Eighth Race [8th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-13

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EIGHTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 28 1916 1 05 15 3 118 NIGHTSTICK ch g 11 109 109Trainer By Broomstick Handspun by Hanover Trainer H TInna Owner Bronx Stable 52139 Tijuana 34113 fast IB 109 7 ° W Mclnre 7 Wwood VPMaid MANoonan 514G3 Bowie Gi f 1 22 fKOodl310 1211 3 = 31 J Butwell S Ultra Gold Gernia Gilt Fringe 6145 Bowie 7S l33slop 1 US 2 1 13 J Butwell 5 Sum Sigh AlbertA TDecision C1362 Pimlico 1 l40 ffast 65 111 3 I1 1J I Erisor 10 Albert A Vive McGee Tarascon 5126S Pimlico 3 1 l13fast 1 121 3 y 3 E Sande 9 Alvord AlbertA Lonely 606S5 Jamaica Im70y l41 fast 12 115 3 1 1 li 2nk C Kumrner 4 Hendrie Mbse Tan II IIBy POACHER ch g 6 105 By Star Shoot Partridge by Longfellow Trainer S Polk Owner J Price Price51S40 51S40 Tijuana 1116117 fast S 107 35 E Fator Itooneville Piedra Horacelerch 51807 Tijuana 1 11G 11S fast 5 97 7J J Callahan S Xeplerlian TSNotPass Anzac 51671 Tijuana 1143 fast 13 95 41 G Ycargln S Jake Schas Iteyilo Piedra 51613 Tijuana Im70y l4Gifast 20 101 101EORS1 5 E Fator i Keydo PkiJra Reveler EORS1 Laurel 1 lllfast Of 111 7 7 13 14 14 13 A JohnsonH AAlexder Salvatelle JOvertn 50728 Laurel 1 116 l47fast 18 108 1 7 7493G7 7 8 8 8 E Fator S MInmbot AmEigle MtRosell 493G7 Dcvre 1 116 l48good 9 111 3 2 2BETSINDA 2 5 51 G J E Fator C UubLouder KenUoy Blaise t BETSINDA b f 4 110 By Rockton Winning Witch by Broomstick Trainer C T Worthington Owner C T Worthington 51M26 Tijuana 34 1 fast 9 101 6T J Callahan 7 VanAVelles Stiirdce ClcarLake 51941 Tijuana 5S 1 02 = fmuil 32 106 106G1767Tijuana 2 = J Callahan li WalterMack Delancey Cacambo I G1767Tijuana 58 lOHfcfast 143 112 7 ° G Van Dn 7 Kins KCIieatliam IS L Owen i 4 624 LColFair 58102 fast 12 IOG IF Mcrlmce 4 Chisca Hish Voltase Tony j 49522 LCqlFair 34 IlSyifast 100 3 W Jarrell 5 RainbowGirl SelmaG Starlike BILL BLACKWELL ch c 4 118 By GladwinrNuns Veiling by St Angelo Trainer G W Berry Owner Meadowbrook Stable 5SOI3 Tijuana 31 l154Shvy 16 110 7 33 2 = 1 11 M Euxton 11 JolmJr Seduegras Kastlndian 52904 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast Sf 10112 12 11 11 9 M Slghterl2 DeLand RobtLOwen MyrtleA 52794 Tijuana 1 141 fast 19 103 7J E Taylor 8 War Smoke Coffield Piedra 52707 Tijuana 34 l14Vsiast 5 06 21 B MarlellilO OrchidKing IrishMaid MyrtleA 52488 Tijuana 51 f 109 mud 35 110 1105i 5 3 A Zeigler 8 Gncambo MMaulsby Sedgegniss E2404 Tijuana 5i f 107 fast 16 93 781 B Marielli 8 Myrtle TothMorn WlIaceL E2301 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 6 11G 13 A Zeigler 1 Jolmlioshor Vulcanite ChatCrt SEDGEGRASS b f 4 108 108Trainer By Olamtala Genesta by Broomstick Trainer J Hill Owner H W Barnes 53043 Tijuana 34 l13hvy 32 109 1 1 1 12 3s G Yeargin 11 PJlackwell John Jr KIndian F2991 Tijuana 1 l40fast 10 90 S 1 1 1 5 8a E Josiah 10 ISHaker W Willow Cavdourll E2921 Tijuana 34 115 slop 1910 106 2 11 11KS92 1 I3 I3 W Taylor 7 Montgomery JoiinJr 01aLee GiS92 Tijuana 51 f l074ffast 3710 305 5 55 5 3l 3j W Taylor 9 Yukon Neg Hoover 52671 Tijuana 5S l03hvy 23 95 95Ci25S4 6 = 1 II P Bwer Wallace L Cacambo Shifty 52584 Tijuana 51 f l10rislow 3i 97 3s G Yoargin 7 ShermaiiA Grtllawk Itardora 52528 Tijuana 51 f l10jlop 32 91 91LONELY 3 = 1 G Yeargin 0 Joe Goodman Phcdodcii Earnest LONELY b f 4 101 101Trainer By Yon Tromp Isolation by George Kesiler Trainer J A Carter Owner F Dahnken 53012 Tijuana 5S 102 hvy 185 105 i 2 2 2 = O Willis 7 SlicrinniiA DancinjiGirl Yukon 52904 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 5 104 J J5S S S1 S O Willis 12 DeLand RobtLOwen MyrtleA 52G71 Tijuana 5S l03hvy 35 103 4 J M Sghter C Wallace L Cacambo Shifty 52322 FGnds 34 lllifast G 106 2 1 4i G J McTagt 13Midian Ioys Old Sinner SinnerG 52114 Tcfson 51 f l07fast S 113 3 G G1 53 J McTagt 1 RainbowGirl InaKay Vansylvla 5191G JifHon 34 l17hvy 5 107 1 3 3J li J McTagt 8 Lancelot OaklanIJelle Malvolio 51821 Jcfson 34 l19jinud 31 106 2 3 3 2i J McTagtlO AnnaGallnp LMildred CI a3i CARRIE MOORE b m 5 By McGee Dutch Barbara by Flying Dutchman Trainer J A Parson Owner J A Parson SOU Tijuana 34 ll54Shvy 21 97 2 25Vf 1 1 2 5 1 15 Marielli R Juil JuilclJNvorth clJNvorth KiilahF Linln j 5JOOQ Tijuana 5Vf limrifasst TO 7 5 5 7 7SJ H MarielH 8 TothMJin Wyiiiuswd PWrd I 52971 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 13f IOG 1 1 nJ rJ G1 t Willis C KiilahF JKllswortii JGMihiin I 52M4 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 5 10711 107115S 9 9 12 12 G Yeargin 11 DeLand RobtLOwen MyrtleA P2S77 Tijuana 5S 59 5fast 2C 102 3 53 4 5J G Ypargin 7 RliiK T o III Morning Shifty 52810 Tijuana 34 l12 ifast 33 99 533 L Gaugel t Polytliia Kdwinn Lady in It lack lackGJ 52707 Tijuana 34 llfast 1710 108 GJ E Taylor 10 OrchidKK UUlkxvell IrishMaid HUGH ANGLETON b g 7 108 108Trainer By J F Crowley Banonica bv Bannockburn Trainer S Hazeltine Owner S Hazcltine 53027 Tijuana 5S l02fast 145 108 2 33 3 I1 C Thpson S Plzarro Walter Mack Riposta 52849 Tijuana 5S l01ffast 75 109 2 1 1 1s 1s C Tmpsonll Kngisji Lady Ternette Ixtbclin 50933 Chagrin Ab3S 101 fast 1310 108 11 E Smith RLt1ven Woodpile Voormel 50747 Chagrin Ab3S l01fast 22 115 U T Buckles 7 MayMaulsby IlValley KSight 50170 Dufrin Ab 5S l02ifast C 117 Si T Buckles S Virge ISars an Stars Jan Logan 50031 Dufrin Ab 58 103 good S 113 21 T Buckles 7 Punctual Virce Kl Mahdi W570 Kempn Ab31f l075jfast 1710 113 I3 R Pauiey 0 Propaganda Hosier Pluviada PluviadaBEN BEN PAYNE b g 6 110 By Tim Payne Gottlieben by Rubicon RubiconTrainer Trainer G W Berry Owner Thompson Berry BerryE3041 E3041 Tijuana 1116151 hvy 51 112 S 3 1 1 11 2s C Thpson 11 Salgcorge CIItlters AndreyK AndreyKK005 K005 Tijuana 34 l14 l14ifast ifast 26 112 2 54 33 23 A Xuigler S Claude AVeavor John Jr Nog 52934 Tijuana M l13good 5 109 6 21 Il I3 C Tmpsonll MinlTim ThriftyThree Rosollis 12931 Tijuana 34 l164 mud llf 109 S 8 88 8852S7S S S I1 W Taylor S Mmieheii AuntAnnie CtheWay CtheWay52S7S 52S7S Tijuana 34 llifast 47 109 S 8 88 88524S5 8 8 G3 C Tmpson S WMgomery DJose MParnell 524S5 Tijuana 5S l03mud 5 110 Bled P Martinez 8 Cicely Kay Welga Ringleader 52121 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 13 109 109BILLY 4 = 1 P Martinez SOrciiid King Ringleader Velvet VelvetBILLY BILLY LANE b g 3 93 93Trainer By Reformation Barbara Lane by General Roberts Trainer L H Tryon Owner L H Tryon Tryonfi95y fi95y Tijuana 01 f 1OS good 12 HI 3 2 3 3i r5 B Mariolli i MyrtleA Clirflagell MyMazie 51672 Tijuana 5 f l10 hvy 05 101 101r2211 tJ E Taylor RDewey JGoodmaii Jlloshor r2211 Tijuana 34 l13ifast 1110 89 lh D Hurn 7 UoyDewey Cahalan MaryReigel 52150 Tijuana 34113 fast 31 106 3s E Taylor i CoDawn MAXoonan Kwood 52109 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 5 112 11250S20 2 E Haywd 8 TGoodiniin JHoslior MMeelick 50S20 Kwrth 31 l14 fast 125 115 7 42 31 4iT Glass S Jreyllonrne Roseate Dora 50711 Kwrth 51 f lOSifast 21 110 4 23 23GREAT 41 2 J Glass 11 MISiIgel TGorman MJphine GREAT HAWK b f 4 106 By Gr at Britain Hawksora by Hawkswick Trainer G W Crippen Owner Blackwell Crippen 5MMG Tijuana 1 116 l50ihvy 110 lOi 1223 2 = i M M ghter 7 Midia Commander Idoiirll IdoiirllClT91 ClT91 Tijuana 1 l40Viffst 4 102 566 6 C1 3 M Slighter 10 ISUaker W Willow Cavdonrll CavdonrllT2S76 T2S76 Tijuana 118158 fast J 100 4 4 4 4 C 6 D Prible Coffiehl Piedra Var Smoke E273t Tijuana 1 IMOffnst 5 106 CT B Marielli Liola Franklin Olympian King 52650 Tijuana 1 116 l52mud 1710 107 3 C Whitton Shortstop JakeSchas VerLoon VerLoonE2610 E2610 Tijuana 1116150 slow 65 104 Il B Marielli Thrift Jake Schas Darnay 52581 Tijuana 51 f lUO slow 21 103 2i B Marielli 7 ShermaiiA Sedgegrass Uardora UardoraPAROL PAROL ch g 4 10 J By Transvaal May Ellen by Cesarion CesarionTrainer Trainer W F Poison Owner W F Poison PoisonH123S H123S Latonia 1 11 2OS slow Gl 108 1 2 7 10 10 103 E Graves 10 Simpnitc Warlike Sea Prince 60381 Lcxton 1 11G l47ifaBt 23 109 3 2 22 1 = I3 E Graves C Itapidan Simonite DulceToklon DulceToklonF0 F0 7 Lexton 1 116 147 fast 100 109 5 G 6 7 75 714 E Graves S AlexJr LMouutjoy DofWelln 499 ° 1 Devre 34 l17hvy 7 105 9 9 8 7J 7C1 F Hunt 11 Itltriiiniiicl II DRoma Gorhara 49790 Dcvre 34 llGfast 4 107 2 3 3 G2 45 W Heirichll Alf Vezina FinRoostor Ava R 49434 FtErIo 34 l124sfast 9 10S 1 2 4 6i 5 = 1 E Graves S Virgo Encrlnito Glen Light CAMOUFLAGE II b g 4 108 By ByTrainer Cartoon Miss Madge by Ort Wells Trainer C C Emmert Owner Cl ar Lak Stable OI2Tijuana 31 l154shvy n 10S u 2 2 5l 10 = II Rowe 11 PPllaveli TohnJr Scduesrass 5959 Tijuana 51 f 108 goods IOG 4 42 21 2l H Howe C Myrtle A ISilly Lane MyMazie 52S63 Tijuana 5S l l fast 24 104 4 5i H Rowe 10 Kiposta Walter Mack Joe Tag 52708 Tijuana 34 115 fast 9 111 1115S 2 H Rowe 8 LittlclSeach U ing CMIolters CMIolterslnt 52KGS Tijuana 5S l01ishvy 17 107 lnt H Rowe 10 DnlyFashn LitJake ColMphy C2329 Tijuana 34 117 slop 16 105 1055S 7 S H Rowe 7 Deckhand Ola Lee Yukon Yukon1J 52136 Tijuana 5S l03 slop 10 105 1J H Rowe 0 George James Ann S Dots

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921031301/drf1921031301_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1921031301_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800