Fort Erie Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-10


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FOBT EtUK JNTBJES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Baco 78 Mile Mile3yearoda 3yearoda Selling Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 2684 ledy Hnyman 110 700 25576 Edna J 105 670 670241842Jnniecara 241842Jnniecara 105 690 26581 Miss Cleburn 105 675 Brtmino 675Brtmino ch f by Hawksley EvoJntii n 105 26368 Lillie Hammerton 105 680 21422 Ge sg 105 685 26611 Miss v nna 105 675 26188 Ida Quicklime 105 685 685Annie Annie 105 26522 1 Know 105 680 25851 Pardo 105 665 26611 Budge 105 660 660Second Second Bace58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingInd Ind Horse ASS Wt Hdcp 26582 Hnlmetta 102 705 26491 AllGray 101 700 265853 Krobze Medal 101 710 26524 Edin Kenton 99 725 26558 Margieb 98 710 26220 Baylike 97 715 265212Tax 715265212Tax Man 97 720 26491 Tom Crabb 97 715 715Third Third Bace 1 MH 3 yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances26489Orontas 26489Orontas 4 118 740 26F592 74026F592 JHSloan 4 118 710 26391 Chappaqua 5 112 715 2ti559jne 7152ti559jne Press 5 107 710 71026490Khuki 26490Khuki 3 97 7f0 26487 nark 3 91 705 705Fourth Fourth Bnce 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Allowances26l21Bona 26l21Bona 107 670 265822Easy 670265822Easy Street ICO 690 69026o213Dunsbro 26o213Dunsbro ICO 700 7002636tjlncrusta 2636tjlncrusta 97 6EO 24533 Kenner 97 675 26189 Lauretta Burke 97 670 26366 Mo Bah Ghee 97 685 Kelly 685Kelly entry entryFiftli Fiftli Bace 34 Mile 3yiaroiae and upward Selling 22080 Favornette 3 109 705 26586 Bonprep 5 108 690 26S263 69026S263 By George 5 103 725 725261883dempire 261883dempire 3 101 710 26523 Euclaire 4 101 705 26492 Ida Peuzance 3 96 720 26246 Dominick 96 695 25594 Prince David 3 9t 700 26192 Knuckle Down 3 94 695 26308 Frances Beis 3 92 715 715Sixth Sixth Bace 34 Mil 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling26492Dr 26492Dr Biddla 4 114 720 26248 PhHroah 4 112 715 26584 Jatite 3 105 725 26561 Loiter 5 103 710 26363Ucie 71026363Ucie Brooks 5 103 705 25772 Bacebud 5103 715 257103 The Covenanter 3 101 700 26240 Battns 3 100 710 25860 Sweepstakes 3 94 700

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Local Identifier: drf1901071001_3_6
Library of Congress Record: