Fashion 4S910 Reno 61 f lOS fast J5 95 954S755 CS J Clements SjJjiiUToHiijY Indiaiiola Dinah 4S755 Reno 5S 102 fast 40 102 57i J Clements 7 HcesNViiig MParnell AJkson BOBBY FIB ch g 9 M 103 By Fib Stella Berkley by Barney Aaron AaronTrainer Trainer E Winters Owner Van Dyke Winters 5770 Tijuana 34 334fast 23C 310 30 O Willis 11 Ollie Wood RShootcr CplMalt 52652 THuana 51 f lai mud C3 110 C1 R Dority 7 Mev Velvet Aunt Annie RipostaE2259 2362 Tijuana fl f lOSgood rSf 111 11 R Dority 31 Blanchita Lady Small Riposta E2259 Tijuana 51 f l03ftfast 30f 330 12 ° K Dority 12 C the Way P Direct Hosellls 42045 Oaklwn 58 l02fast 20 305 12 12 12 12 32 J Bell 12 Robt Mantell Okla Irish NCR 43984 Oaklwn 1 144 fast 25 1111 2 5 11 11 12 12 = II Garner 12 Examiner Brando Lady Leoua LeouaMONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY HeywoodTrainer JR ch g 7 112 By Montgomery Relationship by Heywood Trainer H Moylc Owner I J Williams 52930 Tijuana 58305 mud 13f 113 7 7 S S3 7 i W Taylor 9 TDiincaiij SeaHenelr WCDooly 2827 Tijuana 51 f 3 OSfast 33 112 3 37 81 12 A Zeigler 12 Oldllomestead ElSabio Lanteru 47973 Tijuana 51 f l07fast S 115 11 J Mulcahy 11 HcatLncilleLStPriek LjMoore 47953 Tijuana 34 l13fast 105115 2 J Mulcahy 10 HattieWilldo MoveOn Review 47751 Tijuana 58 l012 fast 7 114 ln J Mulcahy 7 Lady Hester Virge Foeman 47011 Tijuana 1 l41fast 16 113 J Mulcahy 7 Necnah MannikiiilL RedMan RedManCELEBRATE CELEBRATE b m 11 M 110 By Transvaal Red Light by Tammany first start

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Local Identifier: drf1921031301_3_1
Library of Congress Record: