Brighton Beach Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-10


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BRIGHTON BKACH ENTRIES Probabilities W Watlior atlior clear track fast fastFirst First Bace 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horse s color BOX pedigree TV t Hdcp Hdcp221S5 221S5 Creson Ill 740 74026545Foeh8mpton 26545Foeh8mpton Ill 750 26425 Bnmboldt N6 730 264252 iden 106 735 735Bpt Bpt ctaclee b f by Batbamp Batbampton ton Peep Sight 101 Sec nd Bace 1 11 G MJl b b3yrarolds 3yrarolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horees Ago Wt Hdcp Hdcp265783NpRiificent 265783NpRiificent 4 Ill 730 26421 Fig Gun 4 110 720 72026575EJfim 26575EJfim 4 1C6 750 75026499rolando 26499rolando 8 101 740 7402646Wcnrry 2646Wcnrry 3 101 735 26271 Fru srlee 4 101 725 725265gOEihice 265gOEihice 3 94 735 735Tlird Tlird Bace 5H Mile 2yearolds Allowances Allowances26l402Howoll 26l402Howoll W 115 735 7352625H3GtyBoy 2625H3GtyBoy 115 7SO 7SO261962V 261962V bifrkty King 115 7EO 7EO264203AHbert 264203AHbert 115 720 26078 ndnlneian 115 715 7152654S3Si 2654S3Si mbrero 115 730 7302654G3 2654G3 Lite Ol 112 725 26546 Foutenix 112 710 710264fi2EfEeno 264fi2EfEeno 112 735 26546 Lauretta B II 112 705 25 393 BT ID aid 112 715 71524674Pluto 24674Pluto 112 725 72526420Bouner 26420Bouner 112 740 740Fourth Fourth Bace1 18 M1J a 4yearoJds and upward Handicap Handicap2626STVn 2626STVn Candles 4 125 730 73026425Ktmsrn 26425Ktmsrn 4 117 740 740E665Beibert E665Beibert 4 117 735 7352G443 2G443 First N hip 4 110 725 26547 Decanter 6 105 735 26443 Pjiice Richard 4 102 715 26547 AJ1 Gold 4 100 720 26547 Latson 6 94 750 26425 Bound Up 4 87 715 715Fifth Fifth Kace 5 12 Furltfngs 2yearolds Sailing Sailing2638nOHnpen 2638nOHnpen 110 705 7052f57PManoVNar 2f57PManoVNar HO 710 265163 VMiiteOx l 107 715 7152649tBrEolnlu 2649tBrEolnlu 107 720 26464 Lieecben 99 710 26546 FOL si luca S9 725 24845 Ger ldyn 97 700 700Norwich Norwich 94 26576 Lady blerlicg 9t 715 715Hxrh Hxrh Bace 34 Mile Syearoldp snd upward Belling Belling1PE6 1PE6 Bill i Til ki Tavi 4 115 725 22317 Marblohead 5 115 7CO 24573 Gubrl 5 115 720 7201E519 1E519 Ltrva 5 115 710 17104 Priicerf Veionia 4 115 715 2649 Ffderflifct 4 112 705 1236 hp Trap 5 112 7CO 7CO28fO 28fO Por F 5 110 680 68024667StfcGrathiana 24667StfcGrathiana Prince 4 107 710 7102f96 2f96 Thicket 3 105 690 26625 BfLfiEt 3 105 705 2626 Histrick 3 105 690 24536 Fatt Kelston 3 102 680 19436 Potf si 3 102 685 24438 Chuiiman 3 102 690 26421 j mint 3 ICO 710 71026M9 26M9 Ante Up 3 ICO 695 26355 Ondurdie 3 ICO 710 25275 Admiral Dewey 3 100 695 26355 Ctnnie 3 95 705

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1901071001_3_2
Library of Congress Record: