untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-10


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SUMMER STAKES To be Run at Hawthorne During the Meetings of July 22 22Aug Aug 3 Aug 1931 and Sept 16Oct 5 Stakes for urnm midnight Tl Test Stakes A sweepstake for two twofearolds named through the entry box at the usual hour 40 additional to start The club to add 1000 1200 Starters with soiling price to be named that hnve not won a stake Entrance of namedof which 200 to second and 100 to third through entry box at tin uul hour of closinir fearolds 10 each to accompany the nomination 40 ad ¬ named to bo liable for the starting foe 1 mile Weights closinirWeights to appear three da s before thn race day before the rac at d those eo named to ba ditional to start The club to add 1000 of The Scecuiation Slakes A handicap sweep Starters baStarters to be named through the entry box at liable for the starting fee 1 116 miles which 200 to efcotid and 6100 to third VN inners stake fr thnoyearolos and UDW rd Entrance the milesthe mual hour of closing day before the race after th cosing of this race of a sweepstake S10 each to accompany tbn nomination 40 ad and hanfee all PO numed to be liable for the starting f7onr TmerjUd Smk oHnA nA A 8tePlechao f i u han d 5 Us extra Allowances nonwinnere fee 2mllns aicap rortonryearolds vr oH and upward Entrance Entrancerh to carry ditional to start The club to add SI 000 of of a race of 500 5 Ibs maidens 10 Ibs 5 12 wLich 200 to second and IlSotohfrd Wg8 rh f ftf tf ot kes A handicap for all f J Jc c toaccomp h homiu omiu tin S 0 addi addiaeefi Eatranre 10 each to tbo l0 p a furlongs to appear three days b fore tbe race Starters aeefi accompany ° fWhch om M Tbo iw Idsuinmer Stakes A sweepstake tobennmed through the entry box at the uanal 3100 to third Kn TVnTiT hour of chsipg day before the race and all eo eodtoba o add SlOW of which 200 to second and 100 ° Pf i y J2 8118 rncfl dtoba Iiable for the startinK feo 1L8 three days before the race tarters o be o diloalto tart The clb tadd Oaddi onto named thr ugh the entry box at the uanal hour 006 f which 200 to uecond and plOO to third which 200 to second staeubo and J100 to third Th Endurance Stakes A handicap sweep i The thirdThe winner to b sold at auction If entered to to appear thre days beforethe take for two jearolds Entranae 10 each to named to ba liable for the starting fee i 1 1ml18 be racebe Bnid for 3000 to carry wight for age if for after publication of weights to race ca accompany th nomination J40 ndditional to ml18 ml18The leas 2 Ibs for each 50 to 2500 then 1 Ib for extra Starters to ba named through thB ntr tart The clnb to add 1000 of wticb 200 to The Autumn etaheH A handicap sweep each S100 to 1000 tben 2 Ibe for each 100 to box at the usual time of closing the dtv Wnr second and 100 to third Weights to appear stake for threeyearolds and upward En 700 Wionora of a race since June 1 1901 of tho the race and all so named to ba liable for th three days before tbe race Starters to be trance 10 each to accompany the nomination value of 1000 to be entered for not less than starting fee Full course 96OO ADDED ADDEDThe The Fall Value of all States will be Paid in Cash No Forfeits Liberal Overnight Specials SpecialsSHERIDAN SHERIDAN CLARK Secretary Chicago Jockey Club 403 Monadnock Bldg

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901071001/drf1901071001_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1901071001_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800