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WASHINGTON PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt He 25989 Altona 118 267493 flars Wagner 118 26660 Bfdles Commoner 118 Emathion b g by Tithonns Dumpling 115 26720 Talpa 115 675 26768 Landseer 105 685 685Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 26634 Pupil 4 112 640 26602 Guiliana 5 109 600 600267722Sharp 267722Sharp Bird 4 107 725 26748 King Dellis 4 107 650 26663 Sevoy 6 106 700 26744 Boney Boy 5 106 690 26772 Theory 5 104 675 26744 Canmoro 3 103 675 675267472Flenron 267472Flenron 4 102 650 26592 Bowen 3 98 650 650267202Mouey 267202Mouey Mues 3 95 710 265993 Likeness 3 93 705 705Third Third Rsce34 Mll The Hyde Park Stakes 5000 added added2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 26770Aba Frank 121 725 267702 Pentecost 118 710 267703 Sir Oliver 113 705 26770 Flora Pomona 113 700 26198 Rnnnela 113 690 69025719Memnon 25719Memnon 110 715 Fourth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances36693Ecome 36693Ecome 5 109 680 26260 El Ghor 5 108 640 25376 Chancery 5 106 655 655267693Alaaka 267693Alaaka 6 106 725 725267222Nettie 267222Nettie Regent 4 102 715 71526746Tammany 26746Tammany Chief 3 102 690 26433 Jim Winn 3 100 650 26773 Evelyn Byrd 5 99 695 695267223Hylo 267223Hylo 3 89 6S5 6S5Fifth Fifth Race Woodlaivn Course 6 furlongs and 55 yards yards3yearolds 3yearolds ana upward Allowances 26632 Tayon 4 114 690 690266903Qonfalon 266903Qonfalon 4 114 705 26720 Montanic 4111 715 71526772Sly 26772Sly 7 109 725 26690 Anna Bain 4 109 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 1 18 Miles 3 yearolds and upward Soiling 26569 Hosi 6 109 60 26746 Knightbanneret 4 105 725 26722 Banish 5 101 680 26722 Annie Oldfleld 6 102 675 26769 Golden Scepter 4 102 710 71026fi922Impromptu 26fi922Impromptu 3 100 715 26796 Light Hull 3 97 610 26722 Joe Collins 3 92 690