untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1900-08-10


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...HARLEM JOCKEY CLUB... The Best Equipped Track in the Country. AUGUST 6th TO 18th, 1900. Six or More Races Daily Beginning at 2:15 p.m. £ 2. MUSIC BY BANKS CREGIERS ORCHESTRA £ 2. Take Lake Street Elevated Specials direct to l rack at Lake and Clark street statior. at 12:32, 12:46 ,12:53, 1:C0, 1:07, 1:14, 1:28, stopping at all loop stations, taving Randolph street and Fifth avenue 15 minutes later. First train returnii g will leae after fifth race, stopping at all statiore, other trains at Ashland avenue and Hal-Stod street. Metropolitan "L" at Facific avenue and Van Buren streets at 12:59, 1:11, 1:23, stopping at all loop stations, leaving Franklin and Van Buren streets thirteen mic-mtes later, connecting with Suburban Electric at 48th street direct to track. 12th Street Electric Specials direct to track without change frcm 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. at short intervale, Madison Street Cable, connecting with surface electric at 40th street direct to track. Fare on Special Trains, Round Trip, 25 Cents. ADMISSION .00. M. NATHANSON, Secretary, 201 Lakeside Building. . THE AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL OF 1900...... COPYRIGHTED. NOW READV. A HAND BOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND COMPARISON. EXPERTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO IT-.~. F. I. IIUIELI HI fi. E. IILET II UGllfi. EEDICE IILEI II PUGILISM. JIM TIOTCIEI II IILLIAHS. An Officia I Compend i u m of Records RAGING, TROTTING AND PAGING, THE PUGILISTIC RECORD OF 1899, HANDICAPPING AND BOOKMAKING TABLES, Naw Faatnraa in thaaa Linaa. Four Handicap Tablaa with Kayi.t SUMMARIES BY EXPERTS ON THE PAST YEARS DOINGS, EDITED BY F. H. BRDIELL 80 Cts. In Paper. 50 CU. In Soft Morocco. Daily Racing Form Pub. Co., 124-126 Fifth Ave., Chicago, ill;

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900081001/drf1900081001_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1900081001_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800