St. Louis Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1900-08-03


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ST. LOUIS KNTKI Improbabilities: Weather clear; track fast. First R»ce— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. lnd. Horse*. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 13780 MinnteGun 107 665 I960© Bonnivard 107 b«o 19609 Rodd 104 TOO 19545 Loka 102 680 19609 Trixie II 102 675 19608 Kittie Clyde 102 660 1960X-Marie G. Brown 102 690 19054 Coral 102 670 Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. lnd. Horses, color, sex ApedigreesWt. Hdcp. Merriman. b. c, by Magian— Locust Bloom 110 19607 Henry Clark 110 680 19607-! Picador 110 700 19519 Julietta B 107 685 19612 Miss Phene 107 665 19612 Belle of Harrisburg 107 670 196123Empyreal 107 690 19364 Seething 107 680 19645 MarciaDent 107 665 Miss Pratt 107 19304 Alice Scorpion 107 660 19612 Bright Miles 107 675 Third Race— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. 19609!Qlen Lake 107 680 19643 Chickamauga 107 700 j j I ] ] j ; , , : 19577 LeoNoster 107 685 19431 KidMcCoy 107 660 19576 El Derim 104 690 19453 Clara M 102 670 19608Two Annies 102 685 19689 MissLoretta 102 675 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 19388 Eothen Lad 4.. ..112 685 19617-Graves 4.. ..112 720 195SI* Randazzo 5. ...110 725 18151 Wiggins 5. ...107 705 DM47 Mia* Verne 6.. ..105 700 19412 Iris 4....105 715 18190 Ostra 4. ...105 7D5 19431 Chemisette 4. ...105 695 19609 Morris Yolmer 3.... 103 710 19609 Silent Friend 3. ...103 690 19608:,LadyCurzon 3. ...100 715 14618-Barbarian 3.... 98 710 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 19484 Colonel Gay 6. ...107 725 19410 Parole dOr 6.... 107 715 19.V?6Bridgeton 7.. ..104 720 19581 Early Bird 5. ...104 710 196U3Chorus Boy 4. ...104 715 19608 Joe Grady 4.... 104 705 19204 Bill Jackman 5....104 685 19546 Ransom 8.... 104 705 19362 Miss Pressley 6. ...102 680 19416 Elgitha 6.... 102 690 19203 Sallie Lamar 7. ...102 700 19643 Duchess VI 7. ...102 685 Sixth Race— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 19428Tony Lepping 110 710 19550 P rem us 110 705 19364 Bean 107 715 19612Staff 107 725 19688 Rainy Day 107 695 19550 SophieS 107 705 19458 Frenchie 107 710 19280 MissZara 107 890 19550 Adelante 107 715 19644Lake View Belle 107 720 19644 FlyingEagle 107 685 | 19514Margaret F 107 700

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