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HIGHLAND PARK FORM CHART. DETROIT, MICH., August 9.— Thirteenth day. Summer Meeting. Highland Park Club. Weather clear ; track fast. Presiding Judge. C. H. Pettingill. Starter. Mars Cassidy. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. fAOQO FIRST RACE-1 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St . H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19827 HERMENCIA 97 6 7* 4- 44 31 1* Postel J White 3 3 2 2 " 19831 MOUND BUILDER 97 1 Vi 1« 12 1M » J Hoar E J Shipsey I 8 6 8 198313SAUCE BOAT IOU 7 52 i» 21 21 31 Castro A Brown fe Co 1 6-5 1 6-5 19757 GUN COTTON 97 2 8 8 7 51 4* LThompsnT F Coles 12 30 10 20 1976UZAZANENE 100 8 6- •" H 71 J" Wonderly J M Gallagher 24 5 11-55 19866 CABLE CLIFF 97 3 3- 7 8 8 6" Hothersall J Brewer 30 60 30 40 19797 MAY BOYD 95 5 2* 3* 31 61 7 J Daly H L Johnson S and 8 8 19671 DUFF1ELD 99 4 4» |n 6" 4** 8 Coburn S W Street 20 60 20 40 Time. 25i, 50. 1:16. 1:43. Winner -Ch. c, by Hermence — Grecia. Went to post at 2:50. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won all out: second easily. Hermen-cia was the best. He ran wide on the first turn and carried Zazanene out with him and then was cut off on the stretch turn and finished on the outside. He only got up in the last stride. It was a weak finish on Mound Builder. Sauce Boat tired badly in the last quarter. Zazanene did not run to the mark. Scratched— 19863 Knowle, 100. Overweights— Sauce Boat, li pounds; Duflield. 2. Hermencia, place. 4 to 5; show, out. Mound Builder, place, 3 to 1 ; show, 6 to 5. Sauce Boat, place, 1 to 2: show. out. 1 QUQO SECOND RACE-6-8 Mile. Purse .0. 2-year-olds. Selling. nd Horses A Wt St V4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners ~ O H~ L C 19393*LlZZlE A. 100 1 1« 13 H 1* J Daly E Whalen 3 3 X-5 8-5 19393 MATANZAS 100 2 V 2* 21 2 Coburn 8 W Street 3i 34 2 2 1«6942BILL MASSIE 103 5 5 4« 31 3» Postel Vince and Weir 2 4 2 4 197763IDA QUICKLIME 103 3 4** 5 4" 4" Castro A Brown and Co 8-5 3 3-2 2i 19668 GLESSEG 100 4 3 « 3» 5 5 McNairy S P Harlan 10 30 10 30 Time, 231, 49;, 1:02. Winner— Blk, f. bv Loautaka— Elite. Went to post at 3 :27. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Lizzie A. and Matanza6 outbroke the others at the start. The former had the most speed aud rau away froaa her field on the turn, winning as she pleased. Matanzas was as easily second best. BiD Massie was stopping and barely lasted long enough to get third place. It was a weak ride on Ida Quicklime. Lizzie A., place. I to 5 ; show, out. Matanzas. place, 4 to 5; show. out. Bill Massie, place, even6 ; show, out. Ida Quicklime, place, 4 to 5; show, out. 1QHM4 THIRD RACE-5-8 Mile. Purse 50. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances." Ind Horses A Wt St % fc StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1986t TOAD RAINEY 102 2 31 V*V 1- Landry E Moore 7 107 103-5 3-5 198283*DREAM LIFE 102 1 14 1« l" 24 C Wilson E L Graves I 3 I 3 19668 PIERRE JB. 105 3 4 |m S" 3*. A Weber J E Brewer 4 5 4 5 19721 LIGHTNING FLSH 106 6 2« 21 4 4 Brewer J R Bagley 20 100 30 50 19828 BADGE BELL 102 5 5 5 5 5 J Daly W H Ketchimau 60 60 12 12 19166 THOUGHTFUL 102 4 Fell. McNairy J C Ferris Jr 50 100 30 100 *Ran previously as Dream Light. Time, 12. 24, 49v, 1 :02;. Winner— B. f. by Longflsh— Halloween. Went to post at 4 :03. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won easily : second all out. Toad Rainey outclassed her company and came away- when ready. Dream Life -bowed speed to the stretch but was tiring badly at the end. Pierre Jr. would have been second in ■ dozen more strides. Lightning Flash is a very bad actor at the post. She caused the accident to Thoughtful. Scratched -19828 Prince of Song, 105: 19828 Handit. 102. Overweights— Lightning Flash, 4 pounds. Toad Rainey, place, out. Dream Life, place. 3 to 5 ; show, out. Pierre Jr.. place, even*. 1 C SJ I K FOURTH RACE-3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind" Horses A Wt St hi % ii StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19723UNN. LAURETTA 5 110 a 41 .« 3« 1- Landry H L Johnson It » — 5 — 18865 GLAD HAND 4 107 8 61 41 4- 21 C Wilson C L ForsytheACo 5 6 5 6 197T5 JENNIE 4 110 2 » 24 1«« 3 J Daly W H Ketchimau 3 84 I 3 1987 BY GEORGE 4 109 1 7 7 7 41 A Weber J C Ferris Jr 8-5 8-5 3- 8-5 15847 SAGACITY 5 108 6 34 1" M 5« Castro C B Lafferty 20 30 IS 20 19866 JACKADIE 4 104 7 :,« V 51 Si McQuade H McCarren Jr 10 12 10 10 19723 DEIST 4 107 4 1- m 6« 7 Irven D Stephens 100 100 40 50 193711 N FELICE 6 105 5 8 8 8 8 McCann R Moore 12 30 10 20 18727 J. B. DOERR JR. 4 107 9 9 9 9 9 Hothersall H J Newman 100 100 60 100 Time. Ill, 23, .49*. 1:14*. Winner — B. m, by Emperor— Sif. Went to poBt at 4:44. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving Annie Lauretta ran a good race and drew away on call in the last eighth. Glad Hand took trie shortest route, but was tiring at the end. Jennie aud Sagacity were raced to weariness iu front By Geortie was outrun in the first part of the race, but was coming strongly at the finish Scratched— 19866 Momentum, 110; 19775 Trocha. 107 ; 19863 Viola K.. 102. Overweights — Infelice, 3 pounds. Annie Lauretta, place, 4 to 5; show. out. Glad Hand, place, 2 to 1: show, evens Jennie, show 1 to 2. By George, place. 3 to 5 ; show, out 1 OUO| FIFTH RACE-1 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St and H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19829 FREE LANCE 6 118 3 2 24 2- 14 n Powers J C Ferris A Co 8-5 7-Ml-f H 19725 FESSY F. 6 101 4 14 11*11 1» 21 lrven D Stephen- 10 IS 10 15 19775 PASSAIC 4 104 2 V U 4 51 3" McQuade R D Earle I 5 I 5 19780 ALEX 3 102 5 3* 34 SI 4* 44 Landrv F Reagan 3 3 3 3 19724 MAGOG 3 94 6 61 6- bM 7 5 LThompsnN Dyment 20 SO IS 20 19586 VISCOUNT 6 106 7 7 7 7 S" 6" Castro A Brown and Co 30 60 30 40 19652 ANNIE TEUTON" 6 101 I 41 4» 52 ft" 7 Wonderly J Hickev 30 60 30 50 Time. 25, 49j. 1:154, 1:42. Winner— B. h, by Cavalier Lady Alice. Went to post at 5:12. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won handily : second eaeiiy. Free Lance caught Fessy F. at the head of the stretch after an early drive. He had pleutv in reserve at the finish. Irven rode a strong finish on Fessy F. and McQuade a weak oue on Passaic. Alex quit after going well for three-quarters. Viscount broke down. Scratched— 19500 Highland Prince. 1C0. Free Lance, place, out. Fessy F., place. 5 to 1; show. 3 to 2. Passaic, show. 2 to 5. Alex, place. 4 to 5; show. out. , , 1 , 1 j I . . 19897 SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse S250. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses AWt St % X~~8trFin Jockeys Ownere O H L C 1i££ nAPORALt lOt 1 2 • P i U Conaru J C Stewart 2 2* 8-5 2 19 RALSTON 8 12 2 li |l U V E Klyun W Rlagg 653 6-5 21 197HN LEFT BOWER 3 lOfi 4 ft- 4" ft* 3- J Daly SPHarlui 3 N I 3i KHiPSEAIIS. 6 101 5 * 3sk 2" 4* Castro J Briakman 2 2 3 2 8 5 197i9 VV iE PRESS 4 101 6 %i 6" »n Sit McQuds HMcCirrenJr 8 8 5 5 J2JJ2 !0TTE 4 95 ■ 3* 5h 61" 61-1 NorohirsallH J Newman 101 201 10D 201 1978 CAD HAZEL 4 106 7 7 7 7 7 H Brown BMoora 100 20181 201 Time. Ill, 21, 48,. 1:121. Winner— Ch. f. by Hyderabad-Frugal. Went to post at 5:45. t post 6 minutes Start good. W m cleverly : sec ud eisilv. Swiet Laporal had to be hustled alon? to git to the lea ler. bit wis drawing aw iv at the ti iUi. The hot pace that Ralston set told on him in the last eighth and hi wis tiring at the fii sh. Left Bower ran a good race and finished strongly. Cjuver was iu a tight place u-m to the rail in tie last eighth. The winner was run up 00 and bought in. Overweights— Cavotte, 3 pounds. Sweet Caporal. place. 3 to 5: show. out. Ralston, place, evens; show. 1 to 2. Lif-. B wer show, 1 to 2. Quaver, place. 3 to 5; show, out.