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t PHLEIII PBRK HarlBHl JQDKBU ClUfi MBLEHI mi mif f aS Stakes for the Summer and Fall Meetings MeetingsFull Full Yalues in cask State and Purses for Jumpers over a Perfect course t no Maywood Bpndlrar 000 adril to carry weight for age 3 Ibs allowed for each than a selling puree race after the announce which 200 to second and 100 to third horen A For threpjearolde ard upward Entrance 10 500toS2OCO then 1 Ib for ouch 200 to 1200 ment carrtoneeighth of weights to carry 5 Ibs extra Ono and winner of a stakes t f tbe value of 1 00 to carrt each f 40 additional to start SlCCO added of thpn 2 Ibs for each 100 to S800 Ktartore with oneeighth miles 3 lbsi f two Fuch stake 5 Ibe of three bicb 200 to second and 5100 to thrd boree boreeleghtB selling price must be named through thn entry The Sapl up Stakes 1OOO edded Fcr OTOre snch stakes 8 Ibs extra Other horses o leghtB to b announced tbree daje befre tbe box at tbe tiEual hour of closing the day preced ¬ twoyearoldp horsestwoyearoldp foals of 1899 Entrance F10 hat hxve not won two races of 500 e ch eince einceeach appointed for the rnce A winner of other ing the race and thoe BO namtd will be liable day each 40 additional to start 10CO added of tnDe 22 or three races of any valne siuc July Julywhich than a selling pnreo race after the anmucc for starting fee One mile mileThe which 200 to second and 100 to third horse A 1 allowed 3 Ibs one race since that date 5 Ibs ment of weipJ ts to carry a Ibe eztra One mile The reed Slakpp 1OOO added For all allages winner of a race of the valnn of 1COO since maidens 71ba maidens that h ve rua in a and one hutdred yaide yaidetf ages Fritrancn S10 each 40 additional to April 10 or of two races of S500 each eince June Bafcas since May 1 and have not been placed in tf Prairie Mate Stakes FelUnglOf O Ftart 1OCO added of which J2CO to second and 22 to carry 3 Ibs of two racrs of the value of Bnch 10 Ibs Seven furlongs furlongsl000 odd d For time year olds and upward Fn 100 to thiid horee Tvoyear oldfl to carry 90 l000 ch since April 10 5 hp cf tbree races of JlCOO each sire April 10 8lbs cf frur or T Go f Steeplo hf so BOO fulled trance 10 e rh 40 additional to start 1OCO Ibs threpyar oldp 108 Ibs fouryearolds A Amore ad aded ed of wMcli iiOO to second ano 100 to third and upward 113 lb = A winner of a raca of the more races f 1000 each since April 10 11 Ibs handicap for fourj oarolds and upward Fn Fnextra liors0 The irrer o b f Id at auction ForpeB value of SI 100 or of ten races other than Balling extra Maidf us allowed 10 Ibs Four furlongs trance 10 each 10 additional to sart 80O 80OThe entered to b sold for 1000 to carry weieht for iu 101 to carry 5 Ibs of rflces in 1901 amount ¬ The Aspirant Slak 1000 ndcled For S Sd8d ° d8d ° w whCh hCh 202 to Eecond ajid J100 to thid thidtuo agt f r 3000 allowed 5 Ibs then 2 Ibp for ing it tbo aggregate to 7OCO 10 Ibs rf races tuo year oldR foals of 1859 that have not won fn ° rrnsiin dnv nrnJnt f nonoced three days be bemorBthan ench 500 to 2CCO tben 1 Ib for each 100 to in IfOl amounting in tbe aggrea e to 20000 18 morBthan three races to the date of closicg 7JfP th nnninnntnf tnf fc8 ra5 A winner winnerthiB 1CCO Starters with exiling pricp mnst b Ibs extra ThrefyoBrolds and uowurd non thiB stake Fntrarce 10 each 0 additional I8 nnninnn mennrlt ° f t the wel to carry carrytoftan 8 lb in nsmid through entry box at the usual hour of vinners rf a race rf the valne of 1CO in 1901 toftan 1 CO added of whirl I 200 to second extra rn 8hort conrs ° cl sing the day preceding tbe race and those so allowed 3 Ibs if such are nonwinners of three and 100 to third horpo Nonwinners of a race TI oi tainii c i named vtill b liable for btarting fee One and races in 1901 8 Ibe Six furlongs furlongsTie of the valne of 1000 if Donwinners of four PrtThev hanHl hanHln ° P 1 fnr oneeighth miles milesThe Tie Oak Paik Hand op 1000 added races aowe allowed 3 Ibe e o of three races 5 Ibs s of Entrance Fntr ° r cf cfhHf cfi in ° n h iS fr n 55 55r r ° w 118 IIIld npwKd The Cicero Sfates en i frl OOOaVed For tbreeJ earolds fals of 1898 Entrance Ulbeaten two races 8 Ibs maidens 12 b6 maidens ° 5 i hHf Ul For all ages Entrance 510 encb 40 adcitirnal 10eec 40 additions to start 1COO added beaten t n times 18 Jbs Five fnrLngt fBend wlsSt t toetart 1CCO added of which CO to secord of which 200 to second and 100 to third horse The Forjrarj SfkeS 000 added For fee ffi and 100 to third i orse Tbe wini er to be sold V eights to be arnouuced tbree dajB before the 8 rB 5 6 an0nD at auction Horses entered to be sold for 3000 day appointed fur the race A winner of other Entrance fees must accompany nominations Lntry blanks may be had upon application to the secretary or to the office of Daily Racing Form Address nominations and all communications to toM M NATHAKSON Secretary Room 815 Merchants Loan and Trnst Bldg Chicago