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BROOKLYN ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 84443Tantris 110 8911 Benares Bearers 8123Isabey 110 8072 Blue Beard 8767 Prince Lee 104 5937 Mr Hunt 33698 Qenaro Embargo 104 8901 The Dipper 7988 Laurel Leaf 104 8901 Gen Maceo Maceio S317 Glorian Gloria 104 Cavatina 101 101Lydian Lydian Lydia 101 101Second Second Race 1 Mile High Weight Handicap 3yearolda and upward 4524 Agitator 5 129 89122Brandywine5 128 90043 The Swain 5 126 3864 Conuoisseur5 123 8897 Sir PJ ay 4 116 8942A11 Over 6 109 8539 Cassette 4 114 89022Domitor 3 114 8S302 Imperator 3 114 8943 Albert S 4 113 8831 Alarum 3 113 8502 K of thoGr3lll 88303 Illusion 6 110 8938 Lambent 4 108 2801 DmeQuickly4107 8940 Rifle 3 105 105S897 S897 Dr Jim 3 104 104W W B Sink entry Tnlrd Tankard Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds The Tromont Trombone Stakes 10000 guaranteed guaranteed3901iPrevioua 3901iPrevioua 123 9002Great Bend 118 1189002JHandball 9002JHandball 118 8832flandpress 118 8941 Kite foot 115 89412JJr Biiter Biter Ill IllS S 32tVarus Ill 88333fBowl Bruoklll BruoklllP P J Dwyer entry Morris entry fourth Race 1 18 Miles MilesHyearoIds HyearoIds Hydroids The Boulevard Handicap 2500 Guaranteed j jS900Don S900Don dOro Dora 121 8798Octagon 126 1268900tThe 8900tThe Friar 126 8642tCasaeopiall5 8642tCasaeopiall589002Voter 89002Voter 124 89003Buddha 122 89423 Arabian 109 88302Imperator 105 105Belmoht Belmoht Belmont entry fMorris Morris entryfMorris entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Maidens Allowances Allowances8S9S 8S9S Kinvarra Invariant 108 88983 Falernian Valerian 103 7880 Tobias 108 Ameti Amentia 104 8898 St Nicholas 11103 2816 Sir Moltke Molted 101 8898 Simonian Simon 100 8898 Sir Frederick 100 7987 Charentus Carets 100 5354 Ponnetta Poinsettia 100 10080303X 80303X Hay 98 8583 Eastertide 98 8501 Klepper Leper 95 8768 Mahoney 93 93Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 8943 Gotham Goth 5 118 8939 Ben Eder Edger 4 Ill 89383 Brisk 4i 106 S562 Ben Brown 3 101 8615 Enphemia Ephemera L 3 94 89022Domitor 3 91 89023Trayant 3 86 8893 Templestowe3 86