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BRIGHTON BEACH ENTRIES Probabilities W gather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 34 MUo MUo3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Highweight Handicap Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 26438 Kinnikinnick 7 129 740 74026495Colonel 26495Colonel Padden 3 129 735 735267042Iaia 267042Iaia 3 124 730 26638 All Gold 4 119 735 735267992Margraviate 267992Margraviate 3 117 720 23768 Henry Clay Rye 3 117 715 715267313Oervera 267313Oervera 3116 725 725Lucent Lucent b c by Mara tiepia 3 112 SirEggis 3 112 25579 Brandy Smash 3 109 730 730267013Himself 267013Himself 3 108 725 26755 Military 3 107 730 24635 Pincher 4 105 715 26753 St Finnan 4 102 750 26753 Belvino 3 98 725 26099 Betsy Prig 3 95 715 715Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 26787 Byrne of Roscrea 110 735 735Choate Choate b c by Meddler Laetitia 110 261273Otis 110 740 74026440De 26440De Beszke 110 750 26383 Reformer 110 730 25276 Blanche Herman 107 720 7202680212Lady 2680212Lady Radnor 107 1 1Third Third Race 1 11 G Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp26735Herbert 26735Herbert 4 116 740 266692 Wax Taper 4 116 750 750267911King 267911King Bramble 4 116 750 26704 Eloim 4 106 725 266402 McGrathiana Prince 4 98 735 735Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds Fillies Allowances The Brighton Oaks Value 3500 3500263543Trigger 263543Trigger 121 740 740267352Janice 267352Janice 121 735 735266252Anecdote 266252Anecdote Ill 730 26170 Heina Ill 730 26099 Sweet Lavender Ill 750 750Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 7O Yarns 3yearolds Selling Selling267S9 267S9 Cresson 110 725 26632 Surviye 101 710 710267912Twig 267912Twig 98 715 26752 Animosity 96 720 720267993Balloon 267993Balloon 93 705 26803 The Golden Prince 93 715 26791 Timothy Foley 91 705 705Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 2yearolds Belling Belling261E02Prophetic 261E02Prophetic 107 715 26579 Playlike 104 705 705267053April 267053April Shower 104 710 26790 C Rosenfeld 104 690 26267 King Daly 100 705 705267022Cast 267022Cast Iron 100 720 26736 Benton Gray 100 700 26702 Cats Paw 97 695 26736 Fonsoluca 92 715 71526754Lady 26754Lady Sterling 92 7c