St. Louis Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1900-08-10


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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. LOUIS, MO., AiiK»»t 9.— Seventy-third day. St. Louis Pair Association. Summer Meeting Weather clear ; track fast. Presiding Jadge, Joseph A. Mnrphy. Starter, William Braen. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. IQOOI FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. lnd Horses A Wt St k % X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 196842flQRIS 107 2 63 4 32 1" McGinn G J Long 11-52* 8-5 8-5 19429 MONOGHAN 107 3 2" 2U 1« 2i J T Woods J K Huue 25 30 25 30 197092LOKA 107 7 7« 54 5U 3» Reeder J M Staley 5 8 5 6 19817 KID MCOY 112 4 4" 3. 41 42 Kinney T E Simon son 10 20 10 20 19786 MANDAMUS 107 11 10*103 9s 5 Morse J B Horstman 4 5 4 5 12848 JUDGE J. RILEY 112 10 9i 9» 8 64 J Kane C P Kennedy 12 30 12 30 19275 LA CARINA 107 8 8s 82 6" 7 R Smith R Miller 12 25 12 25 19223 HAZEL H. 107 5 12 11 21 82 Gilmore FningandHatchett 15 20 15 20 19275 ARMAND 109 6 |lf 61 7i« 94 Dale F W Holtgrewe 10 20 10 20 MENTO 107 12 12 12 12 10* E Mathews C A Valentine 4 8 4 8 18717 MR. ROSE 112 9 U» 111 104 U« Fallehey M Brauer 8 10 8 10 18484 PENCHANT 105 1 32 71 11 12 J Woods J Desha 10 15 10 15 Time. 12s, 241, 49;, 1 K2j. 1 :16. Winner— B. f. by Pardee— Katie Creel. Went to post at 2:35. At post 7 minutes. 8tart good. Won driving; second the same. T gris finished strongly but was straight as a string to win. Monoghan ran his best race. Loka closed with a rush and with a better ride could have won. Kid McCoy quit in the last sixteenth. Mandamus had a rough journey. Tigris, place, 7 to 10; show. out. Monoghan, place, 15 to 1 ; show, 8 to 1. Loka, show, 6 to 5. | Q tl W* "SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse J300. All Ages. Selling. ~ lnd Horses A Wt St % X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19712 CHEMISETTE 4 107 1 13 1-. 1* V J Woods Moeher and Singer 2 24 2 2 162992AM. STRATHMRE3 95 3 44 U 32 2 Paretto T H 8tevens 6 8 6 7 19455 WATER CREST 5 107 5 63 6U 51 3i Morse H B Meyers and Co 4 6 4 6 19817 TERRALENE 3 100 6 5U 54 4H 41 T Kane J U Strode and Co 6 6 3 3 19429 MOSS ROSE 7 110 7 8« 74 6* 52 Corner W L Thompson 25 25 12 15 19712 EOTHEN LAD 4 107 4 2» 22 24 6* E Mathews N C Howard I 15 8 12 19455 PROFIT 3 97 2 31 34 7 4 72 Dominick Mrs M E Frost 7 7 7 7 19816 ALICE SCORPION2 85 8 •» S* 8* 82 J T Wools S T Gaines and Bro 12 30 10 30 SILKY 3 99 9 74 91292 9 Grand James Owens 20 L0 20 40 FRANK PEARCE 3 97 10 lOlO* HO" 10 8 McGinn J Stephenson 15 100 12 50 GETA BLCKBRN 3 97 11 11 11 11 11 Dale L Marion 12 60 10 40 Time. 124, 24, 86i. 49, i:lo,. Winner— Br. f, by Stonehenge— Chemise. Went to post at 3:13. At post 8 minutes. Start fair. Won easily ; second handily. Chemisette showed the most speed, got away well and never was in danger. Amelia Strathmore ran well and finished with a rush. Water Crest ran ae ;f slightly short and will probably do better when next out. Terralene was poorly ridden. Scratched— Irena, 95. Overweights— Terralene, 5 pounds ; Moss Rose, 3 ; Silky, 4. Chemisette, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2. Amelia Strathmore, place, 24 to 1 ; show, 6 to 5. Water Crest, show, evens. Terralene. place, 6 to 5 ; show. 3 to 5. 1 Qkk THIRD RACK— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-oldE. Selling. lnd Horses A Wt St H. K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19740 ORLEANS 99 1 fit P 13 1» 12 Dominick E Burrows 5 6 5 6 19304P1R. DAUGHTER 97 6 4«« 51 3H 21 22 Watson J H March 12 12 8 10 19816 SEETHING 97 4 24 2« 23 32 31 Dale G C Baker 12 20 12 20 19710 PICADOR 104 5 8i""8 53 4" 4" Gilmore T H Stevens 8 9 8 9 19185 KATE FREEMAN 97 2 3« 34 63 62 5h McGinn Keitli and Patton 40 80 40 80 19740QUICK RANGE 102 7 74 6" 44 5 63 J Woods W H Laudeman 9-109-109-1C9-10 197403tiCORPOLETTE 97 8 64 71 8 73 7" E Mathews S T Gaines and Bro 5 5 44 44 19791 LUTES FONSO 100 3 51 41 74 85" |M Paretto W F Schulte 25 60 25 60 19714 MISS ZARA 97 10 10 9 9 9 9 Gatliff J H Jones 30 60 30 60 19788 THE bUiHER 100 9 9 10 10 10 10 J T Woods J F Schorr 6 15 6 15 Time, 13. 26, 504, 1:03. 1 :16i . 1: 434. Widner-Br. f, by The Chevalier— Florine. Went to post at 3:44. At post 20 minutes. Start poor. Won easily; second the same. Orleans got away well, had clear going, showed the most speed and never was in danger. Pirates Daughter finished strongly. Seething ran surprisingly well. The Butcher ran away three miles in false breakaways and Scorpolette ran one mile. Quick Range made an effort at the far turn but tired and quit badly. Orleans, place, 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Pirates Daughter, place, 4 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Seething, show, 24 to 1. Quick Range, place, out. 1 1UU A FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Parse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. X.j O O 4±r Allowances. lnd Horses A Wt St % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19789THE LIGHT 4 105 1 22 2H 2» 11 Morse J K Hughes 3-2 3-£ 6-513-10 198192ST. CUTHBERT 5 107 3 l» 11 V 2 J Woods H E Rowell 1 11-104-511-10 19548 TRIADITZA 3 105 2 pi S» •» V Dominick TNepper 6 7 4 5 194552EL GHOR 4 100 5 5 5 5 4* J T Woods G W Curtis 60 100 40 60 19159 VELOCE 5 103 4 414 41 42 5 McGinn L Marion 100 200 80 200 Time. 12, 23i, 48i. 1:01, 1:131. Winner— Ch. f, by Uncle Jess— Barbary Maid. Went to poet at 4:30. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won eased up; second easily. The Light is in great form at present and ran a grand race, easily disposing of St.Cuthbert in the run home. The latter did his best and ran a good race. Triaditza is rounding into form and will probably win shortly. Scratched— 19851 Wiggins, 100. The Light, place, out. St Cuthbert. place, out. Triaditza, place, evens; show, out. -lQOOpT FIFTH RACE— 2 Miles. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Selling. ~ lnd Horses A Wt St 2 ________________ Jockeys Owners O H L C 1984720RRIS 3 84 4 9* 9* 2" 1* P 1 JT Woods T H Stevens 24 24 2 2 19786 ROUND TURN4 95 8 P 3" 5* 5+ 3* V E Mathews D L Snow 11-513-52 13-5 19818 LURDAN 4 95 5 7" 62 4M 31 2« 32 Redfern W W RedfernandCo60 60 25 30 19786 LEASEMAN 7 99 10 6* 8" 71 63 52 4- ONeill S J Charles 8 12 8 12 19685 AUNT JANE 8 97 7 5* 42 3* 4« 63 5« Dominick T J Davenport 15 30 12 20 19786 OODCUT 4 95 1 32 7» 9* 8" 8» 6» Dale L Maher 50 50 25 30 19744 NAN DORA 4 96 3 114 I* 12 21 44 72 Cochran J P Rice 6 8 6 7 19786 S. MCLELNDi 93 9 414 52 81 Vi T 83" Kavanagh B Cappel 30 30 30 30 19790 J. DOUGHTY 4 1C0 2 23 2+ 6" 9" 91292 Morse J J Hirth 4 12 4 10 19577 RU BEL 4 97 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 McGinn L J Haas 30 60 30 50 Time. 13, 26i. 51s, 1:174, 1:444, 1 :58, 2:12, 2:40, 3K!64. 3:33i. Winner— Br. f, by Wadsworth — Clean Heels. Went to post at 5:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won eased up; second the same. Orris is a stayer and was best and finished swinging. Round Turn also stayed well and made a great eflort in the last half, but could never get near Orris. Lurdan ran a fairly good race. Nan Dora and Joe Doughty found the route too long. Overweights— Orris, 3 poumis ; Joe Doughty, 2 ; Rubel. 4. Orris, place. 4 to 5; show, out. Round Turn, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Lurdan, show, 4 to 1. -1 Q0 4J/|~S1XTH RACK-3-4 Mile. Purse 00. All ages. Selling. lnd_ HorBes A Wt St % X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19741 EIGHT BELLS 5 102 2 23 2- P 13 Dominick M S Hughes and Co 2* 4 24 18 5 19686 IN hi KG ENT 6 107 10 6 52 5" 22 Gilmore A D Morris 6 12 6 10 iy788 AL LONE 6 101 8 4 1 3* 3UR Smith J Dowd 5 6 4 4 19687 POM ELI A 5 105 6 34 3« 4« 4* Corner Manton and Co 25 60 20 40 19850 BERTHA NELL 5 102 3 7- 64 71 . Morse Vestal and Co 41 6 4 5 19550 PREM US 2 Hi 1 11 14 2» 62 J T Woods W F Schulte 8 20 8 20 19711 MISS LORETTA 3 95 9 II 8* 82 71 E Mathews J B Horstman IS 1C0 12 60 19743 TOWERS 7 104 4 51 7 91 82 Cochran HarrisoniRogers 12 60 12 50 17923 FIDEL YOUL1N 3 95 11 94 92 10 92 Redfern H E Rowell 8 20 8 20 1*872 CHIFFON 5 102 12 12 12 12 10 D Vititoe J H Price 20 60 30 50 19139 DORALICE 4 102 7 101 102 g- 11 J Woods J Kearville 5 5 3 31 19787NADRONE 7 102 5 81 11" 112 12 McGinn MdoxandChberlain6 8 6 7 Time, 121, 241, 361, 494, 1 :021, 1:15. Winner— Br. m, by Quicklime— Elsie 8. Went to post at a :30. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the sain1 Eight ells improved sharply and ran an impressive race, winning as she pleased. Insurgent got off oorly, made up much ground and finished fast. Al Lone ran a fairly good race under a poor ide. Doralice ran a poor race. Nad rone was cut down. Overweights— Al Lone, 2 pounds; Pomelia, 3. Eight Bells, place, 6 to 5; show, 8 to 5. Insurgent, place, 4 to 1; show, 2 to 1. Al Lone, show, ___ L__t____, _J__BL______u,,,:..

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