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BRIGHTON BEACH FORM CHART. BRIGHTON BEACH, N. T„ August %.— Twenty-fourth Day. Brighton Beach Racing Association. Summer Meeting. Weather clear : track fast. Presiding Judge. R. W. Simmons. Starter. . J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2 :3U p. m. 1Q7Q FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 50 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. X. t_J J I O Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St V4~X~StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 14299 KT. OF RHODES 3 105 4 21 14 V 14 Slack WCEustis 752 7-5 8-5 19538»CYRANO 3 105 7 4 42 2 2 Jenkins M Murphy 2 24 8-5 8-5 14427 SHARPLES8 4 115 1 3" W 4» 31 Neel McFaddenandAllenlOO 100 M 50 19573 BOROUGH 3 102 5 5- W V 4- Dangmau P J Dwver 20 40 20 30 9025 LOITER 4 110 3 1" 21 31 5* Spencer Mrs M C Mengis 6 8 6 7 19538 LIONESS 4 110 2 6* 6 ftl 6 McJoynt W J Roche 20 30 20 30 19573 ARGENT 3 100 11 7- 74 7 7h Brennan W C Daly 60 100 40 100 18088 DISTDRBER 4 114 6 8 8 8 81 Dorsey William Lewis 100 200 100 200 CANDLING 3 105 13 13 12 9 9 WedstrandC L Railey 6 12 6 10 19317 LILLIE SIMMNS4 110 8 9 9 10 10 Howell F Lindergersen 60 100 50 100 17471 MTONVILLEKID3 102 9 10 11 11 11 Booker I N Negargee 100 200 80 200 15522 HA9BROUCK 3 105 12 11 10 12 12 Phelan F A Hart 60 200 50 200 19538 COLONEL RUE 3 108 10 12 13 13 13 Van Kuren H Heintz Jr 40 100 40 60 19538 GOLD N SCEPTR 3 102 14 14 14 14 14 Henry P Pfifferling 12 20 10 15 Time. 12, 23 r„ t6*4 47±3. 1 :01, 1 JSf*. Winner — B. c. by Knight of Ellerslie — Sister Louise. Went to post at 2 :30. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Knight of Rhodes showed great speed and was easily the best. Cyrano ran his race. Sharpless ran a fairly good race. Loiter showed a burst of speed, but quit in the last quarter. Golden Scepter stumbled at the start. Scratched— 17252 Wallada. 102: 17480 Loo Kate, 100. Overweights — Disturber, 1 pounds: Col. Rue, 3. Knight of Rhodes, place, 3 to 5; show, 1 to 4. Cyrano, place, 1 to 2: show, 1 to 4. Sharpless. show, 8 to L 1 Qft"74. SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. 00 added. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Ind "Horses A Wt St k H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19510 ABOUT 94 3 H 1» P P Slack HarnessandBrsmanlO 20 10 15 19601 FRANK HALL 97 6 4« V i» 2" Rauch W I Kilpatrick 4 6 4 5 1980PEDGEFIELD 97 2 34 2 21 31 WedstrandA Naidig 4 5 4 4 19460 ALKA 94 5 P 51 6 41 Dangman P Lorillard 6 12 6 10 19601COGSWELL 102 1 6- 6* 5" 51 Howell P J Miles 4 6 4 5 18735 JILS GREENWOOD105 4 2« 31 3h 61 Jenkins M Murphy 3 4 2 11-5 19601 HAYSEED 99 7 7 7 7 74 Henry M Kahn 10 25 10 20 19571 FORD 94 10 10 10 9 8 Booker F Frisbie 10 10 7 8 DELUGE 94 8 9 8 8 9 Brennan W H Karrick 15 60 12 30 19601 FAVORNETTE 97 9 8 9 10 10 Phelan J Wolff 50 160 40 100 Time, Wi, 23*5. 35*3. 1 :01:,and. Winner — Ch. f. by Palestine— Gadabout. Went to post at 3 :00. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily: second driving. About showed much improvement and much the most speed Frank Hall ran his race and finished strongly. Edgefield tired at the end. Alea was poorly ridden. So was Cogswell. Jils Greenwood showed speed but quit in the stretch. Favornette pulled up lame. Scratched- 19011 Prima II., 94. Overweights— Jils Greenwood, 1 pound. About, place. 6 to 1 ; show. 3 to 1. Frank Hall, place, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Edgefield, show. 3 to 5. Jils Greenwood, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. "I fjkl* rT p~ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. The Rising Generation JLJl/O I *J Stakes. ,000 added. Ind Horses A Wt St H % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19 41 -ALL GREEN 112 2 2 1h ih 10 Jlawson C T Patterson 2-o 9 •Oi.-A 1-3 19382-OUTLANDER 114 1 1-222 Spencer J R fc F P Keene 8-5 11-58-5 11-5 Time. VOL 24, r#, 48-5. 1:14V,. Winner— B. c, by Knight of Ellerslie — Lizzie Pickwick. Went to post at 3 :30. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily. All Green was much the best and came away easily in the last furlong. Outlander showed a good order of speed for five furlongs. Scratched— 18795 Admiral Pepper, 107; 19231 Henry Clay Rye. 107. 1 CktAH i "FOURTH RACE-5-8 Mile. added. 2-year-olds. MaideuT JL *JJ I J Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St l/i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19129*PRIN ESS EVELYN 94 3 34 2- 114 WedstrandL O Appleby 2T~3 I * — 19331 ANN l 94 2 1» |1 li 2- Slack C F McMeekin 6 6 6 6 19574 WARRANTED 97 6 6" 64 5 W Dangman Regina Stable 30 100 30 60 19601 DANGERF1ELD 97 4 4- 44 3" 4» Henry E F Simms 24 3 11-53 19543 DAME 89 8 P 7 61 51 Brennan W C Daly 6 10 6 8 19574- WINE AND SONG 97 7 2» 21 4« 6 Rauch J L Holland 5 8 5 8 19178 LILLIAN HFFMAN 90 1 . 5- 5i 7 7- Phelan AH Hoffman 50 100 40 100 ARGANAUTA 100 5 8 8 8 8 Howell M Kahn 15 30 U 0 19633 STREET BOY 94 9 9 9 9 9 Booker MrsAStettins 5 10 5 8 *Omitted from entries. Time, 12. 2343. 36. 4815. 1 :01*.v Winner— Ch. f. by Knight of Ellerslie — Princess Bijou. Went to post at 4:00. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won cleverly ; second easily. Princes-Evelyn was the best and came away in the last furlong with plenty in hand. Annu showed speed and improvement. Warranted came strongly in the stretch. Dangerfield showed speed bnt quit in the stretch. Dame can do better. Wine and Song stopped badly after displaying early speed. Street Boy was very lame after warming up. Scratched Suunyside. 97 : 19510 Ziegfeld. 97 ; 19571 The Tramp, 91. Overweights— Lillian Hoffman. 1 pound; Arganauta, 1. Princess Evelyn, place, 4 to 5: show. 2 to 5. Annu. place. 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Warranted, -how. 10 to. Danerfield, place. 6 to 5: show. 3 to 5. 1W*77 Kl FT H HACE—1 1-10 Miles. 3-year-olds. The Glen Cove Handicaps X* i I .?00added. Ind Horses A Wt 8t *4 H % Str.Fin Jockeys Owners ~~ O H L C 19383 MOTLEY 107 1 V P 1U H V t WedstrandVV Lakeland 4~1 24 2t 19383 DAVID GARR1CK 118 3 4s 44 31 V 2* Spencer P Lorillard *M07-5 7-106-5 19227 BIG GUN 95 6 54 ft* 4« 41 slack McFaddenandAllen 15 30 15 30 19498JSIDNEY LLCAS 124 4 6 6 6 .V 4 Bullman Thompson Bros 3 6 3 | 19632-MARIBLRT 1C6 5 2- 2 ■ * 2 H» Maher P Lorillard *7 107 5 7 105 : 19*79 PLUCKY ICO 2 H t* ?• 6 6 Henry T E Mannix 5 7 5 6 *Coupled in betting. Time, 11 .-,. 23--. 17-.-,. 1 :01. 1 :124.-. 1 :39 ;.-. 1 :t" .-,. Winner— Gr. f, by Montana — Ella Gregg. Went to post at 4 :30. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Motley had too much speed for the others, but was all out and hard ridden through the last sixteenth. David Garrick could not keep up in the first part, but closed a big gap and finished strongly. Sidney Lucas, badly outrun for seven furlongs, closed a lot of ground in the stretch. Maribert showed fine speed for seven furlongs. Plucky pulled up verv lame. Scratched— 19632 Smoke, 102: 19134 Long Isle, 96. Overweights— Marioert. 2 pounds. Motley, place, 3 to 5; show, out. Lorillards entry, place, 2 to ." : show, out. Big Gun, show 3 to 1. lQfi7S SIXTH RACE— 5-8 Mile l0 added. 2-year-olde.~ Allowanced Ind Horses A Wt St % H StrFin Jockeys Owner O H L f 192303 PRINCESS OTILLIB99 3 4 4 li ]- WedstrandTurnev Bros 3 4 3 3 19Vi2*BALLOON 102 4 3" 3" 2 2» Booker H K Vingut 4 8 4 8 19510*PETRA II. 104 1 1h 14 3" 3+ Henry P Lorillard 7-5 8-5 7-5 7-5 W574QCIZ 102 2 2* 2 4 4 Slack C T PatWson 7-5 9-6 6-5 9-5 Time, 12.-,. 24-.-,. 36:-,. 1 :02r . Winner— B. f. by Wawekus— Biuk. Went to post at 5 :00. At post 7 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second driving. Princess Otillie finished strongly and drew away easily in the stretch. Balloon ran well. Petra II. tired and quit in the last furlong. Quiz ran a bad race. Princess Otillie, place. 7 to 10. Balloon, place, 2 to 1. Petra II., place. 1 to 3. Quiz place. 2 to 5. No show betting.