Delmar Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-10


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DELMAB PABK ENTBIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastJFirst JFirst Bace 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Belling 26594 Kinlock Park 107 660 26603 furdGillock 107 685 6852U79 2U79 Riser 104 680 26328 Bandit 104 675 26550 Irving Mayor 104 685 2479 Velasquez 104 690 2970 Cicely Thorncap 102 670 26361 Maj Do 102 665 25237 Toad Bainey 102 700 700Becnnd Becnnd Bace 1 Mile and 5JO Yards 4j earolds and upward Belling 26606 Water Crest 6 109 705 70523536Milwanke 23536Milwanke 7 109 725 26595 Gilbert 4 107 695 695265523Chickamauga 265523Chickamauga 4 107 715 25994STitus 5 106 700 70026S5S2Terra 26S5S2Terra Incognita 5 106 715 264492 Judge Steadman 8 106 720 7202655538adie 2655538adie Levy 6 104 710 26114 Celeste dOr 5 101 705 26145 Orlandine 4 102 700 26 502ylvian 4 102 710 26536 Lunar 4 102 695 695Third Third Bace 6 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Handicap Handicap265C8Etbylene 265C8Etbylene Ill 715 26327Royal 71526327Royal Athlete 107 725 26n532tfallaBber 72526n532tfallaBber 99 720 720264152Miss 264152Miss Wandelohr 96 715 264 4Potheen 95 710 26376 Sting 95 705 26593 Bandrol 92 710 710Fourth Fourth Bace 1 116 Mllrs Mllrs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap283912Varro 283912Varro 3 107 715 266f9Lre 715266f9Lre Bruno 5 107 720 7202fi511iBlink 2fi511iBlink 3 107 715 26117Ethel 71526117Ethel Wheat 3 102 710 26535Maximua 71026535Maximua 3 ICO 265542Ida Ledford 4 93 725 725265113Nan 265113Nan Dora 5 83 705 Barred 705Barred ia betting bettingFifth Fifth Bace 34 3 le le4yoarolds 4yoarolds and upward Handicap Handicap26597GenoralMagrnder 26597GenoralMagrnder 7 115 725 72526419Brulsre 26419Brulsre 6 Ill 720 72026PO 26PO Bummer 5 108 705 26597 71526U7 Dr Cave 4 104 715 26U7 PoRcrful 4 104 710 7102S5963Vicie 2S5963Vicie Vance 7 88 fl5 26512 Clinton B 4 98 700 700Sixth Sixth iJncc 1 Mile and SO Yards 3yearolds and upward Balling Balling26J49Zorne 26J49Zorne 4 110 7CO 2659JiB8rdly 7CO2659JiB8rdly 6 107 715 26387 WoddleFome 5 104 705 26 98 Kings Highway 6 104 710 26118 Mii8 Patron 5 102 720 265133AmeJia 720265133AmeJia Strathmore 4 100 710 26535La 71026535La Desirous 3 96 725 265353Menace 725265353Menace 3 92 715

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Local Identifier: drf1901071001_3_4
Library of Congress Record: