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FORT ERIE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track slow First Race D 18 Furlongs FurlongsAll All Ages Maidens Allowances Ind Horses Ago Wt Hdcp 28672 Kings Pet 5 109 671 6712732J 2732J Landerdalo 3 106 681 19046 Lord Crimson 3 103 671 28171 DollaCee 3101 67 27736 Infallible 3 101 66 27678 The Oriole 4 100 66 27641 Northman 3 98 68 27847 Anrous 3 99 661 27806 Annuity 3 99 68 27776 Chairman 3 96 681 27895 Nonpareil 3 94 67i 26018 Hattie Davis 2 87 691 691J78072Santa J78072Santa Bonita 2 80 70 70Second Second Race 4 13 Fnrlonsz 2yearolds Belling 27426 St Lazarus 108 715 26244 Starter 108 700 37741 Frank Bocker 108 705 27640 Tax Man 108 720 72029165Botina 29165Botina 105 715 27640 Halmetta 105 725 72527679J 27679J Patrick 105 710 27696 Dominican 101 695 27251 De Milsom 98 700 27807 Silver Chimes 98 695 27807 Anna Louise 93 690 27670 Jennie Day 98 705 27670 Miss Bornice 88 650 27695 Cormac 98 710 710Third Third Baco34 Mile MileSyearolds Syearolds Allowances 4292 Vouch 102 700 271583Albnla 101 725 725204903Militant 204903Militant 99 720 72027806Erema 27806Erema 92 715 27780 Spry 92 710 710J J E Lane Co entry entryFourth Fourth Bace 68 Mile 2yearolde Allowances Allowances2777S2Wiro 2777S2Wiro In 115 705 70527B78 27B78 Tho Common 115 710 71027741SPapsr 27741SPapsr Maker 103 725 72527S09 27S09 Lemuel 103 715 278082 Flintlock 100 720 720278073Viviani 278073Viviani 100 700 700Fifth Fifth Baoo 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Billing 27639 Rush Fields 7 108 710 710276782Branch 276782Branch 6 108 725 725277003Dick 277003Dick Warren 9 107 705 7057S062Rac8bud 7S062Rac8bud 5104 720 27698 Jessamine Porter II 6 102 700 27776 Tip Gallant 5 102 705 705278421Chevul 278421Chevul dOr 5 100 715 27775 M Murphy 4 98 700 700Sixth Sixth Bace 78 Mile 3yearolds Sailing 27638 Beackart Ill 715 715277Q3Mr 277Q3Mr Pomeroy 110 710 27810 Ziegftld 105 705 27 103Arganauta 103 725 725276833Lady 276833Lady Silver 103 720 27740 Prince of Africa 101 700 700276EO 276EO Marearet Stoele 100 705 705MerryMorn MerryMorn 98