Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-08

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WORKOUTS Date at left of horses name Is lost workout Letters following time Indicate Indicateb b breezing d driving e easily h handily o all out s sulked u eased up upFastest Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type FRIDAY JUNE 7 WASHINGTON PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track slow ThreeEighths Mile 62 Ann ORuloy 39 b 61 Mary Stern 39 b 527 Arthur Mctz 37b 429 Mabel Krasa 39b 64 Bay Count 37 h 61 Miss Corinne 37h 530 Blk Highbw 40 b 531 No Saint 40 b 325 Bungler 42 b 526 Para Four 37h 530 Brains 37 h 528 Peter J Peel 39 b 64 Count Stone 36h 64 Pelerine 36 h 529 Cealleigh 39 b 61 Pantoufle 35h 65 Evergold 37h 65 Rose Thher 37 h 63 El Puma 39b 6 2 Sandy Beach 37b 62 Glodazz 39 b 63 Surveyor 35h 65 Galmica 37 h 63 Sangreal 38b Hose Vi J41 b Spickeen 38 b 64 Her Rcigh 36d 57 Triumph II 40b 64 Judge Blake 36h 549 Tinkg Brok 36h 64 Kingsbury 37 b 528 Threadneedle 39 b 64KoIey Bey 37 h 62 Wiegle In 39 h 64 My Count 37h 531 Wilco 39b 65 Miss Twinkle 36h 65 Where Away 37h 64 Mr Mack 40h 64 Whiskarita 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile MileAirdale Airdale 55 b 62 Legal Gamble 52b 4r30 Bright Light 51b 64 Mid Vicrian 48h 64 Bernadine W 54 b Pharosay 51h 64 Brico 51 h 61 Peter Carey 52 b 530 Coutess Ann 50 h 61 Sure Hour 52b 64 Debs Delight 52b 61 Stout Heart 51b 520 Dunlin Lady 50h 61 Swift Queen 53b 62 Gibys Chce 52b 61 Traumint 54 b 62 Holdum Brn 50k 64 Top Row 51b 61 Hats Off 53b 531 Tearout 50 b 63 Honorary 51h 64 Tap Dancer 51h 63 Isaiah 50h Waygood 53 b 64 Just Marian 53h FiveEighths Mile 64 BeauFrerel04h 62 Joe Floresl06 b 63 Cloud D0r103h 524 Lily May 105 h 62 Cachalot 108 b 64 Navanod 109 b 66 Declaration 113 b 531 Prince Torchl12 b 529 Flight of Gldl04h 65 Spicate l05b 65 Hueu l09b l09bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 528 Al Neimanl23 b 66 Morng Mail 118 h 66 Bacon l21h 526 Mareve 126 b 61 Clienteles l18b 531 Norman D 120 h 62 Civilian l21b 64 Pre and Pyl21 h 64 Conte l22b 65 Sock Dologerl18h Dologerl18h517Escadron 517Escadron 122 h 61 Steppin Highl20h 61 Gertrude Sl20h 61 Scandal ShtISS b 66 Impel 121 b bOne One Mile 530 Bibes Choicel47h 524 Haggerson 147 h hPantoufle Pantoufle and Surveyor were together showing good speed speedMid Mid Victorian showed a good effort effortCloud Cloud DOr went well wellMorning Morning Mail showed a liking for the going goingHaggerson Haggerson had good early speed LINCOLN FIELDS FIELDSWeather Weather clear track heavy ThreeEighths Mile Fall Blaze 33h 61 Magic Wand 41h 55 Granite Son 41h 62 Ouray 41 b 65 Goln Momts 40h 40hOneHilf OneHilf Mile 64 Cousin Bess 52 h 531 Full Fling 54h 54hDust Dust R 56h 519 Peggy Gal 54h 54hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 65 Black Fooll09h 64 Egypt l10b 517 Cf Gcronimol07h 63 Lady Federall10b 64 Deceive 107 h ThreeQuarters Mile 66 Jackstaff l24h l24hOne One Mile 531 Royal Lconl45h Lconl45hRoyal Royal Leon showed a liking for the going Egypt was only breezing BAINBRIDGE PARK PARKWeather Weather drizzly track sloppy ThreeEighths Mile 65 Benediction 42 b 65 St Marco 38b 64 Josie G 41 b 63 Silver Blue 41b 531 Lady Phond 36 h 63 Sweep Like 37 b 64 Mental Storm 42b 524 Toltec 40 b 520 Mr Stein 42b 529 Vonnie 39b 64 Precocious 40b 40bOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile531Dtless 531Dtless Miss 51 b 530Idlcwild 54b 429 Dusky Lass 57b 530 Luna Bright 50 h 65 Disport 58 b 65 Our Sandy 55 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 64 Dutchy l09b 61 Immutable 105 b bLuna Luna Bright worked handily all the way St Marco had early speed Dauntless Miss was only breezing DAYTON DAYTONWeather Weather rainy track muddy ThreeEighths Mile 528 Beauty Bride 40 h 520 Lucky Kate 41 h 66 Chunk 41 h Miss Gobi 42h 531 Chloec ir 41h 520 Our Bessie 41 h 527 Eagle v sek 44 h 530 Odd Star 41h 521 Exclusive 41h 522 Prce Canbar 43h 519 Foreword 43 h 529 Swpingly 44 h OneHalf Mile 528 Fair Arrow 58h 66 Merl J 54 h 526 Gdbye Blues 55 h 518 Westys Lad 54h 522 Kg Chokee 58 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Agreeable 112 h 524 Toney Dool12 h 510 Kg Hlisterl12 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 526 Gay Hastgsl26 h hRain Rain and track conditions kept workouts down to a minimum LATONIA LATONIAWeather Weather cloudy J track slow dogs up ThreeEighths Mile 64 Allene B 39h 64 Lady Cotner 39h 65 Booms Pal 40 h 32 Onside 49 h 64 Drino 43 h 62 Our Toney 40 h 524 Pannikins 43 h 62 Visigoth 40h 531 Lady Comde 37h 61 Wazayata 42 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 05 Atit 52 h 63 Brillt State 51h 528 Belle of May 54h 61 Chkee Red 52h 423 Brdway Wd 52 h 65 Compensatory 51b 64 Boston Sund 54h 63 First Class 50h 63 Beea y A 33 h 65 Gfand Mner 51h 62 Grasswrack 52b 64 Sourdine 51h 63 Indiana Flyer 52h 523 Sweet Guinea 53 h 62 Onalark 52 h 64 Sycorax 51h 64 Red Quill 54h 62 Tipover 51h 51hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 64 Cayuga l05h 517 Mr Ricks 108 h 63 Harper 107 h 65 Night Owl l07h 527 Happy Rhckl08 h 64 Nicks Chuckl07 h 64 Insulated l10h Royal Hunterl13 h 64 Jack W 105 h 64 Sis Agnes 104J h 64 Line Drive l07h 531 Waltz Timel06h ThreeQuarters Mile MileFunip Funip 122 h 524 Noreda 120 h 524 Joda l20h 65 Otherwise l21h 64 Lady Friendl23 b 65 Sora 121 h 66 Minnie Belle 119h 63 Sleek 122 h 64 Mission Clkl22 h 61 Sue Terry 123 h 65 Miss Rebeckl20 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 61 Ballyhoo 134 h 530 Gilbert Elstn133h Elstn133hOne One Mile 62 Hasty Lady 153 h 64 Pete 0Donlll56 h 64 Our Tamb 156 h 64 Squall 153 h 64 Prince Fluz 153 h Nothing worthy of comment commentCHARLES CHARLES TOWN TOWNWeather Weather clear track slow ThreeEighths Mile Mile530AclIa 530AclIa 38 b 530 Lawnview 38d Chromo 39 d 45 Miss Cyllene 38 h 313 Dixie Bee 39 h Nay Nay 38 b 63 Gon Strk II 39 b OneHalf Mile 66 Annan 53 d Runy Target 52b 530 Flosilda 50 h 61 St Chrisphr 54 b 65 Pretty Boy 54 b bthreeQuarters threeQuarters Mile 64 Morocen 120 h OMAHA OMAHAWeather Weather clear track good ThreeEighths Mile l28Ayston 38b 522 Jack Murphy 39 b bAugusta Augusta 37h 65 Lady Bnville 37h 63 Baldy 41 b 122 Lebam 38b 38bCharlie Charlie Chan 39 b 66 My Wish 41b 63 Catwalk 38 b 65 No Doubt 38 b bDrbys Drbys Pride 38 h 530 Oddesa Beau 38h 38h410Ervast 410Ervast 40 b 65 Off Duty 40b 223 El Toto 39 b 65 Song Hit 39 b 63 Eldred L 36 h 64 Winng Mary 38 h 64 Jimmy Sutro 38 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 64 Carbon 49 h 65 Miss Sergnt 3 b 33 Chatternian 53h 65 Natalie Mae 48d 59 Dee Tees 50h 58 Rickety Jane 52 b 513 Dark Sea 49y5h 62 Storm 49h 49hIts Its Keen 4b 529 Sly Kstone 51 h hManitobian Manitobian 55 b bFiveEighth FiveEighth Mile 513 Black Peterl04b 55 Sweepogan l04h 66 Best o Luckl04h 65 Tombereau 109 b 65 Chagrin 103 h 515 Terry Rose 104 h 63 Catch On l04h 59 Traplou 1K3 h 64 Dtor Happyl05h Waywd Ladl08b 64 L Chiniquyl04 h 58 Welchcr l03h 528 Surprising U04h ThreeQuarters Mile 514 Demagogue l17h 530 Ser Blanche116h 65 Darkest Hourl17h 65 Toppling l17h 65 Englebcrt 119 h Miss Sergeant worked between races Best o Luck and Surprising were in com ¬ pany panyNatalie Natalie Mae worked impressively Eldred L showed speed Black Peter was only breezing Soeur Blanche was well in hand Carbon showed improvement Traplou went handily all the way DETROIT DETROITWeather Weather rainy track muddy dogs up ThreeEighths Mile 63 Cross Ruff 39 h 64 Make It 37h 49 Crowd Head 39 h 64 My Kin 38h 65 Cooney 39 h 62 Maylite 42h 65 Chastity 39 h 64 More News 37h 61 Elanac 39h 64 Mn Dream 38h 62 GenI Martin 39 h 530 Panic Relief 36h 65 Husky Lass 38h 62 Sugar Jar 40 h 64 My Muggins 37h 530 Silverctte 36h 529 Mnny Moons 37h 65 Wichita City 38h OneHalf Mile 62 Ceylon 57 b 64 Miss Bender 53h 62 Col Hatfield 53h 64 My Bonnie 53 h 526 Flag Wave 53h 63 Miss Purray 55 b 64 Faux Pas 52 h 531 Santan 54 b 65 Good Aim 51h 529 Speed Queen 53h 318 Gladess 52 h 62 Sunchance 52 h 64 Helios 51h 530 Silver Tidings 52 h 64 I King 52h 63 Sneeze 51h 64 Mad Air 53 h 65 Spartan Lady 50h 64 Mnie Grock 54 h 529 Sun Arena 52 h 64 Marbite 53 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 65 Eds Brothrl06h 61 Lexy l06h 64 Bliant LightlK6 h 529 Lugen Luggel06 h 531 Chieftain 113 b 64 Ladfield l07b 64 Eva R 109 h 64 Metaurus 110 b 63 Gene D l09h 64 Pipson 108 h 64 Hasty Belle 106 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 55 Blind Praise 122 h 63 Maple Suel24h 65 Best Policy 122 h Spoiled Boyl21h 65 Fannie Bricel26h 63 Sun Lorenzol24 h 530 Maple Dreaml21 h 531 Wind Song 120 h 63 Maple Princcl20 h 64 Ytfin 124 h hOne One Mile 528 Miss Morocco152 b 521 Shady Well 153 h hSilverette Silverette and Panic Relief showed good speed together Faux Pas and Sun Arena went handily together togetherLadfield Ladfield was breezing breezingSpartan Spartan Lady acts well wellShady Shady Well was given an easy trial trialMiss Miss Morocco worked after the last race Thursday BELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 529 Clean Out 38 h Gold Clip 36h 65 Chancing 38 h 57 Harmoncssa 36h 65 Delphinium 36h 64 Jean Bart 36h 63 Nautch 35h 5 29 Squeeze 38 h 62 Okapi 36h 530 Strophe v 37h 62 S yift Rose 36h 64 Semaphore 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 61 Anacfeon 50 h 65 Savings 48J H 56 Mly Grnock 54 b 62 Sea Cradle 55 d 526Maeriel 52b Trifolium 50 h 64 Phorcus 51 h 518 Tintaeel 50d 61 Royal Cning 51 h 528 Tiddlewink 49h FiveEighths Mile 64 Gilt l01d 531 Pretty Busyl06 b 64 Kievex 108 b 64 Rosemont 101 h 64 Little Lad 106 b 64 Springlock l01d ThreeQuarters Mile Mile528Ajaccio 528Ajaccio Id6h 64 Cycle 115 d 64 Albuquerque l20h 63 Kerry Patchl17h 61 Blm Again 118 h 61 Sea Fox 123 b bOne One Mile 61 Thursday 144 h 529 War Glory 141h AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather cloudy track good ThreeEighths Mile 519 Flowery 37h 64 Robn Crusoe 37 h 527 Pending 38 h 513 Scout Master 37 h OneHalf Mile 61 Eudes 53 h 62 Mercia 43 h 64 Flyg Falcon 53 h 64 Philippi Boy 49b 62 Golden Time 53h 53hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mite 64 Omaha l00 h 522Torfrida 104 h 64 Star Scout 106 b bThree1Juarters Three1Juarters Mile 66 Blue Gal117h 521 Portden ld9h 64 Blue Bubble 118 d r Seven Eighths Mile 62 Banderlog 133 h 61 Hard Chase l30h 64 Dasher 126tV 519 Sheltrd Ldyl29h Ldyl29hOne One Mile 524Footsure 146 h 64 Flashg Colr142h JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather cloudy track fast Three iqhths Mile 513 Jimmy H 37h 64 Victory Hill 38 b 63 Pass Shot 38 b bOre Ore Half Mile 65 Barbarian 53b 61 Thundertone 50h 65 My Selection 53b 53bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 63 New Dress l05b 64 Skipalong l04h 64 Pretty Softl03h 65 Sgt Byrne 102 d dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 64 Chatterdoo 117 d 64 Huge Copyl164 d 64 Chancell 1154 d dOne One Mile 65 Rust l43d LONG BRANCH BRANCHWeather Weather rainy track sloppy Three Eighths Mile MileBrunetta Brunetta 39h 63 Muckle Do 37 h 517 Count Bruno 39 b 519 Sleaford 42 b 516 Idle Flirt 37h Storm Blow 40 b bKings Kings Crest 40 b 531 Starella II 37h 63 Ly Marnock 37 h 62 Syndic 39 h hMr Mr Chink 40 b 519 Union 38h 38h516Marmion 516Marmion 37h Wahful Era 40 b bMace Mace 40 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 65 Aneroid 55 b 64 Plful Boston 51 h 531 Belle Fuller 51 h 530Swiftlet 51 h 521 Cup Winner 51 h 520 Seemego 53 h 61 Heiress 51 h Tuh Timber 54 h 530 Meddle 55 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mila 61 Bushman 105 h 62 Step Prettyl06 h 66 Candle Flyl06d 529 Uvira 105 h 65 Royal Birdl08b Birdl08bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 65 Celeritas 119 h 64 Justa Peakl18h 511 Dedication 126 b 64 Mindreader 122 b 61 Frid Chaley118 h 61 Plain Ben 125 h Lady Marnock and Muckle Do went hand ¬ ily together togetherBelle Belle Fuller liked the gong Heiress went handily Playful Boston and Swiftlet went handily together Friend Charley is in his best form ROCKINGHAM PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 63 Brit Phanm 37h 65 Identify 35h 63 Billie Bane 39 h 61 Jamboree 36h 529 Border King 42 h 531 Mathias 39 h 62 Erin Lad 37h Nocturnlabe 37h 64 Forewarned 40 h 519 Sobreity 37h 527 Gay Crest 39 h 529 Sandy Bill 37 b 64 Hackless Up 37h 37hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 524 About Time 52 h 64 Mack Sennett 49h 63 Apple Frjtter 50h 531 Legionary 54 h 64 Bald Budget 55 h 515 Narise 51h 66 Brt a Early 50h 61 Primute 48h 64 Chimney Top 50h Peace Move 52 d 63 Crazy Jane 504 h 65 Pana Franka 494y 494yh h 65 Enthusiasm 49h 66 Strenuous 51 h 64 Jges Verdict 55 h 61 Speedmore 53h 528 Mario 52 h 531 Ugin 51h 51hFive Five Eighths Mile Mile527Fidelis 527Fidelis 1K5 h 62 Sweet Molliel06 h 63 Herondoa 105 h 64 Take Off l04 d 62 Jirasol H103h H103hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 222 Fair Countessl21h Countessl21hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 64 Crdd Hoursl32h Hoursl32hOne One Mile 527 Fake 153 h 530 Thomasville 147 h 63 Fast Chancel52 h 528 Sand Baby 147 b 517 Old Field 151 h BLUE BONNETS BONNETSWeather Weather clear track slow ThreeEighths Mile 63 Army Game 39h Miss Dovan 39l b b531Achras 531Achras 42 b 527 Oiscau Noire 41 d 63 Donna Day 42 b 528 Potala 43 d 64 Helen D 42b 523 Scara Glen 41 b 65 Jug of Gold 41b 63 Tartan Betsy 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 531 All Roses 53J b 63 Maggie Love 55 h hAmen Amen 56 h 530Magna Mater 54h 64 Baggataway 53h 520 Newgro 53h 53hBig Big Dollar 55 b 527 Prince Fleet 56 h 61 Logwood 56 h hFive Five Eighths Mile Chattenvay 110 b Top Shot 108J d

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1935060801_37_1
Library of Congress Record: