Highland Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-06-19


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HIGHLAND PARK FORM CHART CHARTDETROIT CHARTER DETROIT MICH MICAH June 18 Tenth Day Highland Park Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather cloudy track good Presiding Judge J A Carter Starter P J Gilman V O FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purso Purrs 250 3iearolds and upward Selling ind bind Horses Wt St fe Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8 78 PINCHBACK PINCHBECK 107 1 12 1 12 12 Irving R Rome 2 2 8585 8951 B F FLY JK 109 5 4 42 31 2 Turner W Barker 6858 8H52 MRS FEATHERBY FEATHERY 100 4 i 2 22 32 Walker M C Moore 3433 8H19DAISY MA REE REES 96 2 3 32 41 42 Newcom Newcomer T P Hayes 4544 HH23 MR DUNLAP DUNLOP 109 8 6 51 52 52 Sherland Shetland W J Smith Co 4 6 4 5 8915 GIOJA GIGO 99 7 7 7 61 62 Cassidy M J Mclnorney Chlorine 20 20 5 6 8X81 VAN KIRKMAN KIRKLAND 99 6 5 61 7 7 Campbell L N SchoenfeldS Schemed 10 6 8 8952 GLEN BOK OK 102 9 8888 Adams Geo Geol Miller 15 30 15 30 8919 JOHN CONROY CORY 100 10 10 10 10 9 Sheedy Seedy H McCarron Macaroon Jr 6 6 5 8 8876 MOLLIE M 107 3 9 9 9 10 Tanner S Ciolini Colin 30 40 30 30 Time 25 51 117 Winner 117Winner ThreadPost3 B g 4 by Powhattan Silver Thread Post3 minutes Start good Won easily next three driving Pinchback Pinchbeck was off in front and never iu trouble B F Fly Jr will do to watch Mr Dnnlap Dunlop was short Mrs Featherby Feathery ran a fair race The others were a bad lot Overweights Overweighs lotOverweights John Conroy Cory 4 pounds VanKirkman 2 9034 SECOND RAGE 13 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt V4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C DDOKO DIDO 111 5 4 4 1 Koss Kiss Con Leighton 1 65 1 1 1T 8762 LORD NUGENT NUGGET 1C6 2 31 31 2 Walker T Davis 8 15 8 12 12F 8877 BLACK WILL 105 1 1 13 31 W Jones F Kelly 5856 5856T 8916 LADY LENNOX 103 11 9 61 41 Newcom Newcomer T P Hayes HayesW Hayes 6858 6858H 8822 SCRAPS 104 3 3BOB W 21 52 Sheedy Seedy H McCarren Macabre J Jr 12 15 12 12 12Oots BOB WALKER 111 7 51 51 62 Adams Oots Boots Bros Brows 15 25 15 20 20Geo 8675 ANNIE ROSE 108 4 488S43 887 Schmitt Schmidt Geo Geol Watkins 8 12 8 10 10W 88S43 88S43FROSTY FROSTY 103 8 778 Sherland Shetland W L Lwis Lewis 3 3 2 21 3 3Mack 8765 ESMERALDA EMERALD 103 10 10 10 9 N Turner Mack Co 8 10 8 8 8A 8916 BURNT FOOT 103 9 11 9 10 Campbell A Mcllherne Caller 12 20 12 15 15H 7485 THREE FRIENDS 10S 6 6DR 6 11 11 Lawrence H H Stover Stove 15 15 12 15 15W DR OBRIEN O'BRIEN 111 12 12 12 12 Hough W C Young 15 20 12 20 Time 20Time 25i 5ll 5llWinner Winner B c by Rayon dOr doer Katrine Katrina KatrinePost Katrina Post 15 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive of two Dnoeo Doe ran a game race Black Will was outrun in the stretch Three Friends was cut off at the threequarter treasurer pole Scraps showed some speed speedScratched speeds Scratched De Trop 111 9035 l THIRD KAUli KAli 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St yt M StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C 89192LOGAN 109 4 U 1113 12 12 J Shields A Shields 3 3 3 3 8327 PATRICIAN 114 2 31 21 22 23 22 Ross F Kel Keel y 1 1 71045 8987 THE PLANET 90 3 4 42 31 31 33 Southard Southward J H Smith 65 3 65 2 887833WEDEN 106 5 21 31 42 4 41 N Turner J M Johnson 8 10 8 10 1088i6THE 88i6THE DUCHESS 107 1 5 4846Time 5 5 5 5 Walker J Dymeut Dyne 4846 431Winner Time 20i 52 1 18i 1 431 Winner h 9 by Voltigeur Voltage Pert PertPost Puerto Post 2 minutes Start good Won easily Logan went to the front and was never extended Patrician should soon win The Duchess was outclassed The Planet did not run his race today Sweden had some speed early QQ QQv v FOURTH UACE ACE I Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St y 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 88X12G1VEAWAY 91 4 4 4 3 2 12 Lawrence fl H Stover Stove 3534 35348H791KALITAN 8H791KALITAN 99 2 23 23 21 41021 Campbell G H Brown Co 454535710 8919 MYTH 88 3 36 31 48 3 35 Needham Need F Kelly 2 3 2 3 8749 208672SRUDOLPH BLACK JACK 112 1 1 1 H 1 41 Newcom Newcomer M S Hughes 15 25 15 20 8672SRUDOLPH 109 5 5 5 5 5 5 Nixon B J Johnston 8 10 8 8 Time 26 51J 117 144 Winner 144Winner Ch c 3 by Esher Esther Paoli Paolo PaoliPost Politest Post 3 minutes Start good Won galloping Giveaway had a world of speed and was well ridden Black Jack tired after showing some speed Watch him He is ready and can win Kalitan Kalian was short Rudolph could not raise a gallop QrOr7 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Selling ind bind Horses Wt St yt BtrFin Brian Jockeys Owners O H L C 89181PHIL1P BYRNES BYRES 106 2 289182NICOLA 21 5 23 l WJones Jones WLRKLewisl 1 71045 89182NICOLA TESLA 100 1 12 l 12 22 Nixon W O Scully Sully 3 3 2 3 8984 SKILLMAN SKILL 103 4 4BOFSTOCKWOOD103 41 3 31 36 Sherland Shetland H McCarren Macabre Jr 3 4 3 BOFSTOCKWOOD103 6 52 s 42 45 Walker T Hendrie Henries 686 8330 DES DRESSEN DRESDEN 100 5 63 63 51 58 Milbnrn Millrun Holloway Hollow Bros Brows 12 12 8 10 882 HlBEL Label MARTYN SMARTY 97 7 7 7 61 610 T Holmes Hinde Hide Baker 30 60 30 50 8984 CBHFTONDALE 50V 106 3 3a 4 7 7 Sheedy Seedy J O Gray 40 60 40 50 V Time 25 59 1031 WftmBr 1031WftmBr Ch c by Fortissimo Merced MercedPoftPsminntes PoftPsminntes Start good Won driving Nicola Tesla was poorly ridden through the stretcbi stretch BJbilip Byrnes Byres had a lot of speed Cliftondale Clifton blew up in the stretch stretchScraMBed stretcher ScraMBed Scrambled Laura May 106 I RACK G8 Mile Purse 250 3yenrolds and upward Allowances Gentlemen Riders Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5321 PARAMOUNT 150 2 1 1 12 IK MrSweenyS Norsemen H Kuntz Klutz 2 2 75 75 8952ROSEBERY 130 1 2 3 2 22 MrAlexderN Malodor Dyment Doyen 2 2 2 2 8987 BLASCO BLANCO 150 4 55 41 33 MrShannnSmith Howard 4434 434 8936 BOYAL BOYLE OAK 143 3 3 41 5 410 MrHdersonJ Murders Nixon 6868 868 2768 SILAS SILOS 4544Added PICKERING 150 5 42 2 3 5 MrBreslar Rubella L N Schoenfeld Schemed 4544 544 Added starter Time 261 52 1 C6 C6Winner Winner Ch g 5 by Dudley Zota Ota ZotaPost Outpost Post 3 minutes Start good Won driving second and third doinx doing their best Rosebery Rosebay was the best and would have won with a better ride Silas Silos Pickering was outrun all the way Para ¬ mount partyScratched had the foot of the party Scratched Nina 130 Prince Albert 130 H 9039 SEVEI STEVE SEVENTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 89542FAY BELLE 2 1 INK 11 Sherland Shetland J W Wilson a 3 2 3 8915 EVEREST 41 3 31 28 Walker G H Brown 35 71035 35 8919LEONC1E 3 4 41 32 Campbell Waters Hodges 6 10 8 8 8S58 ALVIN W 52 62 51 41 W Jones A W Wallace 888 8 8858 INCA INCA8919RAPALATCHIE 96 5 63 5 61 5 N Turner Mack Co 10 12 10 10 8919RAPALATCHIE 100 3 1 21 2 fii5 J Jackson E J flopson flops 12 12 10 12 8919GRAEFIN 94 7 7777 F Holmes Ed Fee 40 50 40 50 Time 50Time 251 51 1 17 17Winner Winner Ch m 4 by Rossington Crossing Fable FablePost Fable Post 2 minutes Start good Won handily Fay Belle was much the best Leoncie Leonie ran well Everest was apparently short Rapalatchie Appalachia was shoit shot too Alvin W will do next time Scratched timeScratched timescale Bessie Browning 109 Judge Bullock 110

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897061901/drf1897061901_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1897061901_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800