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FORT BRIE ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 58 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Maidens Allowances 8992 George Jr 2 95 s Esterling Sterling 2 95 8959 Algeo Algae 3 95 9040 Delicate2 95 9585ul 85ul Surrogate 4 92 Armada 3 92 8991 RightChauce3 92 89913 MtWashton3 92 074 Fratello Foretell 3 92 L Hunter 2 9 Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Niagara upwardNiagara upward Hotel Handicap 400 added added8958Skate 8958Skate 4 112 8745 SalClicquot4102 8989 LB 3 96 96Third Third Race About 2 Miles Hunters Red Coat Steeplechase Purse 500 1919 Hark 5 143 Dauntless 6 135 135Do Do Do a 135 3993 L Glasgow 6 135 1358993jL 8993jL Lightft Light 5 148 80b9 Morven Moreno 6 125 Bondhead Bonehead a 140 89932Dr Grimes 4 140 Pce Pace Charliea Charlie 153 Thorncliffe Hornlike 6 175 175Fourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furloners Purloiners Buffalo Club Race 400 Added AddedAll Addenda All Ages Allowances 7994 Gasperone4119 8939 Dixie Lee 4 117 8539 Flotow Lotto 3 Ill 7987 NoChance3108 NoChance310889562Wordsworth3 89562Wordsworth3 108 78252Wathen 3 106 106S406 S406 Collateral 3 106 9042 Amy Wado Ado 3 106 106J J Hockechor4124 89l52Midlight 3 106 106Fifth Fifth ttaoej tae CupMame Chummed Prince of Wales Cup Mame Name 165 Jubilee 165 Tramp 165Tramp 165 Frou Fro Frou Fro 165 Powder 165Powder 165 Kentucky 165 165Sixth Sixth Race Short Course CourseSteeplechase Steeplechase Selling 7753 Rover II 10 153 3243 Tuscarora Unscarred 6 153 5400 Colonist l6143 9044 Buckeye 5 142 6313 Ruby 5 148 j