untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1935-04-27


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VmmmT?mmmmmmmmm Trinitys Dallas Parlay: ; iTHRlCjNAtRLINGj ODD BLUE - I WWMwiA Ml 5 wil 70 won 1 HI 9111 I I ROYAL LEON P IB PI imfi .50, WON W DID WE DO IT? AND HOW! ! !-tJUST AS I TOLD YOU!!! "m Kemember youre only "kidding" yourself if you think- horses will run according to "figures" Just throw the old. "DOPE SHEET" into the "ash. can Youve got to be ON THE INSIDE "TO BEAT THE RACES" AND I AM!!,! START. WITH ME TODAY AND LET ME PROVE IT. BT Come on You Skeptics Were Going to "Slaughter the Bookie" Today!! "W9 FREE!! 50 TO 1 WIN DALLAS. PARLAY FREE!! "BIG DOUBLE HEADER!!" In addition to my regular parlay service. NO EXTRA CHARGE. DONT MISS IT!! W DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRD3E NOW! TERMS, DAILY! W City clients, call in person or phone FRANKLIN 8134 for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay! JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St. Room 70S, Chicago, I1L BlNE WSTANDSLS3f COfiK NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY loaded With winners at all tracks Revolutionizing the racing world with Supremes famous number winners. Out of the last fourteen free number winners, thirteen won and the other ran second, beaten by! a nose, for a worlds record. YESTERDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 520: THURSDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 382: FLIGHT OF, GOLD, .70, .80, 2nd WEDNESDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 537: JPARADUN, $ 3.60, WON TUESDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 457: LAST TIME, . $ 4.30, WON MONDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 459: LEGUME, $ 5.00, WON SATURDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 744: RIVER ROSE, 1.40, AVON Number Free Codes issued by Supreme only leads you to the pay-off day after day. It is without a doubt the greatest service ever inaugurated for the benefit of players everywhere. No extra charge whatsoever for this service. It is absolutely free to all Supreme readers. Avoid being shut out. Get your copy now. Turn to page 2 and fall in line with thou-ands of other Supreme readers that are making hay while the sun shines. TODAYS NUMBER FREE CODE: 228 Supreme Trackmens Parlays A Distinguished Service That Pays and Pays -Win parlays make money fast and that is just what Supreme Trackmens Parlays are doing releasing them day after day in code form. YESTERDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: BOSTON BROOK, 1.00, LOST XANDRA, 7.30, LOST LAST SATURDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: ELANBEE, V 6.90, WON WINTER SPORT, 3.60, WON Todays sensational limit win Trackmens Parlay goes to the post, rain or shine.. The limit is anticipated. For your benefit, do not pass up this parlay. It will be a red letter day inryour life. TODAYS TRACKMENS. PARLAY: CHURCHILL Green-12-25. DALLAS Green-1 9-6. ! NOTICE-r-rNOTlGE NOTICE Decipher todays 0 Super Supreme Occasional j which is published here with your trackmens code card. TODAYS 0 SUPER SUPREME OCCASIONAL: CHURCHILL DOWNS Pink-1-1. Two 0 Super Supreme Occasionals the same as advertised on page 16, and absolutely free to all Trackmens Subscribers: You get the occasionals ihat go on Wednesday, May 1, and Saturday, May 4. Wire for Trackmens Code Parlays good for six days, and receive absolutely free two 510 Super Supreme Occasionals absolutely "free" and todays Trackmens Parlays will be wired code card will follow by mail. fitte nti o n ! R e ad e rs ! Atte nti o n ! Saturdays Surety Parlay goes today. This parlay shoild pay no less than 0 for . Dont miss it, by any means. It means extra money in your pocket. Two dollars pays for this Surety Parlay that goes on "Saturday only. MaTe all communications direct to "Saturday Surety Parlay" i " SUPREME FLASH 7S9 BROADWAY SUITE 407 NEW YORK CITY 538 South Dearborn St Chicago, III. Price 35c On Sale Everywhere Price 35c TODAYS "SATURDAYS" CODE: HAVRE June-Nashville-St. Louis-Memphis. To decipher code, purchase weekly issue of April 27. $ COMPASS t 55 CENTS FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS 35 LENTS TODAYS FREE CODE: GEORGE Tan-44-40-38-50 POST TIME FREE CODE RELEASES 4th HAVRE Fish-Hogs-Tuna-Pike 4th JAMAICA Tuna-Cams-T.ea;Coffee m To decipher, see pago 29, May Post Time. New Weekly Out 35 Cents FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS FREE CODE: CHURCHILL DOWNS Tag-Sky-Dog-Ivy-Gem 5 FREE SPECIAL: DALLAS Top-Caw-Dog-Vex-Gem Never better and the O. K. has been received, 10 lets go. ; LAST WEEKS LONG . SHOTS: DARKLING, 5.50, WON PROUD HILLS, 1.00, WON And again right off the bat the new weekly gave: HEIRESS, 09.30,Won So by all means dont fail to get the New Issue of WEEKLY MASTER CL0CKER 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS OCCASIONAL CODE: HAVRE DE GRACE Tea-Way-Shy-Oil-Irk Is ready to win and today is the day. For this one ask your newsdealer for the OCCASIONAL CODE CARD PRICE, GOOD FOR ONE WEEK ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS QTURF WEEKLY YESTERDAYS "O K" HORSE: DEMONSTRATION, 6.50, ,W0N Yesterdays "O K," Demonstration. Every Silver Six subscriber to "O .K" horses received the above winner. IT COST NOTHING. Just look on page 6 in Silver Six and you will be able to play these "O K" winners. 00 FREE CODE TODAY Todays 00 Free Code: Girl-Sand-45-23. To decipher, look on page 3 in SILVER "6." YESTERDAYS CODE PARLAY: LITTLE REIGH, 6.60, WON SKY HAVEN, $ 6.40, WON THURSDAYS CODE PARLAY: LAMPORTE, 9.10, WON GALSAC, 13-5, WON These Code Parlays will show you the way to beat your bookmaker day after day. 50-1 CODE PARLAY TODAY Never before have we been so confident of a parlav winning. We advise a straight wager. TODAYS CODE, PARLAY: .-HARRY Blue-30-74. ARTHUR Rose-46-24. There are no telegrams sent on this service., Jusf1 decipher each days parlay with the Code Card for that day. : PAYS FOR SIX DAYS Just wire by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and we will mail you six Code Cards, gorid for six parlays. Upon request we will wire todays parlay and mail the balance of five Code Cards by air mail. No Wires No Expense Immediate service to all subscribers. Overnight delivery of Code Cards by air mail to all clients. SILVER "6" 152 West 42nd St. New York City TRACK CRACKS RACING WEEKLY 4 West 15th St. NEW YORK, N. Y. On sale at all newsstands 15 cents per copy. Todays Track Cracks Code Parlay: DALLAS Ritz-88-52-8-39. DALLAS Parvin-66-52-46-66. TODAYS HAVRE DE GRACE CODE SPECIAL: HAVRE DE GRACE Cap-44-7-3-21. TODAYS TRACK CRACKS FREE CODE: JAMAICA Elm-9-3-18-23. Phone Special Today Call GRAmercy 5-9117 LIVE WIRE TURF WEEKLY Sold on All Newsstands Price. 15 Cents TODAYS MARYLAND ONE HORSECODE: HAVRE DE GRACE Yellow-322-384. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: DALLAS Marmon-27.41. - DALLAS Cadillac-73-41. FIVE DOLLARS pays for code card good for SIJC days parlays service. t Todays Free Code: DALLAS Open-24-36. SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS PER COPY CATERING TO THE PUBLIC SUCCESSFULLY FOR 26 YEARS NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY TODAYS STAR SPECIAL FREE CODE: KENTUCKY Than-10-5 - W Here is a real, old-fashioned clean-up 0 for anticipated. Spend 35 cents and get a copy - of" Clockers Review to decipher the above winner. " ARE YOU FOLLOWING CLOCKERS REVIEW . SATURDAYS SAFETY PARLAYS? J; If not why not? Heres what we gave out last Saturday : 4 MISS MOROCCO, 870 WHITE LEGS, .50 Send .00 for a Safety Parlay That Should Pay 0 or 0 to and win - GOES TODAY SATURDAY NOW IS THE TIME TO START ON THE ROAD TO REAL $ PROFITS $ BY FOLLOWING THE WORLDS FAMOUS PARLAY WIZARD EDWARD TIPTON DURANTE The Man Who Is Shattering All Records -?pgi Our Durante Parlays Are Going Stronger Than Ever YESTERDAYS DURANTE PARLAY: DEMONSTRATION, 6.50, WON SKY HAVEN, $ 6.40, WON THURSDAYS DURANTE PARLAY: . CHERRY STONE, $ 5.10, WON VENETIAN, 7.70, WON "There is no stopping me now. Everything is working In harmony." The same combination of turfmen that have, been giving me the win parlays as shown above day after day are leveling again today with another sensational limit win parlays that will make the. layers sit up and take notice. Todays Durante Parlay: HAVRE DE GRACE Blue-16-5 HAVRE DE GRACE Brown-20-22, Durante Parlays are-sold in sets of six days. You start any day. You get six days in a row. No skipping. YOU MUST CASH FOUR PARLAYS OR YOU GET- ANOTHER WEEKS SERVICE ABSOLUTELY FREE. My Terms Are Fair and Reasonable PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE Todays Durante Parlay will be wired only on request. Code Card will follow by mail. Delay is unnecessary. Get it and get it now. Remit to EDWARD TIPTON DURANTE CARE CLOCKERS REVIEW, 41 UNION SQUARE, WEST SUITE 1011, NEW YORK CITY. Free! Free! Free! One of the greatest books on System Play ever written Is yours for the asking. It has never sold for less than yet you may have it now, while the remaining copies last, for absolutely nothing. The author ELLWOOD TANSEY Recognized the World Over as Americas Leading Authority on Racing Systems, In Co-operation with the Turfs Smartest Magazine - POST TIME MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO OWN THIS REMARKABLE TREATISE" THERE ARE EXACTLY 750 COPIES OF ELLWOOD TANSEYS PREFERRED SYSTEM AND BETTING METHOD AVAILABLE All you need do to receive your free copy is to send in one years subscription to POST TIME. The price, for twelve issues of POST TIME is .50. When the 750 copies of the book are exhausted, there will be none available at any price, so get yours today, while there is still time. SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR YODR YEARS SUBSCRIPTION, AND MR. TANSEYS VALUABLE BOOK, HANDSOMELY BOUND, WELL BE MAILED PREPAID TO YOU IMMEDIATELY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT DEPARTMENT R-5 .CHICAGO. ELL. iTiTBTyTlSiiTjl ! 15 CENTS ALL NEWSSTANDS 15 CENTS IS WINNING A VICE? IS WINNING A CRIME? If so, weve gone hopelessly "wrong." For were getting to be "addicts." YESTERDAYS "PAY-OFF" PARLAY;: BYE BYE MARY, 7-1, WON SKY HAVEN, .40, WON THURSDAYS "PAY-OFF" PARLAY: VENETIAN, 7.70, WON HIGH FINANCE, $ 6.60, WON WEDNESDAYS "PAY-OFF" PARLAY: MARCHING HOME, 5-1, WON PREMUTE, - g. ivoiN If you want to be in a position to play these famous Pay-Off" Parlays get a copy of. Racing Star for only 15 cents and turn to page 2. NEW ISSUE STARTS TODAY Get your copy before your dealer is sold put.. Racing Star has been selling out for the past four weeks. LAST TWO. SATURDAY PARLAYS WON ANOTHER SATURDAY PARLAY GOES TODAY Sec page 4 of RACING STAR WEEKLY for full details. If your dealer is sold out send for fifteen issues to RACING STAR WEEKLY " 38 PARK ROW NEW YORK,: CITY Zr MAN O WAR FOR. SALE. AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: DALLAS Cap-37-1 6-27-35. Todays Code Parlay: DALLAS George-47-21-57-49 and HAVRE DE GRACE Al be rt-63-21 -55-31. Todays Meeting Horse: HAVRE DE GRACE Sue-28-38-30-38. RACING WORLD 15 CENTS Sold at All Newsstands 15 CENTS TODAYS FREE CODE: HAVRE DE GRACE Third-54-45-63. RACING WORLD 217 Centre St., 4th Floor New York City ESCAPED CONVICTS CAUGHT HOUSTON, Texas, April 26. Four prisoners Who fled from the Sugarland Prison Farm after slugging a guard, were taken into custody by the police. Ralph King, one of the convicts, was wounded by police when he resisted their attempt to capture him.- : . r... ! Subscribe for Daily Racing Form TPljfVDO RACING 1 nJMMT WEEKLY Worlds Premier Long Shot Haridicapper "TRIUMPH OF ETERNAL TRUTH" ROCK 0F-0UR FOUNDATION Only 15 Cents a Copy All Stands Have It YESTERDAYS HAVRE MEETING HORSE: JIM JOHN, .00, WON THURSDAYS FREE CODE: ROSEMONT, .30, WON WEDNESDAYS FREE CODE: PARADUN, WON Today Free 12-1 Long Shot Special Another trick will be cut loose ready to win. Get your copy of THORP RACING WEEKLY TODAY. Sec Page 7 for Code. Here it Is: HAVRE DE GRACE Violet-20-30. TODAYS HAVRE DE GRACE MEETING HORSE: HAVRE DE GRACE Buick-61-42. SMASHING WINNING DOUBLE TODAY 80.00 FOR .00 Two smart specials. Real plums, set to win at limit odds. Subscribe, immediately for this winning double today. TODAYS THORP DAILY DOUBLE:. Churchill Brick-87-40. Churchill Roof-6M34. Terms, Daily or Weekly .Service rendered immediately upon receipt of subscription by telegraph, code follows immediately. City Clients, Please Call. THORP RACING WEEKLY 63 Park Row Suite 804 New York City

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935042701/drf1935042701_27_1
Local Identifier: drf1935042701_27_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800