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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO Juno 18 Thirtieth day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C P Maxwell QO OT T FIRST FIEST FIST RACE l Mile Purse 100 3yearc 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k Yt StrFin Strafing Jock Jockeys Owners O H L C 4b3 DONATION llM lM 3 2 2 3 23 l Warrei Warren Ware C CO Fallen 32 85 6c 85 8848 ZEPHYRUS ZEPHYRS 92 7 6 4 1 is 1 21 J Wooi Woo Woods B Schreiber 3636 8908 GOLD BAND 87 2 1 U 22 310 310 Frank Franklin G W urtis Curtis 6 10 5 8 8734 NYLIC 89 8 41 7 7 4 4 Presto F GilhooJey Girlhood 15 0 15 15 8871 IRISH CHIEF II 107 4 8 53 6 6 53 Frost D Hoover 12 15 10 15 8848 CHARLES P 111 9 9 9 51 7 6 Hinkoy Inky C G McFall MCA 15 15 12 15 S994 SAN RLAS LAS 111 1 51 8 4 6 71 Foucon Soupcon Larrissey Arise Barry 8 10 8 10 8848 HOAX 106 11 11 6 9 8 8 G Lynch J Faulkner 40 60 30 40 8733 BRAVO 104 10 31 3 8 9 9 R Jones R R Rice 10 12 10 10 8738 PAPA SPECHT ASPECT 104 13 13 11 11 10 10 Lawton G S Barry 40 60 30 50 8807 ACHILLES D 111 12 14 10 10 11 11 D Hall W M McClinton Acclimation 25 30 20 30 8738 NO PULL 92 5 12 12 12 12 12 Clifton C Martin 15 20 12 20 8849 AL MILES 112 14 10 Fell Akor Wako G Flanagan Flange 12 15 10 15 7892 KNUTE KNOUTED 89 6 7 Fell HarringtonJ Harrington S OBrien O'Brien 4544 4544Time Time 25451 117 144 144Winner Winner Ch g 4 by Sir Dixon Umbria Umbrian Post 20 minutes Start fair Won easily second driving Knuto Knout fell and Al Miles stumbled over him Knuto Knout broke a log and was shot Gold Band showed sDoed soled The Chief ran a fair race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Virginia M 102 I C V 103 Longway Conway 111 Courtesy 92 92Overweights Overweights Overweighs Hoax 2 pounds Al Miles 4 9028 SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Va X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 89442MA GALOP GALLOP 105 3 1 12 12 It D HonnessyG Hotness C Moahior Mohair 6 10 5 8 S872 REVENUE 109 2 45 2 22 21 R Jones R R Rice 8 12 6 10 88712H H GARDNER 108 1 3 32 31 3 E Joues Joules W A Kirwan Iran 35 71012 12 8794 BRA W SCOT 109 4 58 51248 48 C SlaughtorB Slaughter Schreiber 10 10 10 10 8904 CANDY 94 5 666 5io Proston Proton P Tomlinson Tompkins Co30 50 20 50 8873 HILL BILLY 102 6 41 5 6 Peterman Letterman J Stephenson 5656 5656Time 29IWinner Time 13 25 39 5C1 1 03 1 16t 1 29I Winner B f 4 by King Galop Gallop Melrose MelrosePost Melrose Post 10 minutes Start fair Won easily second driving Braw Scot showed some improve ¬ ment meant May Galop Gallop was much the best bestScratched Scratched Botanic 99 9O29 THIRD RACE G8 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V Vi i YJ StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 89052MARY GALVIN ALVIN 110 2 32 31 11 Garner J C Cahn Can 12 12 25 25 8946 BARBEE BARBERED 105 3 389032SCHOOL 4 i 5 2 Foucon Soupcon 0 G Parke Parker 15 20 10 15 89032SCHOOL GIRL 103 4 489488T 22 2 3 Webster BrwningBdman4 10 3 8 8IB 89488T ALPHONSES ALPHORNS D 113 1 1XALI33A IB i 42 R Jones F M Arthur 10 12 10 10 XALI33A 103 5 53 4m 5 E Jones John Huffman 8878 8903 CHARLOTTE M 110 9 9 6 6 Freeman Caesar Young 6868 8903 FREE SILVER III 103 8 887 Peterman Letterman Barnes Dailey Daily 25 30 20 30 89033 BRIGHTIE BRIGHTEN B 103 7 778 Combs W L Cramer Crammer 20 30 20 30 8874 WHITELA WHITE 103 5 5THURLES 699 Rebo Reebok C Reed 60 80 50 80 80THURLES THURLES HURDLES 106 10 10 10 10 Warren T J McHale Chalet 20 30 20 30 Time 30Time 12 241 37 501 1 03 Winner GossipPost Gossip Ch f by Belvidere Belvedere Mrs Gossip Post 8 minutes Start fair Won easily next three driving Mary was much the best Barbee Barbered ran a good race St Alphonses Alphorns tired at the end School Girl ran a dull race Charlotte M was badlyScratched backscratcher off badly Scratched Allio Ali B 103 Forget Not 106 903OF FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses t St Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 88732REMEMBEB ME ME86682MADELINE 85 3 48 41 32 IH 12 Preston 85 95 65 65 86682MADELINE 5 5 3 21 EUones Eons M P Mattingly Matting 374 8792 JANE 99 2 1 22 2 43 3 Garner G C Bennett 4535 8875 FLORIDAS FLORIDA 80 4 22 13 i 2143 J Woods J C Cahn Can 3322 89493BL1TZENS 332289493BL1TZENS SISTER 92 5 3 32 42 5 5 Kitley Kirtle J E Rodegap Bodega 15 20 12 20 1421Winner Time 20Time 24J 494 116 1421 Winner B f 3 by Getaway Patti Rosa RosaPost Rosa Post 7 minutes Start straggling Won easily second driving Floridas Florida and Sister were off badly Too much use was made of Floridas Florida FloridasOverweights Overweights Overweighs Madeline 2 pounds Q O I FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V2 M StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C 6979 SQUIRE G 104 834 3 21 1 Preston PTomliusonCo Prolusion 3 4 2 24 8945 ABC 107 5 43 21 H 1 2 Foucon Soupcon J S Brannon Brandon 6 10 6 6 8945 CHIS HIS WELL 111 1 5 5 7 31 31 D HennossyP Hennas Ahearn Hear 20 50 20 30 8852 GLAD EYES 92 6 7 7 6 53 42 Peterman Letterman Leigh Co 15 15 12 15 89452BOB MILLICAN MILLIAMP 103 4 3 31 43 43 5 R Jones T A Gay Co 4544 8945 FORSYTHE FORSYTHIA 89 7 6 8 53 63 e J Woods Bishop Co 3 3 2 3 8491 CONSUELLA CONSULAR 102 2 11 1 21 7 73 Rebo Reebok W Mulkey Mule 30 60 25 40 8871 JACK BRADLEY 108 3 2 6 8 8 8 Warren FosterBrumfleldlO 10 8 8 8945 8866825S CAN I SEE EM 87 9 9825S 9 9 9 9 9 Hall SimmsDthidge Slimmest 8866 825S PETER HILL 10710 10 10 10 10 10 Hinkey Hinkle N Lankford Sanford 15 20 12 15 8907 TOM ELMORE ELMO 108 11 11 6666Time 11 11 11 11 C SlaughterT Slaughter D Honig Hong 6666 1431Winner Time 26 511 117 1431 Winner B g 4 by Sir Dixon Miss Used UsedPost Seedpods Post 25 minutes Start straggling Won driving and all out Tom Elmore Elmo stumbled at the start Squire G just got up in time Scratched Tempesta Tempest 97 Sackville Backfilled 92 Minerva 102 Dick Behan Bean 111 Neutral 108 Overweights Overweighs 108Overweights Peter Hill 3 pounds Q QO SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 89073DORAH WOOD 101 4 l r is is u VV Dean F T Wood 2 2 95 2 8872 NICK CARTER 93 7 4n 5 2 22 Peterman Letterman J Hatchett Hatchet 10 12 6 10 8949NICHOLAS 104 5 3J 103J 2 3 33 C Combs P Tomlinson Tompkins Co 1 751 65 8949 FERRIS HARTMAN 101 3 21 31 4 4H C SlaughterE Slaughter Slaughter 10 15 10 12 88502ROBAIR 102 6 7 6 55 58 Warren T H Ryan 6644 89443QUEEN 664489443QUEEN 208451TRILBY LOB 88 1 6 4 63 6io 610 Kitley Kirtle E Richardson 20 25 20 20 8451TRILBY 102 2 5 7 7 7 7n R Jonoa Jones Jonah BonsonArthrColO BensonArthrColO 15 10 12 7821 AMELIA FONSO FONTS 99 8 8 8 8 S E Jones W P Magrano Marian 12 15 12 12 Time 12Time 24v 49 1 15 Winner 15Winner Ch m 5 by Jack Boston Risa Rosa K KPost Post Post 20 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second with a bit to spare Dorah Dora was the best Nicholas was used considerably at the post Nick Carter ran an honest race Dorah Dora Wood will be hard to beat from now on onScratched unscratched Scratched Amarea Tamara 88 Vixen 101 Laura K 101