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1NGALLS PARK FORM CHART CHARTJOLIET CABRIOLET JOLIET ILL Juno 18 Twentyseventh Twenty Day Ingalls Finals Park Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track muddy Presiding Judge John Kelsey Starter Richard Dwyer QT FIRST RACE 1 Mile Purse J50 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 5 V 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8927 PITFALL 102 6 5 J 15 31 14 no uioary ivory W K Cleveland liT liT7o 7o 6 6 89272DOCTOR G 108 l 12 22 520 31 28 Bloes Blokes fella fellah fiiwy fixity 45 1 7 1045 89253TRADITION 104589253TRADITION KM 4 4 4 l 2 33 Gouin Gouging Weo Woe B Havill Hail 15 20 js 15 8898 GLENOID GENOCIDE 107 SB 21 1 2 510 42 L Rose E M Bprgon Paragon 10 25 10 20 8973 FERRYMAN II 9S 5 6 6 6 6 5 J Webber L A Lt gg 15 15 12 8816 LITTLE MUSIC 95 2 32 3 41 42 6 Dorsey Dose B J Johnston 2 1352i 2 Time 26 52 1 06 1 21 1 49 Winner 49Winner Br g 5 by Falsetto Marmoset MarmosetPost Marmoset Post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second ridden out third rather handily Pitfall was by far the best He revelled reveled in the going and won on his own courage The boy touk thou the long route with him The ride on Doctor G was bad looking He dropped out of it on the far turn Little Music ran a bad race Glenoid Genocide had speed for about threequartrs Dorian was a starter in this race but in a breakaway he ran away three and threequarter treasurer miles and wa = excused excusedScratched excused Scratched Dorian 107 107Overweights Overweights Overweighs Little Music 2 pounds Doctor G 2 Tradition 3 9017 SECOND RACE 12 Mile Purse 250 2yoarolds Maidens Allowances tnd tend Horses Wt St Vt 1m 1 Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8976 IDEAL BEAU 108 It 2 2 1 Caywood Cawed E F Voos Voss 322 32 2 8332 THiC TiC EDITOR 103 3 42 4 2 Armstrong M Wynn 5 10 5 10 8893 ELIZABETH K 105 9 8 5 36 Gouin Gouging Geo Geol B Havill Hail 4 4 4 4 8525 NONA P 100 7 31 1H 42 Dorsey Dose B C Watkins 5856 5856LILLIPUTIAN LILLIPUTIAN 100 10 61 72 51 Magnusson Manson P M Civill Civilly 6 10 5 5 8893 B OF CORSICA 103 4 5 6 6 L Scott J J Sellers 443 8893 TALLY HO 108 6 7 81 7 Bloss Loss Jas Jabs Walsh 10 15 1 15 8972 RAYMOND F 103 2 1 3 85 Donaldson Donald Ed Fitzgerald 10 15 10 12 8813 DARECHOTA ARCOLA 100 S 92 95 92 A Thmpsn Thompson W M Bingerly Gingerly 4 12 3 10 8671 LADY MARIE 100 5 10 10 10 C Clay R W Donovan 10 40 lu 40 Time 40Time 13 26 39 52 Winner 52Winner B c by Jim Gore Bonita Bonito Belle BellePost Belle Post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second third and fourth driving also Ideal Beau was the best and best handled Caywood Cawed punished him the last three furlongs The Edi Edie ¬ tor tore ran a surprising race and Elizabeth K a sparkling one The latter was off badly and had to run around her field The boy handled her cleverly though Nona P was full of speed but sprawled all over the track in the fiual figural sixteenth sixteenthOverweights sixteenth Overweights Overweighs Belle of Corsica 3 pounds Tallyho 5 9018 QO1 Q THIRD RACE 1 11 G Miles Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses WtSt Watt 34 H 5 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8895 IRISH LADY 92 1 15 16 110 110 115 AThompsnO Thompson M Hogan 1212920920 8925SDNNY 12129209208925SDNNY 107 3 23 215 230 230 215 L Scott J J Sellers 2 1 15 95115 8927 DOCKSTADER DOCKSIDE 95 2 3 3 3 3 3 J Hicks J F Davis 20 25 15 25 25Time Time 26 53 1 07 1 21 1 47 1 54i Winner 54iWinner Ch m 4 by Onondaga Patty of Cork CorkPost Compost Post 1 minute Start good Won eased up second also very easily There was nothing to the race Irish Lady had speed to loan and simple galloped the whole route The boy rode Sunny hard himScratched hemstitched for first three quarters then seeing it was of no use eased him Scratched Blaiserock Blaster 92 at 2 45 p m 9019 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 5300 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C SS953DR SHKPPARD SHEPPARD 110 4 1 23 2 23 n A Barrett Barrette Foster Bros Brows 8753NEWSGATHERER 103 51 3 1 H 1 220 Rutter Ruttier C P Fink 4544 8928THE 45448928THE PLUTOCRAT 110 2 56 4 3 32 3H L Scott J J Sellers 85 85 65 75 8753 PIRATE PRINCE 91 6 6 6 6 41 43 J Hicks J F Davis 100 150 100 100 8817 MACE 97 3 21 52 4 6 5 Dorsey Dose C Freudeuberg Redouble 20 75 20 60 60s929 s929 HENRY CLAY 100 1 41 3 5 53 6 Coleman W M Singerly Gingerly 30 50 30 40 Time 40Time 26 52 1 04 1 17 1 32 Winner 32Winner B c by Buchanan Voltine Voltaire VoltinePost Evolution Post 7 minutes Start fair Won driving second third and fourth driving also Dr Shep Sheep pard pared was the best He was right at home in the going too The weight anchored The Plutocrat He is not as good as the winner at that Newsgathorer ran a good race It was form too Pirate Prince finished strong strongScratched Scratched Admetus Adepts 105 Tony Honing 100 IkIk Vikki FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearoldo and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 88162GRACIE C 105 5 32 1 1 1 12 Caywood Cawed J Duffels 85 2 85 2 8975 LITTLE DORR1TT 100 2 2 = 3t 32 22 2 Donaldson Donald J Brenock Redneck 6 15 6 8 8S943 LITTLE TOM 104 4n 42 42 45 31 310 Gouin Gouging L Lammertz Lamer Co4 433 8929 MOLLIE KING 100 1 H 23 21 41 48 Magnusson Manson N Snow 10 15 10 12 8930 1 MR DAYTON 93 8 5 55 58 52 525 J Webber A F Dayton 8 20 8 15 8925 LITTLE OCEAN 957 63 6io 68 62 62 Dorsey Dose BJJotinston 4433 8928 BUSTUP DUSTUP 102 61 41 76 72 75 710 Q Luther W Brandos Brands 4847 8929 LADY ROSE 103 3 8 8 8 8 8 R Armstrg Amstar R W Donovan 15 50 15 50 50Time Time 26i 54 1 08 1 22 1 49 Winner 49Winner B m 6 by Voltigeur Voltage Belzoni Beloit BelzoniTost Beloit Tost Toast 10 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive next three driving just as hard Little Dorritt Diorite was perhaps the best She fell and was jumped on at the post Caywood Cawed rode a powerful finish on Gracie C Little Tom was under the whip the last threequarters treasurers Mollia Mollie King had some speed It was of little use to her though The crowd was a bad one Scratched oneScratched overstretched Onalaska Koalas 105 Spitfire 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Little Tom 2 pounds Lady Rose 3 Little Ocean 3