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BROOKLYN POOLING POOLINGLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky June 18 Tonights Tonight pooling on Saturdays Brooklyn fields was wasFirst assist First Race Isabey Isabel 25 Benares Bearers 15 Gen Maceo Maceio 10 Prince Lee 8 The Dipper 6 field 7 7Second Second Race Sir Play and All Over 15 Im perator operator 12 Brandywine Brandying 8 Domitor Dormitory 8 The Swain 6 Connoisseur 5 Rifle 5 Agitator 5 Cassette 3 field 8 8Third Third Race Handball and Handproes Androgens 25 Previous 415 Great Bend 12 Varns Vans and Bow ¬ line Brook 10 Kitefoot Bitterroot 3 Mr Baiter Biter 5 5Fourth Fourth Race Voter 50 The Friar and Ca s seopia sepia 40 Don dOro Dora and Octagon 25 Budd Buddy ¬ ha 18 Arabian 15 Imperator 8 8Sixth Sixth Race Ben Eder Edger 25 Gotham Goth 18 Do Doitor Editor itor ito 15 Brisk 12 Ben BrownI10 field 8