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WEDNESDAY JULY 10 1901 RACE COURSE CONEY ISLHND JOCKEY GLOB OFFICES SHEEPSHEAD BAY NEW YORK WINDSOR ARCADE NEW YORK CITr AUGUST 31SEPTEMBER 14 FOR TWOYEAR = OLDS OLDSTHE of S50 each for starters or 20 forfeit With 1250 added of which 300 to tlie second ana 150 to THE GREAT EASTERN 57500 A handicap for two yearolds foals of 1899 By subscrip ¬ of the weigati third = o Weights Ibs fxtra to be ix announced furlongs thre main dajs track before the race Winners after announcement tion of 75 Pach for starters 25 forfeit for Loreee entered by JauuRry 2 or cf 10 fsch for on starters 50 forfeit for those entered by July 15 when tbn event shell b closed Guaranteed cash value 7500 of which 6000 to the winner 1OCO to the second and 500 to the third Weights to be announced three days before the race Winners after announcement of weights 1500 allowed 5 bs of S1COO 8 Ibs of S700 12 ibs of 500 4 Ibs extra Six furlongs furlongsTEE 18 Ibe One mile and a f urlot g THE REAPERS TEE FLATBU3B 5000 For twoyearolds foals of 1899 By subscription of 75 each for 1500 ADDED For threeyenrolds By subscription of 50 each for Etarterp 25 forfeit for horses nutared by Jenuary 2 or of 150 each fcr etartere SO forfeit for starters W or 20 forfeit With 1500 added rf which 300 tn the second and J150 to the third 1901 of those entered by July 15 when the event ehnll he closed Guaranteed cash value 5000 of which loners in races amounting in the aggregate to 5000 3 Ibs extra 10000 5 Ibs extra Other horses if 4000 to the winner S7CO to the second and 300 to thn third To carry Hi Ibs winners after 20 Ibs One mile non and inners threesixteenths threesixteenthsFOR 9f any race in 1901 of 1500 allowed 5 Iba of 1000 10 Ibs of 500 Augnet 15 of S3000 120 Ibs maidens 105 Ib fillies and geldings allowpdSlbs ceven furlongs furlongsTHE THE ATJTUMN MAIDEN 1250 ADDED For twoyearold e m id idnd nd nt time of closing FOR THREEYEAROLDS AND UPWARD Colts to carry 115 Ihs fiilies and eldino 112 Ibs By subscriptirn of 50 each for starters or THE UPWARDTHE TWIN CITY HANDICAP 3500 20 forfeit V ith Jl250 addnd of which JSOO to the second ard 150 to the third Winners after ADDED Handicap fjr threeyearolds acd upward By subscription of 150 each for starterf 50 forfeit or J25 if declared out by August 15 With S3 500 July 15 once 4 Ibs twicn 7 lb extra Liast five furlongs of Nr w Futurity Course CourseTBE added of which 700 to the second d at 300 to the third Weights to be announced three TBE BaPPBlRE jl2 0 ADDED For two earelds which have not won a race of thn value days before the of 600 up to time of closing Colts to carry 118 lb fillies and geldirge 115 Ihe By subscrip ¬ TBS onarterTBS TURF mce HANDICAP Winners after 1250 announcement ADDED of weights 5 Ibs extra On milo and a onarter tion of SiO each for ptartere or 20fifnit With 120 added of whicli 300 to the second and Handicap fir three year olds nnd upward By 150 to the third Winners after July 15 of SlOCO 3 Ibs two of lCCOor one of OCO 7 Ibs of snbcrintion and 150 to the of third 50 each for starters or S20 forfeit W ith 1250 added of which 3CO to the second So COO 10 Ibs extra Maidms allowrd lOlbe Lwetnve end ahaf furlongs of New Futuri y Course CourseTHE Weights to be announced three days befo e the race Winners after rf aunnui cement weights 5 Ibs extra One mile and THE DASH 1250 ADDED For Uoyearolds Colts to carry 122 Ibs fillies and gnldinea THE turfTHE RU8FET HANDICAP 1500 ADDED a quarter on turf 119 Ibs By subscription of 50 each for starters or 20 forfeit With 1250 added of which 300 Handicap for threeyeai subscription of rO each for starters 20 forfeit Vk ith to the eeci nd and S150 to tlm third Winners of 3000 or two of fl2JO 5 Ibs extra Non winners 150 or S15CO addd of and to the third Weights to be announced three days before the race Winners after announcement of weights 5 Ibs extra One mile and a half on turf turfThR ThR EllfllTTfTl HSnrtR5in By subscription of 50 each which R ROfl subscription IMC 0 aUU nUIUUll flcUU UdJJ Eball entitle thp entry to start in all three handi ¬ at any time of 5CCO 10 Ibs extra Nonwii nore at any time of 1250 allowed 5 Ibs of 7008 caps viz The Fall The Oc anend The Omnium without additional cost and aleo to be handi ¬ Ibs Maidens llo a d 15 Ibs Last five and a half furlongs of NPW Futurity Course CourseTHE capped fre if declared for all overnight handicap at Urn Autumn Meetirgr thereby saving the THE PARTRIDGE 1250 ADDED To be run op the Turf Track For twoyearolds By usual declaration fee The dates of these races will be published iu program book of thn meeting meetingTHE subscription of JoOeach for starters or 20 forfeit VA ith 1250 added of which 300 to th second and 150 to the third vinneraof 3000 or tw of 1100 7 Jbs extra Nonwinners cf il400 THE FALL HANDICAP 2000 A handicio for thrneyearolds and upward The winner to receive 1500 the second 350 and the third 150 Weights to be announced three days before allowed 5 Ihs of 700 lOlbc Maidens allowed 15 Ibs Six furlongs on tnrf tnrfTBE the race Vv iu ers after nnou cement of weights 5 Ibs extra Horses entered five days before TBE GOLDEN HOD 1250 ADDED To bo run on the Tnrf Truck For twoyear olds the to 60 to start 30 forfeit Six furlongs Colts 115 Ihs fillies and gRldinge 112 Ibs By subscription of 50 each for starters or 20 forfeit THE trackTHE race O pay KAN HANDICAP or 2000 on main track With 12EO added of which 300 to the second and 150 to the third inners of 3000 or twice A handicap for threoyearolPs and upward The winner to receive 1500 the fecond 350 and the third of 1400 or of the Partridge Stakes 7 Ibs extra Nonwinners of 1000 allowed 5 Ibe of 500 150 Weights to ba announced three days before the race Wini ers after announcement of weights 5 Ibs extra Horses entered five days before 10 ibs Maidens allowed 15 Ibs Six and a half furlongs on turf turfFOR the race to pay 60 to start or 30 f rfeit One mile mileTHE FOR TWOYEAROLDS AND UPWARD UPWARDTHE THE OMNIUM HANDICAP 2500 A handicap for threeyearolds and upward The win nor to receive 2CCO the second 30 and the third 150 Weights to be announced three days be ¬ THE FLIGHT 1500 ADDED For twoyearolds and upward By subscription of 0 each for starters 25 forfeit fir horeea entered by January 2 1901 or of 100 each for stnrtere 50 for ¬ fore the race w innen after announcement of weights 5 Ibs extra Horses entered five days feit for those entered by July 15 1901 when the event shall b closed With Jl COO added of before the race to pay 60 to etart or J30 forfeit One mile and a furlong furlongSTEEPLECHASE which 400 to the second and 2CO to the third Twoyear olds 95 Ibe threeyearolds 118 Ibs fouryearolds and upward 125 Ihs sex allowances Winnprs in 1901 of races amounting in the STEEPLECHASE AND HURDLE EVENTS EVENTSTHE aggregate to f 8000 or more if threeyearolds or under 10 IbF if four years or over 7 Ibs THE WESTBUR Y STEEPLECHASE 1200 ADDED Handicap for tbrseyearolde and up ¬ extra Other hciees never having won 5000 if nonwinners in 1901 of COO tllovred if three ward By subscription of 50 oach for starters or 15 forfeit With 1200 added of which 250 to yearolds orundpr5 Ibp if fouryearoioe or upward 10 Ibs of 1000 if threeyearoldE or the 8cond and 150 to the third Weights to be announced three dajs before the race Full under 10 Ibs if four or upward 15 Ibs Seven fnrlorga fnrlorgaFOR Steeplechase Course CourseTHE FOR THREEYEAROLDS THREEYEAROLDSTHE THE INAUGURAL STEEPLECHASE 800 ADrED Handicap for fouryear olds and up ¬ ward By fnbecriptinn of 20 each half forf it or 5 if declared With 810 added of which 200 THE SEPTEMBER 1500 ADDED For three yearolds foals of 1898 By subscription of to the second and 100 to the third VV eights to be announced at 1 pm and declarations tn be 50 each for starters S25 Jofeir or only 10 if struck out by July 15 1901 for hornes entered by made by 2 pm Friday August 30 with the Clerk of the Course Race Track Snsepshead Bay January 2 1901 or f 100 each for starters 50 forfeit for horses entered by July 15 1901 when N Y Short Steeplechase Course CourseTHE the event shall be closed W ith 15CO added of which 400 to the second and J200 to tho tHrd THE MINEOLA HURDLE RACE 800 ADDED Handicap for threeyearolds and upward Horses which hav never won 5000 allowed if non winners in 1901 of 2500 5 Ibs of 1500 10 By subscription of 30 esch for starters or 10 forfnit With 800 add d of which 2CO to the Ibs of flOCO 15 Ibs of 6CO 201he One mile and three furlougs furlougsTBE second and 100 1 1 the third Weights to be announced three days before the race Two miles TBE FLUNG HANDICAP 1250 ADDED Handicap for threeyearolds By subscription over eight hurdles on turf The Rules of Racing and subsequent amendments thereto adopted by The Jockey Club govern all races and racing of the Coney Island Jockey Club Steaplechase and Hurdle Races under the Rules of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association Entries to be addressed to toThe The Clerk of the Course Coney Island Jockey Club Windsor Arcade Fifth Ave and 46th St New York