untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-18


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GHICX6MO THUKSDAT JULY 18 19O1 Hawtnorqe GfllCagO JOCKey ClUt Hawtnome SUMMER STAKES To be Run at Hawthorne During the Meetings of July 22 22Aug Aug 3 Aug 1931 and Sept 16Oct 5 Summer Meeting 1901 Entries Close July 1 8 Midnight at The Tent Stakrs A sweepstake for two named in rough the entry box at the usual hour houryearolds 40 additional to start The club to add 1000 1200 Starters with selling price to bo named yearolds that have not won a stake Entrance of closing the day before the race and all so of namedof which 200 to second and 100 to third through entry box at tho usual hour of closing 10 each to accompany the nomination 40 ad named to bo liable for the starting fee 1 mile mileditional Weights to appear three days before the race day before the race and those eo named to be ditional to start Tho club to add 1000 of The Speculation Stakes A handicap sweep sweepwhich Starters milesthe beStarters to be named through the entry box at liable for the starting fee 1 116 miles which 200 to second and J100 to third Winners Btake for threeyearolds and upward Entrance Entranceafter the usual hour of closing day before tho race after the closing of this race of a sweepstake JJQ eacn to accompany the nomination 40 ad adto and all so named to be liable for the starting The Emerald Stakes A steeplechase ban banfee to carry 5 Ibs extra Allowances popwinners ditional to start The clnb to add 1000 of ofof fee 2 miles dicap for fouryearolds and upward Entranci EntranciThe of a race of S500 5 Ibs maidens 10 Ibs 512 wbich 200 to second and 100 to third Weights The F eetfoot Stakes A handicap for all 10 each to accompany the nomination SiOaddi SiOaddiages furlongs Weightsfurlongs to appear three days before the race Starters StartersThe ages Entrance 10 each to accompany the tional to start The clnb to add 800 of which whichnomination The 1 idsuinmer Stakes A sweepstake to be named through the entry box at the usual usualfor nomination 40 additional to start The club S200 to second and 100 to third Weights Weightsto to add 1000 of which 200 to second and to appear three days before the race Win 100 for twoyearolds Entmnce 10 each to accom hour of closing day before the race and all so sopany to third Weights to appear three days before ners after publication of weights to carry 5 Jbs Jbstho pany the nomination 40 additional to start named to ba liable for the starting fee 1 18 18The The clnb to add 1000 of which 200 to second miles milesand tho race Starters to be named through the extra Starters to ba named through the entrj entrjentry 100 third A winn of two sweepstakes entry box at the usual hour of closing day bo box at tne usual time of doting the day befort befortfore and to r 2000 to 5 Ibs of The iroquols Stakes A handicap sweep sweepof fore the race and all so named to be liable for tue race and all so named to be liable for the thethe of any value or one of carry Btajje for threeysarolds Entrance 10 each eachthree the starting fee 34 mile starting fee Short course courseTiie three of value or two of 1500 to carry 10 any to the nomination S40 additional additionalIbs accompany Tiie Olympia Sel Ing Stakes A selling The Emulation Ibs ponalty Allowances nonwinners of a raco Stakes A steeplechase to Btart The club to add 1000 of which 200 to toof of 600 allowed 5 Ibs of two of 500 7 Ibs two of EecOnd and 100 to third Weights to appear sweepstake for threeyearolds and upward handicap for fouryearolds and upward En 300 10 Ibs maidens beaten three or more three Starters Entrance 10 each to accompany the nomina trance 10 each to accompany the nomination days before the race to be betimes times allowed 15 Ibs 34 mile tion 40 additional to start The club to add 40 additional to start The club to dd 800 of mrned through the entry box at the usual hour 1000 of which 200 to second and third flOO to which 200 to second and 100 to third Weights Stake A handicap ° ± 5n S Satake The winner to be sold at auction If entered The Endurance sweep D5n ff A to to appear three days before the race Winners D ed to bo llable for tho fee 1 1accompany Entrance 10 each na starting be sold for 3000 to for if atake for twoyearolds to carry wnight age for after publication of weights to carry 5 Iba accompany the nomination 40 additional to mue less 2 Ibs for each 250 to 2500 then 1 Ib for extra Starters to be named through the entry start The clnb to add 1000 of which 200 to The Autnmn Stakes A handicap sweep each S100 to 1000 then 2 Ibs for each 100 to box at tho usual timtfof closing the day before cond and 100 to third Weights to appear stake for threeyearolds and upward En Enthree 700 Winners of a raco since Juno 1 1901 of the the race and all so named to be liable for the three days before the race Starters to be trance 10 each to accompany the nomination value of 1000 to be entered for not lees than starting fee Full course The Full Yalue of all States will lie Paid in Cash No Forfeits Liberal Overnight Specials SpecialsSHERIDAN SHERIDAN CLARK Secretary Chicago Jockey Club 403 Monadnock Bldg

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901071801/drf1901071801_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1901071801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800