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Turf ExctianoB Romeo. Round Trip 2Sc Alton train in time for Saratoga races. Commissions received on Foreign Races. Special via Chicago and Alton leaves Union Depot at 11:30 a.m. Special via Santa Fe leaves Polk St. Depot at 12:55 p.m. Both stop at Halsted St. and Ashland Ave. Specials return at 5 p.m. and after last race. Tickets sold on trains only Tickets good on either special returning. ALLTHl qjRPNEWS PERFECTLY EDITED.. Daily Racing Form. FORM SHEETS AND ENTRIES EXPERTLY INDEXED. TELEGRAPHIC, CORRECT, CONCISE, COMELY. TRAINING NEWS A SPECIALTY. ALL TRACKS ARE FULLY REPORTED. Off Our Own Presses Before the Chicago Dailies. and ** rx Official Organ of the American Tnrf Congress. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES : One Month - - .25 1 Six Months - • .50 One Year - - 4.00 SENT AS HRST-CLASS HAIL— A LETTER— IN PLAIN ENVELOPES. 124-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, iLfc.