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MISS CER1NA 680 WON WONWAS WAS FRIDAYS BEST BET BETLong Long Shot Special Also Won WonTHIS THIS MAKES 21 WINNERS OUT OF 47 47STARTERS STARTERS ON OUR BEST BETS ALMOST50 PER CENT WINNERS WINNERSThis This is some record when you consider tho prices against our WINNERS We are not giving out a lot of 12 SHOTS and REMEMBER we only give giveONE ONE BEST BET EACH DAY DAYWe We dont advise you on 3 or 4 You also will notice that our ads are nover misleading HONEST ADVERTISERS How can you afford to be without this information when you can get it for the ridicu ¬ lously small sum of ofCO CO cents DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 50 cents MAILED DIRECT 1 WEEK 3 2 WEEKS 5 Room 111 Baltimore Bldg