untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-18


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Two Grand Specials SpecialsTODAY TODAY AT WASHINGTON PARK PARKThere There never was anything mor certain in a horsa rac Providing the track remains fast both these horsea will win by a block They are specially prepared for a killing and will bs heavily backed by a contingent that navar plays dead ones The odds ill bi 4 to 1 or batter We advhe all of ofour our patrons to call and gt in right Remember we alwiys furnish our patrons with gilt edge information have proof of our ability and are wall known all ovar tha country countryGIVE GIVE lS A TRIAL AND BE CONAINCED 50C DAILY 300 WEEKLY VIKED AT 1O AM AMThe The American Handicappers Reynolds Co 72 1 19 Dearborn St StNOTE NOTE We are in no way connected with any handicap sheet issued outside of Chicago

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901071801/drf1901071801_2_11
Local Identifier: drf1901071801_2_11
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800