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WASHINGTON PARK FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CHICAGO ILL July 17 Twentysecond day Washington Park Club Bummer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge John F Morse Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2 30 p m C Q rT O f FIRST RACE 1 Mile 600 added 75 to second 25 to third JUJ t J A 3yearolds Allowances ind Horses A Wt St M H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26744 ADMONITION 112 4 IH IH IH n INK JWinkfleldP Dunne 4 5 1351120 26540 blX BHOOTER 107 1 31 311 32 2 2 T Knight J B Hespass 2 21 2 12 1226723J1MINEZ 26723J1MINEZ 122 2 231 22 211 3S 310 Caywood F J KelJey 1 32 75 25 24809 EOMIR 107 SB 4 4 4 4 4 J Martin Thompson Bros 100 100 60 12 12Time Time 24 486 114 140 140Winner Winner Blk c by Hanover Kelp KelpWent Went to post at 230 At post 2 minutes Start perfect Won driving second easily Ad ¬ monition showed a great turn of speed and eet a hot pace for the entire route He shook off Jimmez who had ran lapped on him attho last eighth but had to be driven out to stall off Six Shooters rush in the last sixteenth The latter under a strong ride finished strongly but could not quite get up Jimmez ran right to his best form bcratched 26663 beidu 112 112No No show betting on first three f rj O Q SECOND BACK 1 11G Miies 600 added 100 to second 50 to third l J e O 3yearolds and upward Selling InU Horses A Wt 8t fc V4 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 266342FKDERAL 5 106 2 li 1 12 12 is Qormley L Marion Co 115125125710 26724 CAPX GA1NE3 4 107 3 3 31 21 22 221 J Mathews W G Mathews 65 65 65 920 26574 PRINCE BLAZE86 101 4 51 b 52 31 31 R Bnllivan T Licalzi 20 40 40 12 26769 CROCKET 6 104 IH 6 6 3 41 4H HshbergerJ C Cahn 10 12 12 4 26693 Q W W 3 95 6 41 43 6 6 53 J Ranch Baker Gentry 4i 71 71 115 11526630MOBEPHINE 26630MOBEPHINE B 5 94 5 21 22 4n 51 6 R Steeie T E Barrett Oo 20 20 13 5 5Apprentice Apprentice allowance Time 12 24 49 1 14 1 41 1 48 48Winner Winner br g by Burlington or Kingston Forethougnt ForethougntYent Yent to post at 305 At post 1 minute Start good TV on in a canter second easily Federal showed the most spaed of his field all the way and was never in trouble winning eased up at the end Captain iaiues was the beat of the others Prince Blazes finished strongly Crocket tired palpably in the last eighth G W W ran a dull race Josephine B quit after running well for six furlongs furlongsBcratched Bcratched 26746Tammany Chief 94 94Federal Federal show 2 to 5 Captain Games show out Prince Blazes show 4 to 1 rt C r f A THIRD RACE58 Mile 1400 added 200 to second 100 to third 5O I Cftt 2yearolds Handicap ind Horsea A Wt at 54 ft S StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 26257END BY RIGHT 122 61 52 51 61 11 J Woods J W Schorr 85 851310710 851310710262252ELB1E 262252ELB1E L 114 1 41 31 3 21 Dominick M H TichenorCo4 994 994267192OLiD 267192OLiD HUTCH 110 5 81 9i 7 3 Dupee Turney Bros 20 40 40 15 152654132D 2654132D AUSTIN 120 3 61 61 51 4 Bnllman G C Bennett Co 3 185185 75 26745 ROSE WAR 100 71 21 2 51 J Ranch BnrnerVaterhse20 30 30 12 267492 J V KIR BY 109 IQi 9 101 Si 6 J Winktield P Dunne 10 15 15 6 6266943JAUBERT 266943JAUBERT 1121 4 1U 71 91 72 Yandnsan H J Bcoggran 15 40 40 12 26541 SlbTER JEANIE 110 113 IQI Hi 10 81 J Matiiews W B JenningBCoSO 30 25 8 26629 JACK RATTLiIN 112 81 3 41 4 9K J Martin J D Smith 15 40 40 15 263152 JORDAN 101 91 71 81115101 HshbergerT P Hayes 20 50 50 20 26541 WA1NAMOINEN 115 2 1 IH IH 113 T Knight Talbot Bros 8 16 16 3 3254893SOUTH 254893SOUTH EijKHORNl09 12 12 12 12 12 H Bnllivan W H McCorkle 20 40 40 15 15Time Time 12 24 35 47Jil 00 00Winner Winner B f by Inspector B Early Morn MornWent Went to post at 340 At post 10 minutes Start good Won driving but going away at th end second handily Endurance by night ran a high class race and finished like a whirlwind It seemed for a moment as if she would not get through at the last eighth but Woods took a cnunco and squeezed through a small opening Elsio Li came strongly in the last eighth and was the best of the others Old Mutch came from away Lack and finished fast and strongly nipping Ed Austin on the post for tnird money Rosewar showed a great turn of speed and only quit in the closing strides Jack Rattlin was there for four and a half furlongs and then cried quits Wainamomen showed the most speed to the last eighth and then quit quitScratched Scratched 267493Hans Wagner 105 105Overweights Overweights Jaubert 11 pounds poundsEndurance Endurance by Right show 1 to 3 Elsie L show 2 to 1 Old Hutch show 7 to 1 Ed Austin show 7 to 10 fcj r7Q K FOURTH RACK 1 Mile and 2O ards 600 added 100 to second 50 to UD 4 IO third 3yearolds and upward Allowances ind Horsea A Wt St M K S StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C i 2663D81DNKY LUCAS 4 117 H 4 4 4 32 11 R Sullivan Thompson Bros 8521 21 45 26689HEAD WATER 5109 21 211 2H 32 4 21 X Knight H Li Jones Oo 57732 2672331Hifi LADY 4 105 4 35 3 2 1 310 T Meade B C Hildreth 1 1 45 13 1326690STHE 26690STHE RUSH 4110 3 U U H 21 4 Hshberger W H May Son 69885 69885Time Time 27 51 116 139 141 141Winner Winner Ch c by Top Gallant Addle J 11 11Went Went to post at 425 At pobt 6 minutes Start poor Won in a canter second driving Sid ¬ ney Lucas came in the last eighth with one of his oid time stretch rushes and won with speed in reserve Headwater finished with determination and nipped the tiring The Lady on the post The latter seemed to have a chance a furlong out but tired badly in the last sixteenth The Rush ran well for siz furlongs furlongsNo No show betting fc f7O iQ FIFTH RACK34 Mile 600 added 100 to second 50 to third 2O I t7O 3yearolds and upward Belling iua Horses A Wt Bt J4 H StrFiu Jockeys Owners OHO 26773 ANDKS 5 104 2 SH 3 li is HshbergerJ Arthur 10 30 16 7 23752 HOFTRAMARE6 6 103 Id 8 K 8 7U 21 J Mathewa J U Strode 30 100 25 10 26485 ISALINE 4 410317U 1031 7U 7 7 41 31 JWinkfieldC Lind 21 1S513565 26747 M1NYON 4 97 3 SKK IH iu 4 Gormley JF Newman 3 51 51 115 24913 bEGURANCA 4 103 5m 4 31 51 jjominick G C Bennett Co20 50 50 20 26288 RAN CO 4 103 SH SH26021SKUVANNA 4a 511 62 61 R Bteele J D McMillanCoSO 40 40 15 26021SKUVANNA 5 103 8 101 IQI 91 7n J Woods F Phillips 4 4 1351 1351266593L1GHT 266593L1GHT BALL 3 1001 5 6 6 8 86 T Knight J Curl 10 10 10 4 26514 ORAHAVILLII5 9712 IH IH 103 91 J Martin G B flavill 30 40 40 15 26572 SORTIE 3 88 U 92 91 112 IQI J Ranch P Corrigan 8 12 12 5 26664 LADY 1DRIB 3 90 4i 211 21 51118 J Hicks AENeffCo 10 25 25 8 26021 WHISPER LOW 5 1011112 12 12 12 12 R Sullivan G W Curtis 30 100 100 40 40Time Time 24 49 114 114Winner Winner Br h by Helicon Jess JessWent Went to post at 505 At post 7 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Andes always well up came away easily m the last eighth Henry of Trastamare finished fast and strongly Isalme was very tired at the finish Minyon as usual gave it up when the pinch came bignranca seemed to have a chance at the stretch turn but faded away in the run in Revanna could not get up a respectable gallop Lady Idris as usual showed speed early and then quit badly badlyOverweights Overweights Whisper Low 21 pounds Light Ball 21 Henry of Trastamare 2 Revanna 1 1Andes Andes show 3 to 1 Henry of Trastamare show 5 to 1 Isaline show 3 to 5 Revanna show 1 to 2 c r rj C 17 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 600 added 100 to second 50 to third 25 O i J i 3yearolda and upward Selling AWt St J H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O 25640 RIVAL DARE 5 103 11 I2 13 12 12 Dominick Bolich Sweet 6 7 26664 WINTER 5 101 4n 61 SH 31 2G T Knight J B Hespass 6 7 7 21 26664 ASTOR 6 99 31 3 4 51 3 J Martin C R Ellison 8 12 12 4 2A7473SIM W 8107 5 41 2 2 41 HshbergerPascoe Co 4662 u u266632TBIADiTZA 266632TBIADiTZA 4105 22 21 31 43 51 J Woods J W Schorr 1 3 3266892REAUTY 32 32 35 266892REAUTY BOOK 4 93 7 51 61 6 65 Gormley FBVanMetorBroS 8 280 26028 8 ROSA DIAH 4 41016 101 6i 7777 Doss C B Campbell 30 304 40 40 12 Apprentice allowance Time 24 49 1 13 13Winner Winner Ch m by Only Dare Mollie Jones Went to post at 545 At post 3 minutes Start fair Won easily second the same Rival Dare showed the most speed through the entire route and the race was never in doubt Winter flniahed fast and strongly but kad no chance to beat the winner Astor ran a dnll race bn he stride and rode her all over the track Bhe can do much better Rosa Diah was short Bcratched26320 The Pride 109 26773 Irish Jewel 105 2672Q2Money Muss 104 267223 Hylo iWvilcirKhow syir Winter show 6 to 5 Aator ehow 2 to 1 Triaditza show out