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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHART7POKT 7POKT KKIE ONT July 9 Fifth day Fort Erie Racing Association Summer Meeting MeetingWeather Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mara Cassidy Racing starts at 230 p m 26611 FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 26406OUH LIZZIE 6 111 1 7 6 2a l i Troxler Charles Ray 2 22i 26492 MAPLE 4 106 7 2 226i6l 2i 2K 12 21 Alarie D Lamasny 10 12 12 5 56a 26i6l MAUGA 3 101 8 6 6a 51 51 31 VVonderly Miss M Oliver 31 31 31 G 5 5f2 26278 AH A MO 4 106 5 f2 V 3 3 4a Akor K P Shipp 20 20 20 8 26492 L VIEW BELLE 3 100 9 9 926305ALZORA 8 8 52 J Miller M C Mooro 8 8 6 21 21H 26305ALZORA 3 100 3 1 H li 41 61 LThompsnK Midgley 7742 26106 M1BS WANNA 3 HO 11 11 11 61 7 May flobineou Leach60 10010030 26406 GLAD HAND 5 106 2 3 3a 7 9 8 L Jackson O O West Co 10 15 15 5 26492 INSURRECTION 4 106 10 10 10 10 9 Goueh P M Civill 3u 30 20 8 26561 CHERRY WILD 3 100 4 4 41 7 10 Hnjdsn WFPresravflagtl5 15 15 4 24604 IDLE CHAT 3 105 13 12 12 12 11 Zehn F Hasssler 40 100 100 40 25552 EDGEWORTH 3 105 6 8 9 11 12 W Meaney R Johnston 50 100 100 40 25350 BUDGE 3 105 12 13 13 13 13 Postol W Weir Co 50 50 SO 12 Time 24 50 115 115Winner Winner B m by Cavalier Vim VimW W ut to post at 250 At post 17 minutes Start good Won ridden out second the same Our Lizzie was ontruu in the narly stages but camo fast through the stretch and had eometbing in reservo at the finish Maple saved ground on all turns but tired in the run home Manga lost ground by making a wide turn in the stretch Ahamo ran an improved race Bndgo acted badly at tho poet ana ran a half mile at top sp ed to a false breakaway breakawayScratchea26525 Scratchea26525 Easter Lily 106 26363 Lillie Hammerton 100 26401 Lelia Barr 100 100Our Our I izzi pbo 1 to3 Mnpl how 2 to 1 Manga show 3 to 5 Alzora show 4 to 5 SECOND RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 250 2yearolds Maidens A Wt St Vi 4 HtrKin Jonkny O H C P NKLLlfc BAVVN 110 4 32 3 11 Vond Vondrly rly N Bennington 3 4 31 32 32GREEN GREEN ERIN 110 1 21 21 23 J Daly W Jennings Jr 31 4 31 32 32V1VIANI V1VIANI 110 5 43 43 32 W Watson Baker Gibson 8872 26521 BLAZEBAND 110 2 H 11 4 Shearer Mikel Bros 8883 26521 LADY HANDY 110 7 7 52 51 Pryce W F Pre grave 31 4 4 2 2KATHERINE KATHERINE R 110 9 61 62 63 Rogers F A Hart Co 30 30 30 12 12fl6i21 fl6i21 ARTIFICIAL 110 3 887 W Meaney H Warnke 30 50 50 20 20eSSo eSSo PAULINE J4NET 110 8 998 Forehand H Alexander 12 15 15 6 6257U13EFFRONTERY 257U13EFFRONTERY 11210 10 10 9 Flint J E Seagram 6 10 10 4 2674 LA GZELLE 11011 11 11 10 LTbmpsonN Dymsnt 10 40 40 12 6147STI YEH CHIMES 110 6 51 7 11 Gannon W Oliver 10 20 20 8 8PERONELLA PERONELLA 110 12 12 12 12 Gnylor G J Walters 6 15 15 6 6Omitted Omitted from entrtef Time 24 491 56 56Winner Winner Ch f by Tammany Wood Violet VioletWent Went to post at 386 At post 16 minutes Start straggling Won ridden out second easily Nellie Bawn well bundled caught Grern Erin tiring in the last sixteenth She was fractions at the post and kicked every horse that came within her reach Green Erin was prominant iu all breakaways end under the circumstances she ran a good race Viviani was badly handled She ran on her own courage as Watson was of no help to her Blazaband showed early speed but onit badly when challenged challengedPcratched Pcratched Fair Annette 110 261S9 Lauretta Burke 110 26558 Silver Owl 110 Overweights Effrontery 2 pounds poundsNellie Nellie Bawu show 3 to 5 Green Erin show 3 to 5 Viviani ehow evens Lady Handy show evens f r f I O THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yoarolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt at V H J X StrFin JocUnye Uwnitrs O H O P 26490 HOHSA 3 101 4 12 12 1 15 12 LThompsnD Whcolihan 21 3 135 1 1265572EDITH 265572EDITH O 3 96 5 0 6 5 52023 Baker W R Baker Co 2 2111545 26561LZZIE A 3 26 2 41 5H 43 31 35 L Daly E Wbalen 8883 8883263Z4 263Z4 ALlilE M 3 9ti 3 51 42 32 4i 4 L Jackson W Weir 4 5 4i 85 5142 LND OF CLOVERS 88 1 31 21 2 21 5 o J Daly G H Scherrer 45585 KAOLIN 3 86 G 2a 31 6 6 6 Gannon W K Cleveland 15 30 30 10 10Time Time 24 48 1131 1392 1392Winner Winner Ch c by Teuton Maid of Athol AtholWent Went to post at 411 At post 1 minune Start good Von easily second the sime Horsa improved suddenly showed the most speed and was never fully extended Edith Q wis outrun for the flrst threequarters then camo with a great rush through the stretch but swirved under punishment iu the last seventy yards Lizzia A ran a good honest raca The distance is a little farther than she wants to go Algio M ceased to be a contender after going three quarters Land of CJover ehnwed spaed but quit in the stretch stretchScratch Scratch d26492Dr Piddle 112 112Horsa Horsa show 1 to 2 Edith Q show 1 to 3 Lizzie A show evens FOURTH HACK 4 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Handicap 26614 Ind Horsos A Wt St StrFin Jockeys o H r p 12 13 l onderJy Charles White 3 4 31 45 6524LEMUEL 106 2 5 31 2 Troxler Charles Hay 44465 2652 WIRE IN 104 1 21 2 31 Foruhand H Giddena 10 15 15 5 265i8HARRY BECK 113 4 4i 5 4 J Miller J C Milam 45 1 1 out 26524 dT HERA 106 5 31 41 5 Hayden K P Bhipp 4 10 10 3 3Time Time 12 24 481 551 551Winner Winner B c by Pirato of Penzanca Nellie G GWent Went to post at 439 At post 8 minutes Start good Won easily second driving The Referee was never extended and his race was a good one Tioxlsrs handling of L Lmuol muol was a disgrace He pulled him up soon after the start for no apparent cause then came strongly when the race was nearly over VUro In ran well but faltered in the last few strides Harry Beck likes a softer track and possibly could not concede tha weight weightThe The Referee show out Lemuel show out Wire In ehow 3 to 2 C r t 1 K FIFTH RAC1S 1 11O Miles Purse 250 3yearolds and upward SaOOlO Selling lad Horses A Wt St X V X StrFin Jockoy B Ownera O H C P 263673 ANN LAURETTA 6 96 1 33 32 21 22 IK M Jolmson H L Johnson 20 20 12 4 26VU3TYRBA 5 1001 2 H 11 12 li 23 Troxler A Willis 664 32 26525 LIT T TUCKER 3 85 3 7 61 7 3 3 Theilen P M Civill 10 10 8 3 26522 CUSTODIAN 3 89 7 51 4 li 4 41 Adams W Hunt Co 34475 3447526i22 26i22 PR OF AFRICA 3 92 6 4n SH 51 55 51 Baker W R Baker Co 10 30 30 10 265223 MONTREAL 3101 5 62 7 6 63 65 Forehand H Alexander 85857512 858575122t5522 2t5522 REMBEN 3 86 4 21 21 31 7 7 J Daly H McCarron Jr 6883 6883Time Time 211 49 1 15t 1 42i 1 48J 48JWinner Winner B m by Emperor Sif I IWent Went to post at 510 At post 2 minutes Start good m Won driving and all out second easily Annio Lauretta came with a rush in the last sixteenth and got up in time to win on the post Troxlor made too much use of Tyrba in the early stagis and rode a very weak finish in the last sixteenth Little Tommy Tucker outrun in the first part of the race came strongly at the end although bis rider was of little help to him Custodian was always outrun Montreals race was a bad one and nowhere near her previous efforts effortsScratched Scratched 25851 Pando 86 86Overweights Overweights Tyrba 21 pounds poundsAunin Aunin Lauretta show 2 to 1 Tyrba show 7 to 10 Little Tommy Tuckor show 3 to 2 Cus ¬ todian show 3 to 5 Montreal show out SIXTH BACK About 1 34 Miles Purse 300 3yoarolds and upward Ind Horses A Wt 8t 3 6 9 12 Fin Jockeys Ownors O H C P 26385 JACK CaHEY 5 150 2 45 450 2 212 u Moxley J Dubrule Jr 23365 2619S3FIFIELD 8143 4 320 l H li 220 Ray J8CW WadswthS 331 33126623MRS 26623MRS BRADBHWIO 132 1 IH 31 450 420 3 E Flynn H L Johnson 6772 26t93TERHY RANGER 5 144 5 23 25 31 3 415 tformley Trevy Co 222 710 710264932ANGE3 264932ANGE3 6 142 6 6 530 5 5 5 H S WilsonW F MacLean 8883 25302 ALBERTA LADY 4 126 3 5 61006 6 6 Kelly J Egan 20 20 20 6 26248 THE LOAFER 3 126 7 7 7 7 7 7 Bheedy R H Loud Co 20 20 15 6 6Time Time 332 332Winner Winner Br h by Montana Regent Little Casino Went to post at 5 38 At post 2 minutes Start good Won driving and all out second easily Jack Carey wae persevered with until the stretch was reached and when given his head at that point came away under presence Fifield ran a good honest race through the field but lacked spewl on the flat Mrs Bradshair did her beet Terry Ranger did not perform as well as be did in his last previous effort Jack Caroy show 1 to 2 Fifleld ahow 1 to 2 Mrs Bradshaw show evens Torry Ranger show out