Notes Of The Turf., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-27


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NOTES OP THE TUBS Jack Joyner tho wollknown trainer believea that he haa the winner of the Futurity in Numeral a aolt by Juvenal and owned by Perry Bclmont Joyner cave it out that two days ago the colt showed him a six furlong trial over the Sheepahead Bay race track in the f st time of 113 If Numeral can run that fast in the Futurity he will come very clcse to boating Nasturtium and the rest of the cracks which will start Few believe however that the time was correct correctTho Tho wellknown racer Btnela by Irequois Bracelet Hie property of E 8 Gardner Jr died in his stall at Hawthorne yastorday from tho effects of a eavero attack of colic Bangle when in hia prime was a superior race horse winning many important raeas against high class opposition Lately he had become soar tempered and avsrao to racing and had recently been schooled over the jumps with a viaw to making him a steeplechaser steeplechaserGreen Green Morris Cnnard haa not raced since he has been at Saratoga and was under the care of a veterinarian since hia victory at Morris Park His work has not been startling but ho scorns to be all right and a sure starter for the Fu ¬ turity On his best form Cuntrd must be counted in and his astute trainer is the man to deliver him at the post fit if such a thing is possible possibleGlonhoim Glonhoim the noted thoroughbred stallion purchased last spring of John E Madden by John Hackay for J B Haggin has baen shipped to California where he will go into ths Bancho del Paio stud Glenheim has boon quartered the past six months at Elmendorf He was brought out by Madden and won sev ¬ eral stakes as a two and threeyearold threeyearoldBatten Batten owned by Tom McDowell has been sent to Ashland and will bo placed in the stud McDowell sold the running qualities of the horse two years ago to Captain Sam Brown of Fittsbnrg for 10000 Rush the wonderful race mare also bred by McDowell and sold to W C Whitney for 7500 has been placed in the stud at La Belle farm farmW W C Whitney has purchased nineteen acres of land near the Saratoga race track from Sen ¬ ator Eugene F OConnor on private terms It is understood that Mr Whitney will build a stable and training quarters on tho property propertyHugh Hugh McCarren haa purchased of J L Hol ¬ land The Golden Prince ch g 3 by Prince of Monaco Caasilla and Far Cry br c 2 by Far andole Clara Christine ChristineWhen When J G Follanabee sold a half interest in Cameron to Mr Davis at the bselnning of the season he only received 100 A few days ago Mr Follaaibso bought Mr Daviis interest back again for 4000 4000The The FasigTipton Company have received initructions to sell all of tho Bancocas yearlings fortytwo head at the Sheepshead Bay pad ¬ docks on Thursday September 12 12So So 80 Chicago H S Tobacco has won fifty two races in the course of his career careerW W Walk Detroit Mich Plead was out to show in race 27652

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