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i HE HEWashington Washington Park Races RacesCOMMENCING COMMENCING PROMPTLY AT 230 P M MRainorSNneCoRtinuirigUntil5aturdayJuly20 RainorSNneCoRtinuirigUntil5aturdayJuly20 RainorSNneCoRtinuirigUntil5aturdayJuly20ADMISSION ADMISSION iScGIRUAD1i iScGIRUAD1iGsfIAS GsfIAS 100 V Box Season and Guest Tickets on Sale at Wellington Hotel Rotunda TRAIN SKRVICK South Bide Elevated Trains connecting with all Elevated Beads via the Loop every 3 minutes minutesSOUTH SOUTH SIDE ELEVATED EXPRESS TRAINS TRAINSLeaving ILLINOIS CEflTRHL BfllLHOpDEXPRESS HfJD LOCHL THfHJiS THfHJiSAll Leaving Loop at Congress St and stopping 3O MINUTES MINUTESCABLE only at 22d St and 31st St arriving at 61st St in in3O All regular express and local suburban trains leaving Randolph St from 12 45 to 2 40 pm in elusive have loop service direct to the grand stand In addition express trains direct to the CABLE AND ELECTRIC LINES LINESState grandstand with no stops eouth of Van Baron St carrying parlor leave State St and Cottage Grove Ave cable lines connecting with all South Side cross town lines cars Randolph St at direct to gates Calumet Electric Street Railway to South ParkAve and 63rd St 1 10 and 1 30 p m