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151 ShotToday Thursday15i Shot ShotDONT DONT FAIL I5Y ALL MEANS TO GET IN ON THIS GOOD THING Will THINGWill bo played foe a killing all over tne country and will win easily regardless of odds or track condition rain or shine My Tuesdays good thing SHARP BIRD ran second only baaUn a nose 3 to 1 place As usual I will be at watermelon stand The best of handicappars bay my sheet for the conditions of horses I aim to give special information on one or two liorees daily as SPECIALS Commencing Jnly 22 will furnish direct information on dt Louis Kinloch Park races NOTE My St Louis office is closed RATES SlOO DAILY 100 WEEKLY Chicago and St Louis Moat PV mPlfTY UP RJHTTflN ROOM 610 Successful 610Successful Handle ippar CAJUUfLl IIU DllM Uil 225 DEiBBO iN dTREET