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ARE YOU SATISFIED SATISFIEDTo To pay us for winners after they wi7 If so write or cell and wo think we can coavinoi you that by following us you can wia a f w bats each week f7a only have asvoral lire oaaa each week Why are we tha moat aiccaiefal turf correspondents ia business 8ec ui we DO NOr GDEfl9 THEM bat gst tho but IN ¬ FORMATION money ca bay All basineas strictly coafldantial coafldantialCOOPERWILSON COOPERWILSON CO 520 Ogden B1 1 Clark and Lake Sts Chicago IF VQLJ VQLJFollow Follow ua you will find we keep every promise we aend out from two to sir winners every day dayINSIDE INSIDE INFORMATION INFORMATIONCombined Combined with tha greatest aratem of handicapping on earth ia tha reison of our wonderful ancceae 4 INSIDE POINTERS TUESDAY TUESDAYOne One will be aa good ns 10 to 1 It is a chance to m ke a good addition to your bank coll You can baat them if you fol ¬ low ns Special ins tractions at our office how to plar tho races Form Latter Handicap on all racea on sale at 9 a ox 100 PER DAY 400 WEEKLY WEEKLYRace Race Track Information Bureau BureauSUIT SUIT 500 2C32C9 DEABBORX ST Also aold at Kolmanaa 267 Dearborn Street ANTE UP 81 An owner of race horees stabling at Brooklyn and racing on tho oastarn tracJru will i nd oan or two good things daily TERMS 300 DAILY Address H OWNER PO BOX 4 BROOKLYN N Y Metropolitan Exchange ExchangePARK PARK ROW BUILDING Boom 1982 1321 Park Row Jfcir Tork Citjr CitjrSEND SEND FOR PARTICULARS PARTICULARSUniA UniA 25 Capital Made in 1 Week GO GOnUn nUn 50 Capital 3Iode in 1 Week 13O 13OEDWARD EDWARD BORST Manager EVENING STAR 4 1 BANISH 4 1 1I I am training a largo stable of raca horses now quartered at H awtboraa and am ia a position to send a fewsaUct bettors some valuable inside information Terms 200 daily Saa ill monoy by special dolivary Inttar GEORGE 12AY MOND POBOX G5 HAWTHORNE ILL JOG SILURIAN 121 I A jockey in the employ of a prominent stable racing at tho local tracks will send somo valu ¬ able inside stable information to a faw select bettors Terms 200 daily end mon y by special dolivory latter A JOCKEY P O OI I BOX 75 HAWTHORNE ILL