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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL., August 2.— Tenth day. Chicago Jockey Club. Summer Meeting. Weather cloudy: track fast. Presiding Judge, Harry Kuhl. Starter, J. J. Holtman. Racing starts at 2 :15 p. m. -| f/ * / » ~t FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. X IM 1 1 2-year-olds Selling Ind HorsH.- AWtSt !t % H. StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C " 1917! SCALLYWAG 110 2h 31 I" 34 1" Dupee HT Griffin 30 30 30 30 191* 8 KOHN WREATH 105 7* 44 45 44 2+ J Walsh G W Poole 7 9 7 9 19471HCON 114 Ink 2« 2 14 3i Mathews J McNaught 4 5 4 5 18986 P TO PENZANCE 108 4« 53 54 54 44 T Knight J B Respass 10 12 10 12 18440 EL P1LOTO 108 5h 92 91 74 5»i Alexander E J Baldwin 20 25 20 25 19474 CORA GOETZ 109 34 I** 1" 2" 6 W Kelly Charles GoetzandCo2 13-52 13-5 19123 ICEN1 107 5" 8- 101" 8-* V J WinkrieldP Dunne 4 4 4 4 19594 HURRY 105 84 !»« 7 62 82 Tally John Huffman 7 9 7 9 19563 ALEX E ABBOTT 105 104 10 8»"102 9. Seaton Mrs R Bradley 30 60 30 60 VAX XE HI 105 11 11 11 11 10* Tully S B Burnett 30 50 30 50 1S024CINERA 105 94 W 6" 9 11 Bradford T Licalzi 20 30 20 30 Time, 111,23,35, 48i, 1 :0U, 1 :08. Winner— Ch. c, by Himyar— Lady Agnes. Went to post at 2:15. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving to the limit; second the same. Scallywag up:»et all form calculations and ran true to his name. He swerved considerably below the sixteenth post but was clear and interfered with nothing and then staggered home. Kohuwreath had a winning lead at one time in the stretch but stopped almost to a walk in the last twenty yards. Icon did not like the hard track and, after showing his usual amount of speed, quit badly. Pirate to Penzance made a strong bid in the stretch as did El Piloto. On the other hand, Cora Goetz stopped almost to a walk when the pinch came. Hurry showed but little speed. Iceni was sharply interfered with at the start and had no chance after that. Scallywag, place, 10 to 1 ; show, 5 to 1. Kohnwreath, place, S to 1 ; show, 7 to 5. Icon, show, 7 to 10. Cora Goetz, place, 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Iceni, place, 8 to 5; show, evens. 1 QA » SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mil««. Puree 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. JL*_r 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances lad Horses" A Wt St hi H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C tMM L, T. CATON * • Ml fr 4iT3- 4»* 1* Tully D W Kelly fc Co 5 10 5 10 19598 GREENOCK 3 110 E" 61 6 " 52 2» Tally J F Schorr 5 8 5 8 19328*TUTH1LL 3 107 TO 7* 54 34 32 W Kiley J McCaffery 4 6 4 6 19595 ALGARETA 5 105 1" 51 4" 2*« 4»" Herting G B Havill 8 8 8 8 MAJOR DIXON 3 1C0 9" 83 85 61 5 1 J Walsh J T Stewart and Co 12 25 12 20 19564ALLIE H. 3 98 4" 1** 1** li 6»« Seaton Mrs R Bradley 15 30 15 30 19595*GOEBEL 4 110 3» 2*» 24 72 74 J WinkfieldJ Cahn and Co 11-511-59-5 9-5 19595IIIARSARA 4 112 7" * 73 81 8 Mathews J Griffin and Co 3 5 3 5 18468 IDLE HOCR 6 110 10 10 10 93 93 W Wilson C DeWitt 50 150 50 150 15467 MAHARAJAH 3 103 2* 3" 9* 10 10 R Narvaez WMCmmingsandCo20 50 20 50 •Disqualified for foul. Time. 124, 244, 364, 484, 1 :01, 1 :14i. Winner— B. g, by Tom Sawyer — Sallie. Went to post at 2:55. Off at the first break to a good start. The first two were driving to the limit as were the next three. L. T. Caton came with a tremendous rush at the end and barely got up in time. There was considerable interfering in the stretch and Algareta was the principal sufferer. With clear sailing this Ally undoubtedly would have won, as she is as game as a pebble and was gradually moving up at the time. Tuthill was the cause of the interference and he was promptly disqualified. Greenock ran a good race under a weak ride. Major Dixon closed much ground in the last three furlongs. Both All ie H. and Goebel quit in the stretch. The latters race was a bad one. Marsara had the slows and in the face of her last performance this race was far out of line. Scratched— 19472 Pay the Fiddler, 107; 18029 Woodranger, 107; 176c8 Harry Corby. 107. L. T. Caton, place, 3 to I ; show, 8 to 5. Greenock, place, 3 to 1 ; show, evens. Algareta, show, 8 to 5. Goebel, place, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 3. -| W-£ / » Q THIRD RACE— Short Course. Purse, 00. 5 to second ; 5 to thirG. JL fI/t3JO Steeplechase. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt St 1 2 3 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19565P. PARTOUT4 140 1™ 11 |i TO 1* li 12 Gallagher R J Laughlin 2 11-52 11-5 19534 G LOBE II. 5 165 54 54 3 34 24 2»« V Eggerson John Brenock 8-5 13-58-5 13-5 18671 FROND 4 131 2» 4» 41 4« I* 3* TO T Murphy John D Hooe 3 3 3 3 19534 MANCH1E 4 125 6*» 3« 2 2i 4" TO 42" C Johnson Mrs R Bradley 10 15 10 15 17U22LIVONIAN 3 125 34 24 5* 5s 5i« 5« 52» E Kelly John Brennan 8 8 5 5 19400 CORONATUS 5 135 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 S Johnson R W Donovan 15 30 15 30 19534 MINOR D. 4 128 4u Bolted. Lawless C C Rumrill Jr 10 20 10 20 Time, 3:134. Winner— Ch. k, by St. Florian— Everywhere. Weut to post at 3:25. At oost 4 minutes. Start good. Won cleverly; second the same. Passe Partout has raced himself into condition, and, being a good fencer, had no trouble in winning. He seemed to falter for an instant after taking the last jump and came on again finely when asked Globe II. shouldered his heavy impost and made a powerful bid in the stretch, but could not get up. Frond is a little, frail filly, and about ran her race. She is a clever fencer, but lacks size to carry heavy weight over a long route. Manchie made a fair showing. Livonian is a big, lumbering horse, and seemed to be in his own way. Minor D. went out of the course after taking the second jump. Overweights— Minor D., 2 pounds; Frond, 1. Passe Partout, place, 7 to 10; show, out. Globe II., place, 6 to 5 ; show, 3 to 5. Frond, place, evens -| Qtf-if* A FOURTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. The Berwyn StakesT~00added~ tolec- 1 j Xj J *i ond ; 5 to third. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. fnd" Horses " A Wt St M, hi % StrFin~J~ockeye Owners O H L C 19536ORIMAR 6 107 11 124 124 1 124 13 JWinkfieldJ T Stewart and Co 2 11-52 11-5 19476iGREAT BEND 5 105 74 li 62 4k 41 24 Dupee F W Gibson 8 10 8 10 19 il3JTHE LADY 3 105 3" 2N* 3U 34 2S 32 Bergen L H Ezell 7 7 7 7 19569 HANDPRESS 5 103 5i TO TO 61 :,« 4» Tally John F Schorr 30 30 20 20 19i06TAYON 3 100 94 I" TO TO 34 TO J Walsh C W Chappell 34 4 34 4 1959. GOLDONE 3 102 6" 9" TO g4 8 62 W Kiley J Coffey 20 25 20 25 19536 FOUND 5 102 4" 44 5i 2** 71 73 T Knight John Huffman 5 5 5 5 19448IHERMOSO 5 117 2» 3-* 2™ 74 64 8" Mathews A C Clark 20 30 20 30 19310 VOHlCEh 3 100 8i fci 10 94 9- 9ii Weir C H WilliamsandCo 50 60 50 60 19391 SI DBOW 3 102 10 H 9J 10 10 10 R Narvaez H Robinson 30 60 30 60 Time, 12, 24, 36i, 48*, 1 :014. 1 :134, 1 :25i. Winner— Ch. h, by 8ir Dixon — Prairie Queen. Went to post at 4 :00. At pott 7 minutes. Start straggling. Won easily; second whipped out; third, fourth and fifth driving to the limit. Orimar was virtually presented with the race by the starter, He was sent away well in his stride on the inside and nothing could ever get within striking distance of him. Great Bend ran a smashing good race. He was lucky to get through on the inside on the stretch turn and finished with a tremendous rush. The Lady had no excuses and did her best. Handpress ran a good race. So did Tayon, who had no chance from wliere he got away. Found was bumped and jostled at every turn. Hermoso showed his usual amount of speed and then retired. Scratched 19564Belle of Holmdel, 98; 19401 .Scales, 96. Orimar. place, 9 to 10; show, 2 to 5. Great Bend, place, 4 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. The Lady, show, 8 to 5. Tayon, place. 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. |Q/»/«pr FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to thirdi J. t/UUO 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St hk. hi X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 195663POSSART 107 2» 4» *i» 2* 11 J WinkfieldMrsFZuehlkeandCo6-513-106-513-10 19402 KOLHEIM 109 1" 1* I* I* 2* Mathews Andrew Scott 6 7 6 7 19625 CURD GILLOCK 101 3*» 21 2; 3" 34 T Knight Mrs J B Brannon 6 6 44 44 19627 DANDY JIM 111 41 31 34 415 410 W Kiley L D Frazee 2* 13-52* 13-5 1944. FARADAY JR. 101 5 5 5 5 5 W WiluamsT G Calvert 30 60 30 60 Time, 12, 241, 49, 1 HE, 1 :15i. Winner— Blk. c, by Pontico— Mary W. Went to poet at 4 :42. At post 12 minutes. Start good for all but Faraday Jr. Won handily at the end after a hard early drive; second and third were doing their best. Possart was badly outrun and seemed hopelessly beaten when passing the half-mile ground, but in the stretch he made up ground rapidly and at the end Wcis going away. Kolheim showed a fine turn of speed and would have won at five furlongs, but the extra furlong was too much for him. Curd Gillock ran a fair race. Dandy Jim appeared dangerous on the far turn but quit badly in the stretch. Overweights— Kolheim, 3 pounds; Possart, 1. Possart. place, 2 to 5; show, out. Kolheim, place, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Curd Gillock, show, 1 to 2. Dandy Jim, place, 3 to 5; show, out. 1 Q/lQ SIXTH RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. It/UUl 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. lad Hones AWt St 54 hi X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19600 ALOHA II. 3 93 3* TO 43 42 2* P Seaton Mrs R Bradley 8 12 8 12 19568 LEW HOPPER 7 104 4" 5* 6 6 6 2i R Narvaez John Brenock 5 7 5 N 19349 MELLOCOLE 3 103 1*« 1*« 1«" l« li 3" T Knight C H WilliamsandCo5 5 4* 44 194512WALKENSHAW 6 113 6 45 2" 3U 3»» 44 J WinkfleldH Robinson 2 16-52 8 1960CiFRANGIBLE 3 95 2" 31 31* 2" 41 51 J Walsh G W Poole and Co 3 3* 3 3t 194033THE BOBBY 3 101 5« 6 5* 54 5* 6 W Kiley H J Grothe 4 4 4 4 Time, 124, 25, 491, 1:151, 1:41, 1:473. inner -Ch. g. by Aloha— Blanche. Went to post at 5:20. Off at the first break to a good start. Won cleverly. Aloha II. was lucky and came away with a well timed rush in the stretch. Lew Hopper perhaps should have w 1n 5 wa8 snarDlv interfered with on tue first turn bv Walkenshaw. and after that seemed to sulk all ii down the backstretch, but through the homestretch he came like a wild horse and made a cracking good showing. Mellocole showed a lot of speed, but like Walkenshaw and Fraugible, he quit when the pinch came. The Bobby started through on the inside at the head of the stretch and got badly interfered with. Otherwise he would have been much closer up. Scratched— 195972Lomond, 100. Aloha II., place, 5 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Lew Hopper, place, 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Mellocole, show, 4 to 5. Walkenshaw, place, 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Frangible, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2. The Bobby, place, 8 to 5; show. 7 to 10.