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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART CHARTMILLDALE MILLDALE MOLDABLE KY June 18 Twentyfirst Twenty Day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track slow Presiding Judge L P Tarleton Carleton Starter Col Cool J J Chinn Chin FIRST IES IDES EAGE AGE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Selling 9021 Icrt Crt Horses Wt St M V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C i93lOSUUKO 105 1 21 21 IK 111 15 O Reiff Riff Baker Gentry 21 21 85 85 8862 BELZARA BELARUS 1021 5 7 71 41 41 22 J Hill E F McLean CLean 2 21 2 21 7377 TONTO ONTO 100 6 10 10 9 51 31 Mormon W E Applegate Appellate 4645 S9313BLEAKMORE 97 7 51 41 31 21 42 Gleason Lesson J Walker Co 12 20 10 15 8388 BEOSSAET BOSSIEST 100 9 9 9 8 8 55 Bolder Ewing Goode Good 50 100 50 60 8933 OLLEAN POLLEN 105 2 Hi 1 2 311 6 James W F Dair Dairy 20 30 20 30 8824 DOMINICA 97 10 8 6 6 7 7 Whiteside Whites G J Long 50 100 50 60 8864 FESSY ESSAY F 95 46 51 798 T Burns W Fields Co 10 10 6 8 8931 LADY KEITH 9713 4 31 51 6 9 Hirsch Mrs I G Thompson20 40 20 30 4874 DULCENEA DULCETNESS 95 11 11 11 10 10 10 Dickerson Dickers J B Todd 50 100 20 50 8475 GEO GE PATTERSON 105 8 31 8 11 11 11 Thompson John Morgan 50 100 20 50 50Time Time 251 51 l16t 144 144Winner Winner Blk Balk c by Charaxus Caraculs Annita Anita AnnitaPost Anita Post 5 minute Start good Won easily Oscuro Obscure was much the best Belzara Belarus was slow to begin Her saddle girth broke in the stretch Tonto Onto closed fast while Oilcan died to nothing nothingScratched nothings Scratched Hate Off 100 King Morgan 102 102Overweights Overweights Overweighs Belzara Belarus 21 pounds Tonto Onto 3 Lady Keith 21 Geo Geol Patterson 3 SECOND RACE fiS fibs Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances 9022 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V4 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8816 PROGMORE PROMOTE 10213 1 12 12 12 JHill Hill E S Gardner 4646 464688462STARS 88462STARS STRIPES 98 2 2 2 211 2 R Isora Visor Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 4646 4646R935 R935 GEORGIE GEORGE C 108 1 4H 31 3 33 Gleason Lesson C Bellinger Berliner 75 75 75 75 8913 VIKGIE VICKI COOK 98 4 51 fi 41 4 T Burns TB Jones 8 10 6 8 8868 ACES UP 98 6 3ii 41 52 5 Nutt Mutt Lee Pemborton Emotion 6666 8600 ONWENTSIA OWENS 98 5 6666 Hirsch Alec Hall 20 30 10 10 8714 LOTTIE GLOTTIDES LOVE 98 8 8777 James Bennett Tarr Tarry 12 15 10 10 8522 HIFALUTIN INFATUATING 102 7 7888 BeauchampC Bacchantic M Moore 30 80 30 60 60Time Time 251 511 1 04 04Winner Winner B f by Quicklime Forever ForeverPost Forever Post 10 minutes Start good Won easily second in a hard drive Georgie George got less than vigorous handling Frogmore Frog was much the best Stars and Stripes was under a hard drive all the way home homeScratched homestretches Scratched Dayo Day 98 Fonlante Foliate 98 98Overweights Overweights Overweighs Frogmore Frog 41 pounds Hifalutin Infatuating 4 THIED TIED RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling 9023 Ind Indo Horses Vi X StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C x8378 EGBART EDGAR IH 12 12 m RWilliams Williams T Murphy 35 45 12 12 M093J p B 8 31 22 2 R Isom Ism M Harney Barney 8 15 8 15 S8663FRONTMAN 7 41 31 3 Overton Overtone T F Sailers Sailors 6 10 6 10 S934 WHITE OAK 9 61 51 45 Morrison Orison J H McAvoy Cavy 6 10 6 8 8909 IDA M 23 21 43 55 T Burns J C Cooper 15 20 12 15 86613RAYMOND 8661JRAYMOND 112 10 10 10 10 62 McGann Megan RutledgeStevensSO BO 40 40 4726 VOGELSONG VOGEL 117 6 61 7 61 7 J Perkins J Desha Des 50 80 40 40 8977 PRUDENT 107 4 51 8 8 8 BeauchampSmithSchnman 40 60 IB 30 8681 LA GASCOGNE GASCONADE 107 7 41 9 9 9 Whiteside Whites G J Long 6866 8739 DR KELLOGG 109 1 3 8 10 10 C Reiff Riff W H Wheeler 20 30 15 30 30Time Time 25 51 l16i l16iWinner Winner B h 6 by Egmont Segment Jennie Doty Dotty DotyPost Outpost Post 15 minutes Start good Won easily next three hard ridden White Oak closed fast at the finish J P B finished gamely Ida M dropped out of it on the far turn La Gascogno Gasconade had no speed at all Egbart Edgar was clearly the best bestScratched Scratched Carroll Donder Dander 114 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 300 3yearolds and upward 9024 Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V M StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8759 EEMP EXEMPT 97 1 5 21 2 21 H Hirsch W M Wallace 5 5 4 5 2580 GOV GO BOIES BOWIES BOIES8741LETCHER 99 2 H li H 11 2n T Burns W A Hopkins 8741LETCHER 8741LETCHER88673JOE 102 3 6 51 53 11 31 J Hill Million fe Davis 1 651 65 88673JOE CLARK CLARK88672FRED 102 5 2 3 411 31 45 BeauchampW Beach W H May 4535 453588672FRED 88672FRED BARR BARR5181DISCIPLINE 102 6 4i 42 3 55 510 R Isom Ism SmithSchuman Smithsonian 3 4 2 3 351813DISCIPLINE 5181DISCIPLINE 51813DISCIPLINE 97 4 31 6 6 6 6 J Perkins J Desha Des 50 60 30 40 40Time Time 25 491 115 1421 147 147Winner Winner Ch c 3 by Hayden Edwards Onvirlce Convince OnvirlcePost Overleaps Post 5 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driven out Gov Go Boies Bowies ran an excellent race for his first time out Barr was sore going to the post Letcher Fletcher got an easy ride He should have been at least second Remp Rep was the best His race was above the notch E FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances 9025 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M yt J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 8932 KRIS KKINGLE KINGLET 100 7 41 32 111 Morrison Orison R E M Porter 20 30 20 30 8228 TEMPO 100 1 111 2H 22 Conley Coney C Porter 21 2 2 21 8802 BUCKSAW 1021 5 21 11 31 J Hill F H Curran Currant 3 8 21 3 3LINSTOCK LINSTOCK FLINTLOCK 104 10 6 4H 41 C Reiff Riff L B Ringgold Reinhold 81056 8910 OHAUN JOHAN FISHER 97 3 51 51 55 Nutt Mutt John Huffman 21 2 2 21 8802 FEWNESS 100 8 7 61 6 Beckley John Welch 20 30 15 20 8040 BAMBROOK BAMBOO 100 2 33 7 7 Patton J Walker Co 40 60 30 40 8865 PRACT PACT FARMER 10211 11 8 8 BeauchampTalbot Nichols 30 40 10 30 30MONQUE MONQUE NONUSE 110 9 996 Higgins T Bush 15 20 15 15 8712 FRESHMAN 100 8 8 10 10 James J E Hughes Co 30 40 15 30 30TITLE TITLE 100 4 10 11 11 D Slghter Slighter Ed Brown 20 25 10 15 15Time Time 25 51 1 03t 1 10 Winner B c by Springbok Brune Brunei BrunePost Brunets Post 15 minutea minute Start good Won cleverly Kris Kringle Cringle came away last sixteenth like a fair colt Bucksaw quit final furlong Ho was used a good bit Tempo ran a good race Lin Ling ¬ stock closed up considerable ground from where he got off He is a bad actor at the post Chauncey Chancery Fisher ran a dull race Scratched Albert L 100 Overweights Overweighs Bucksaw H pounds Linstock Flintlock 4 Practical Farmer 2 SIXTH RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 85203SEAPORT 105 6 31 2 22 12 JHill Hill E S Gardner 3433 8825 JACK DONOHUE 110 1 5656 8S023STANHOPE 110 3 2 31 3 31 Morrison Orison M M Young 2 3 2 21 21891H 891H GOODRICH 110 9 9 8 6 41 Everett W H Laudeman Laundryman 4535 453582983CYR1L 82983CYR1L 105 2 41 41 41 5 Whiteside Whites G J Long 15 50 10 25 2588653SACKET 88653SACKET 105 8 8776 Thompson SimmsAndersn Insiders 6 12 5 S 8932 PROVOLO PROVOLONE 105 7 7687 Conley Coney A L Ferguson 8 12 6 10 8825 ST RAYMOND 105 4 51 5H 51 8 C Roiff Riff R W Cable 10 10 7 8 8932 LEICESTER 105 5 61 9 9 9 Hirsch A H D H MorrisSO Morris 50 30 50 50Time Time 25 50 1 03 1 10 10Winner Winner B c by Quicklime Sumatra SumatraPost Sumatra Post 20 minutes Start good Won driving Donohne Donjon was away running He stopped in the run home Seaport finished strong under a drive Goodrich ran a good race from where he got off He finished very strong too Sacket Socket got an easy race Leicester is a bad colt