Brighton Beach Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-18


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BRIGHTON BEACH FORM CHART CHARTBRIGHTON BRIGHTON BEACH N Y July 17 Tenth day Brighton Beach Racing Association AssociationSummer Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 230 pm FIRST RACE 78 Mile 600 added 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St J K StrFin Jockeys O H O P 266652TOM KENNY 3 105 1 IB 21 11 13 12 T Burns Osceoln Stable 34475 266352 266352ARDEN A RDEN 3 105 7 41 4n SH 2 2 Cochran O W Baird 85 2 95 45 26755 267552BOBS BOBS 3 105 5 62 63 6 610 314 Mounce J E Madden 5772 26665 CAPTN JANUARY4 112 6 23 1 21132 42 Shaw J R Beard 7873 26235 PHOSPHOR 3105 2 3 3 4 51 56 T Walsh G C Johnson 88485 26733 ANNA DARLING 3 100 14 8 8 8 8 61 Miles W C Daly 50 ICO 100 40 26665 HISTORIAN 3 105 4 710 7 9 9 71 Landry L 8 Bnrridge 50 100 100 30 26665 THE RLAOK SCOT4 112 8 52 52 52 42 8 L Smith W C Rollins 30 50 50 12 26272 DISTURBER 5 112 10 9 9 72 71 9 McCue W Lewis 30 40 40 20 HOOJUl 20HOOJUl 3 102 12 10 10 10 10 10 Downing W W Silver 100 200 200 60 26665 J OF NAVARRE 3 102 11 11 11 11 11 11 Perry J H Harbeck 100 200 200 40 259973CANDLING 4 115 3 12 12 12 12 12 Donnelly Williams Co 40 50 50 15 26731 JACK MGINN 3 105 9 13 13 13 13 13 Troxler M Murphy 30 50 40 12 26755 WOODSPIKE 31051314 14 14 14 14 D OConnorW C Daly 50 10010040 26665 ABGANAUTA 3 100 16 15 15 15 15 15 Lorenz M Kahn 50 2CO ICO 30 22502 INFALLIBLE 3 103 15 16 16 16 16 16 Slack O L Richards 50 ICO 100 40 Coupled in betting Time 12 24V6 48 1 01 1 14 1 28 NotWent Winner 28Winner B c by Inspector B Touch Not Went to post at 230 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Tom Kenny broke running was under a pnll throughout and was easily best Arden ailed to show his usual brilliant early speed today and is probably pointed for a longer race Bobs was poorly bandied and met with much interference but finished very strongly and shows steady improve ¬ ment Captain January showed a fine burst of speed and hung on well Phosphor shut off at the start ran up to the leader very fast but acted like a nonjtayer Historian closed a big gap The Black Scot ran a fast middle half halfScratched Scratched 25922 Brahmin 115 22484 Schoolmaster 105 2G355 I reno Lindsay 100 Overweights poundsTom 100Overweights Infallible 3 pounds Tom Kenny show 3 to 5 Arden show 2 to 5 Bobs show 6 to 5 Phosphor show 4 to 5 26799 O3TQQ SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 700 added 3yoarolds Selling n Hor = B A Wt t St 5 StrFin Jockeys Owntra O H C P 26731 ETHlua 106 1 33 3ii 12 11 i 13 Cochran C F Dwyer 35 71025 ont 26271 MARGRAVIATE 116 3 211 21 42 21 21 Landry F Brindle 41 7 7 85 26355 BALLOON 96 5 5 5 5 5 35 L Smith Setanket S Stable 15 100 60 10 26635 Kneale265453TE1PLETON CRESSON 111 4 42 45 31 43 4n T Walsh J Kneale 10 20 15 21 265453TE1PLETON 101 2 1 2 31 5 H MichaelsJ E McDo McDonald 34445 Time 23g 48 l14Jg 141 145 Winner 145Winner B c by Charaxns Ethie EthieWent Went to post at 315 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Ethics easily best at the weights and steadily improving galloped nnextended to the front in the first half with the pace very fast Margraviate was a contender throughout and at the weights ran a good race Balloon closed strongly in the stretch and ran surprisingly wpll Creeson appeared dangerous to the far turn where he lost ground by bearing out and acted like a nonstayer Tem ploton furlongsScratched quit badly nt the end of five furlongs Scratched 26575 Seminole 106 106Margraviate Margraviate show 1 to 2 Balloon show 3 to 1 Templeton show 1 to 3 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2vearolds The Winged Foot Handicap 51500 added ind Horses A Wt St M H StrFin Jockeys O 11 O P 26705ALIBERT 118 2 U HI IB li Shaw J FJeisclimann 8521 11535 12267P02 266672 8RIXTON 109 3 3 4H 33 22 McOno M Murphy 85 86 85 12 267P02 ANOALU8IAN 100 1 21121 21 3i Cochran G F Jobrison 4 5 13545 24608 LOMB RE 92 5 5 5 5 4 H MichaolsMrs R Roche 6872 26702 KT OF HARLEM 92 4 41 3n 4 5 GTbompsnOsceola Stable 10 40 30 6 Added starter Time 11J 23 36 48 1 01 1 07 Winner B c by Albert Leda LedaWent Went to post at 3 M At post 1 minute Start good Won cleverly second easily Alibert outclassed the field and is steadily improving Brixton is a stayer and finished strongly Anda luaian was outclassed by the first two and belongs among maidens but ran well Lombre finished strongly and will be heard from fromScratched Scratched The Guinea 114 The Mower 114 Miss Graft 111 No 111No show betting on first throe i Qr1 FOURTH RACKl 18 Miles 800 added 4yoarolds and upward aOOvyL Allowances Ind Horses A Wt Bt Bt M Va StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P P26669JPB 26669JPB MELBNE4 106 Walked over Shaw J R Beard Time 155 Winner 155Winner BalgowanWent Ch c by Bramble Maid of Balgowan minuteScratched Went to post at 345 At post 1 minute Scratched 26735 Herbert 116 265472 Water Cure 103 FIFTH RACE58 Mile 600 added 2yearolds Selling Bace split Half run as sixth race Ind Horses A Wt St K 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 267362A8OENSION 100 1 211 12 12 12 Michaels C Oxx 21 41 4 1 26754 HONOLULU 105 3 32 31 31 2i Odr m A Miller 65 85 710ont 710ontCOLONIAL COLONIAL GIRL 105 5 43 41 51 33 Troxler M Murphy 50 150 100 30 263513ILLUMINATE 30263513ILLUMINATE 110 4 51 53 41 41 T Burns J McLaughlin 46465 26751 KEYNOTE 105 7 7 61 61 53 Desmond J G Fnllansbee 40 100 60 20 26098 OR 10DELATE ADEN 110 2 IH 21 21 65 Landry WTMcGivney 20 60 30 10 DELATE 105 8 62 7 7 75 Sims S Levy 20 20 10 3 OHIO GIRL 105 6 8 8 8 8 T Walsh J Knealo 20 CO 60 20 20Time Time 11H 23 356 48 1 01 Winner B f by Ben Strome Adorn AdornWent Went to post at 415 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second driving Ascension showed the most speed throughout and was easily best Honolulu ran a very dull race today and was lucky to be second Colonial Girl finished fast making up a lot of ground under a poor ride and was easily second beat and must ba above the average Illuminate outrun to the stretch was going well at the end bnt is evidently moderate Corrected weights Illuminate 110 Graden 110 Ascension show ont Color8 i i 1Q SIXTH RACK 58 MUe 600 added 2yearolde Belling Split of the fifth race nd Horws A Wt Bt K K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 267543QCLAWAHA 105 4 2 2a 2 IH dmitQ B Hirsch 454 75 264421LADY 75264421LADY RADNOR 105 2 42 31 32 23 McGinn D Hollis 3 3 95710 26736 ZIRL 105 5 U H It 3 Cochran B Schreiber 6652 26754 LOCKET 105 3 5 41 43 4 Miles E Kelly ° 267363 WHITE OWL 105 1 3 53 53 51 BeanchampL M Myers 26291 FR CRY 110 6 61 61 61 61 Shaw J L Holland 6 IZ 10 4 VESDURA 105 7 71 71 73 75 Monnce G F Johnson 15 50 40 12 CURTAILED 12CURTAILED 110 8 8888 Girrigan R J Laughlin 63 200 200 50 50Time Time 11 23 35 48 101 Winner Ch g by Owas Pride of Moatrose MoatroseWent Went to post at 440 At post 8 minutes Start good Won driving sacond easily Ocla waha put up a fast game race but it was a close thing between him and Lady Radnor The latter suffered from interference in the stratch and waak handling at the end Zirl appeared like a winner a furlong out but tired and quit rather suddenly Locket bearing out on the turn and very badly ridden was running well at the end White Owl had little chance with the rider and her race should be thrown out outOclawaha Oclawaha show 3 to 5 Lady Radnor show 1 to 3 Zirl show evens White Owl show 3 to 5 O tQAQ SEVENTH RAOK1 ilb Miles 700 added 3yearolds and upward jaOOUO Selling Original Sixth lad Horses A Wt Ht M K BtrFin Jockeys Ownara O H C P 26636 BIG GUN 4106 1 li li IH 13 12 McCne McFadden AllenlO 12 12 4 4252792ARMOR 252792ARMOR 4 98 5 3 31 33 31 23 Cochran C F Hill 2 2 11515 1151526S702TINGE 26S702TINGE 9 101 2 23 22 22 2t 3a Slack J Adams 1153 2 710 710267332THE 267332THE G PRINCE 3 89 7 7 52 41 42 4 Brien J L Holland 4431 26670 GIN KI 3 84 6 5 61 610 5 510 DOConnor W C Daly 50 60 60 20 26495 TATAR 4 93 3 45 42 53 6 630 Michaels Hawthorne Stable6 8 8 2i 26733 ROUND UP 4 109 467777 Mounce G Borkol 10 15 15 5 5Time Time 24 49 1 15 1 42 1 48 g Winner Br g by Artillery Linda Vista VistaWent Went to post at 505 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Big Gnn made his own running and won going away at the end and was easily bast Armor requires a strong ride and lost ground by bearing out on the turn He finished strongly but his forte is mud Tinge essayed to follow the winner closely and that probably beat him for second place The Golden Prince is generally dull of early speed on a fast track but finished fast fast8cratchod26799Ethics109 8cratchod26799Ethics109 26791 King Bramble 109 267333durvivor 101 26706 Fonsolee 96 96Overweights Overweights The Golden Prince 3 pounds poundsBig Big Gun show 8 to 5 Armor show 1 to 3 Tinge show 1 to 4 The Goldeu Prince show 12 to 5

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Local Identifier: drf1901071801_1_5
Library of Congress Record: